Welcome to Omaha, Todd Combs
Todd Combs, the up-from-obscurity investment manager whom Warren Buffett has made famous simply by hiring him, met just about all of the Berkshire Hat...
排名:33 (去年排名:9)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?这家在无线技术领域遥遥领先的公司显然要取代谷歌,创建最有创新精神的员工餐厅。它从纽约市请来一位主厨,负责管理餐厅事务,餐厅的新鲜食物都是从本地农场主那里订购的,而且不提供罐头食品。2009年营业收入(百万美元):10,990网址:www.qual...
Are compensation committees covering for high CEO pay?
When you want to understand whether the CEO runs the board or the board oversees the CEO, a good place to start is to look at the work of the Compensa...
排名:52 (去年排名:43)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?乘着云计算的浪潮,这家销售软件开发商在两年内把员工规模扩大了50%。最好的生产者可以加入“最佳人才俱乐部”,获得去夏威夷的豪华度假地旅游4天的资格。2009年营业收入(百万美元):1,306网址:www.salesforce.com ...
The Honeycomb effect
Android users have been waiting for the just released Gingerbread upgrade. But yesterday Andy Rubin leapfrogged them by demoing next-gen OS Honeycomb,...
迪勒的网络公司与亚马逊、雅虎、eBay 并称因特网“四骑士”。这家公司究竟货真价实,还是又一个海市蜃楼?作者: Bethany McLean去年秋季的某一天,400 位投资者和分析师齐聚华尔街,用一整天的时间聆听巴里•迪勒(Barry Diller)和他的因特网公司 InterActiveCorp....
Multinational Companies in China : Facing New Competitive Challenges
By Thomas D. GormanIn the early 1980s , in the initial stages of the Open Door policy , foreign invested 5-star hotels were one of the first categorie...
Enron, welcome to Broadway
A British hit play based on the 2001 scandal is set to come to New York next spring - then to a movie theater near you.By Beth KowittCan Jeff Skilling...
Luxury makes a comeback
Jaguar, Oakley, and other brands are trying to put the 'lux' back in luxury, despite the recession.By Suzanne KapnerHere's what the financial crisis s...