BP slashes dividend
(FORTUNE) -- BP ended weeks of speculation Wednesday by canceling its quarterly dividend for the rest of this year.Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said ...
BP after the spill: Bankrupt, bought, or business as usual?
Despite some progress over the weekend to slow the flow of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, BP is still struggling to find a meaningful bright spo...
上周六上午,我们乘飞机来到“深水地平线”(Deepwater Horizon)爆炸事故现场。这是英国石油公司(BP)资助的最后一趟定期媒体之旅。一个月前,这趟每周一次的航班有着长长的等待名单,而现在,19座的Sikorsky S-92A直升飞机上还有空的座位。这个信号说明,随着Macondo油井最终...
BP doubles down on deepwater drilling
This summer BP outlined a plan to shed $30 billion worth of assets to free up some cash to pay for the Macondo well disaster. It still needs to ink so...
作者:Thomas A. Stewart一场冷雨使第 184 中队的男孩子们轻轻松松地假扮成士兵。实际上,他们是诺曼底海滩上的 40 名美国童子军队员──都是美国海外侨民的儿子。或许,55 年前他们的祖父或曾祖父曾经在这个海滩上浴血奋战过。几天之后,在温暖、干燥的伦敦,他们的童子军队长肯特•格林斯(...
英国石油公司(BP)急需唾手可得的化石燃料收益。自从“深水地平线”钻井平台爆炸导致墨西哥湾漏油灾难后,该公司的离岸钻探声誉已经蒙上了一层阴影。同时,该公司正在出售资产,以求在2011年年底前获得300亿美元的现金。因此,BP已经到了另辟新路的时候。从它的合作伙伴加拿大哈斯基能源公司(Husky En...
Three lessons for BP from the Exxon Valdez spill
Up until the catastrophic Gulf oil spill in April, BP had done a pretty good job of presenting itself as the eco-friendliest big oil company around.Bu...
BP's murky deep-water future
Not only did the virtually impossible happen -- a blowout on the Gulf of Mexico seabed a mile down -- it happened to a top-notch oil team. BP's debacl...
Why going unconventional is BP's safest bet
BP needs low-hanging fossil fuel fruit. After the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf, the company has tarnished its offshore exploration reputatio...
BP's "Mission accomplished" moment
From the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, the end almost seems to be in sight.We flew out to the scene of the Deepwater Horizon explosion on Saturday mo...