  • 智能家居梦想照进现实

    Brian Dumaine 2012-12-13 02:00 发现相似文章


  • A camera that reads text aloud

    财富中文网 2009-11-12 06:15 发现相似文章

    By Jon ForttWhen Ben Foss's father in law was dying of liver cancer months ago, friends suggested Foss read "How We Die" to help the family with the g...

  • The great iPad security breach

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-10 09:45 发现相似文章

    According to a report on a Silicon Valley gossip site, Apple (AAPL) and AT&T (T) have suffered a security breach that has exposed the e-mail addresses...

  • Adobe Systems

    《财富》 2011-04-07 07:30 发现相似文章

    排名:65 (去年排名:42)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?这家软件公司是硅谷最大的捐款人之一:员工捐款多少,公司同样捐多少,最高上限为5,000美元。2009年营业收入(百万美元):2,946网址:www.adobe.com ...

  • FactSet Research Systems

    《财富》 2011-04-07 07:34 发现相似文章

    排名:64 (去年排名:48)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?在为期5周的迎新活动中,公司为新员工配备了导师,此外还组织了晚宴、保龄球之夜,以及外出观看体育赛事等项目。2009年营业收入(百万美元):622网址:www.factset.com ...

  • Brocade Communications Systems

    《财富》 2011-03-22 06:45 发现相似文章

    排名:89 (去年排名:61)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?这家网络公司去年举办内部推荐竞赛,奖品包括现金和赢得iPad的机会。2009年营业收入(百万美元):1,953网址:www.brocade.com...

  • Are operating systems a dying breed?

    财富中文网 2009-10-19 05:17 发现相似文章

    As the launch of Windows 7 approaches, one executive ponders the relevance of the OS.By Richard MuirheadThe perception is that operating systems are d...

  • Next big thing: the cell phone as broadcast camera

    Jon Fortt 2009-09-29 10:54 发现相似文章

    by Jon ForttUser-generated video goes mobile – and liveRamu Sunkara was at home in Silicon Valley three years ago, chatting with a friend in Moscow, w...

  • Skype for iPhone vs. FaceTime

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-01-06 05:55 发现相似文章

    Apple will have to add 3G calling to its video chat service if it wants to competeIf you have an iPhone, you'll want to get the free updated app Skype...

  • 2016年12大并购,LinkedIn不是最大的

    Lucinda Shen 2016-06-27 05:30 发现相似文章
