  • 智能试衣镜:试衣间里的魔镜

    Phil Wahba 2014-11-28 11:58 发现相似文章


  • 10月27日商务英语

    财富中文网 2009-10-27 08:14 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句overshirt外套式衬衫(名词)(noun) An large, loose-fitting shirt worn unbuttoned as a light jacket by either men or women.EXAMPLE: Many fashion...

  • 'Halo Reach': The year's biggest game reviewed

    JP Mangalindan 2010-09-16 01:19 发现相似文章

    Is the year's most-anticipated title also a fitting swan song for the Microsoft franchise?Nine years. That's how long ago the first Halo hit Xbox and ...

  • How United Technologies is beating GE

    Rob Cox 2009-11-17 01:10 发现相似文章

    United Technologies is outperforming General Electric, at least in terms of shareholder returns - and now it's buying its rival's security systems ope...

  • 借鉴硅谷经验,华尔街推进金融科技创新

    Aric Jenkins 2019-06-26 05:30 发现相似文章

    带有美元符号的计算机电路板。图片来源:blackred Getty Images/iStockphoto尽管市面上已经有大量的移动应用程序帮美国人管理预算,但如果有人带着“满满一鞋盒文件”去申请抵押贷款还是正常现象。上周四《财富》杂志在纽约蒙托克举办的首届头脑风暴金融活动上,金融科技初创公司Plai...

  • Guitars for rock gods

    财富中文网 2009-05-26 05:18 发现相似文章

    Louisville entrepreneur Jimmy Brown got his start selling vintage axes to rock royalty 30 years ago. And he's still at it.By Deborah Moss(Fortune Smal...

  • 奥巴马遭遇新对手(节选)

    Shawn Tully 2012-08-15 01:46 发现相似文章

    奥巴马召开冬季医疗保健峰会的前夜,众议员保罗•瑞安正在Talay Thai餐厅用餐,这家朴实无华的餐厅用的是金属椅子和胶合板桌子。在这个严寒的冬日晚上,瑞安从他那狭窄的国会山办公室漫步到Talay餐厅,身上连件外套都没穿——他说:“我可是威斯康星人!”当天晚上,他将睡在办公室里的一张简易小床上——他...

  • 六成大学生自称极焦虑 他们最担心什么?

    Renae Reints 2018-09-25 05:30 发现相似文章


  • It's time to stop blaming the lenders

    Duff McDonald 2010-10-25 06:45 发现相似文章

    Before we take the entire banking industry to task on the foreclosure mess, it bears reminding that the source of the problem is people who bought hom...

  • Behind the curtain at Honda

    Alex Taylor III 2010-09-27 01:20 发现相似文章

    When a new car is unveiled to the public, the thousands of decisions that went into its conception often get lost in the hullabaloo -- along with the ...