Enron, welcome to Broadway
A British hit play based on the 2001 scandal is set to come to New York next spring - then to a movie theater near you.By Beth KowittCan Jeff Skilling...
Welcome to 2010: My resolutions
By Stanley BingI figure I’ll have a better shot at living up to my resolutions if I made them achievable:• Go to work every day I’m expected to and no...
Welcome to Omaha, Todd Combs
Todd Combs, the up-from-obscurity investment manager whom Warren Buffett has made famous simply by hiring him, met just about all of the Berkshire Hat...
Shorts and hedge funds, welcome to China!
A flurry of bad news this summer in the U.S. hedge fund industry, including the shuttering of big name funds like Stan Druckenmiller's Duquesne Capita...
Welcome to Detroit, Mr. Whitacre
The honeymoon is officially over.Three months after he replaced Fritz Henderson as CEO of General Motors, Ed Whitacre is getting a rude introduction t...
The Chinese give Tim Geithner a warm welcome - to a point
When the Treasury Secretary met with leaders in Beijing to offer assurances that the U.S. can repay its debts, he received a somewhat sympathetic ear....
领导力内部网络是一个在线社区,商界最具思想和影响力的人士会在这里及时回答关于职业生涯和领导力的问题。今天的问题是:怎样在职场上留下良好的第一印象?回答者是Broadway Stages的总裁和首席执行官吉娜·阿尔真托。新入职场的年轻员工可能会不知所措。在通过面试环节获得工作后,他们会疑惑怎样才能留下...
2018年3月22日,卡西·利维和帕蒂·穆林率演职人员在纽约市圣詹姆斯剧院为百老汇音乐剧《冰雪奇缘》举行开幕之夜谢幕礼。受新冠疫情影响,该剧将不会在百老汇的剧院重新开放时回归舞台。图片来源:Walter McBride—Getty Image当百老汇的剧院重新开放时,重金打造的音乐剧《冰雪奇缘》将不...