  • Handsome government handout for homebuilders

    Colin Barr 2010-01-14 01:56 发现相似文章

    By Colin BarrTalk about cash for clunkers.Lennar (LEN), the Miami-based homebuilder that has been gushing red ink since its misguided bets on house pr...

  • Did Apple solve its PR problem?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-07-21 02:57 发现相似文章

    The key takeaways from Steve Jobs' "death grip" press conferenceThree weeks and a day after Apple (AAPL) launched the iPhone 4, Steve Jobs took the st...

  • 4月16日商务英语

    财富中文网 2009-04-16 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句rebate优惠,现金返还(名词)(noun) A partial refund offered to customers as an inducement to buy a productEXAMPLE: The computer printer cost $30...

  • 2月7日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-07 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词discotetic中文释义混乱的(形容词,俚语)英文释义(adjective, SLANG) Describing the chaotic results of frequent changes of direction, policy or procedures within a...

  • 2月28日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-28 08:00 发现相似文章

    今日单词:单词approach中文释义首次接洽潜在客户(名词,销售用语)英文释义(noun, SALES USAGE) A sale representative's first contact with a prospective customer例句EXAMPLE: The sales rep...

  • Help! My boss is driving me nuts

    财富中文网 2009-09-01 05:20 发现相似文章

    When a control-freak boss is in charge, you and your co-workers may be tempted to rebel. Here's a better strategy.By Anne FisherDear Annie: We used to...

  • 投资家——你所不知的摇滚巨星大卫•鲍伊

    Andy Server 2016-01-14 05:30 发现相似文章


  • Shake. Load. Kaboom. $600+/day.

    财富中文网 2009-10-13 11:07 发现相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittMost iPhone apps lose money, but some freebies — like Shotgun — rake in the cashAs an app, Shotgun Free doesn't do much. Give it...

  • Apple closes the Antennagate

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-09-14 01:07 发现相似文章

    After more than three months of complaints, lawsuits and a global media frenzy that culminated in an extraordinary Steve Jobs' mea culpa, Apple (AAPL)...

  • How to return your iPad

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-04-09 10:06 发现相似文章

    Buzzmachine's Jeff Jarvis, one of the Web's most prolific scribblers and author of What Would Google Do?, has decided to return his iPad. He says he k...