  • Are your best references wrecking your job prospects?

    Annie Fisher 2010-11-29 09:36 发现相似文章

    If you want to be a boss, rather than painting you as someone who plays well with others, your references would help you more by saying that you excel...

  • The best books on investing

    David Warsh 2010-12-30 01:55 发现相似文章

    After nearly 20 years as Sunday business columnist at The Boston Globe, and another eight as proprietor of Economic Principals -- a site that covers t...

  • When digital marketing campaigns actually work

    Calvin Jones, Damian Ryan 2010-10-12 01:39 发现相似文章

    What do you get for your digital-marketing dollars?Figuring how much revenue or brand value companies are generating from their investments in digital...

  • How Intel changed its tune on tablets

    Shelley DuBois 2010-11-01 06:03 发现相似文章

    The chip maker was gung-ho when the market looked small and the iPad was predicted to sell just OK. Now that it's booming, Intel says tablets are impo...

  • 币安将收购Voyager Digital的资产

    精选 2022-12-20 09:30 发现相似文章

    12月19日消息,币安发布声明称,将以10.22亿美元的价格收购加密货币借贷平台Voyager Digital的破产资产。这一价格比上一个收购方FTX 14.22亿美元的出价少了整整4亿美元。在声明中,币安称,在考察各种选择后,Voyager选择币安作为最高和最佳出价者。该交易对Voyager的加密...

  • Why enterprise tablets might flop

    Michal Lev-Ram 2010-12-01 02:06 发现相似文章

    The iPad has the affection of consumers, but most IT departments aren't rushing to integrate the new Apple tablet -- or any other, for that matter.Ima...

  • 《财富》赢得“Best in Business”六项大奖

    Jeff John Roberts 2017-03-23 05:30 发现相似文章

    一个由财经记者组成的业内组织发布了他们评选的2016年最佳商业作品。《财富》杂志名列前茅——在银行业、交通运输业等领域共赢得六项大奖,在所有媒体中并列第一。这个组织名为美国商业编辑和作家协会(Society of American Business Editors and Writers),他们在上...

  • Best and worst CEO buzz of 2009

    Jessica Shambora 2009-12-31 11:28 发现相似文章

    Fortune commissioned a statistical analysis of blogosphere chatter to discover which chiefs of Fortune 500 companies garnered the most buzz this year,...

  • 10 best stocks for 2011 (3)

    Jon Birger 2010-12-28 11:05 发现相似文章

    East West BancorpMarket cap: $2.6 billion2009 Revenue: $880 millionP/E ratio: 12.9Dividend yield: 0.2%Ticker: EWBCLike every other regional bank, Eas...

  • 10 best stocks for 2011 (2)

    Jon Birger 2010-12-28 02:00 发现相似文章

    TransoceanMarket cap: $21 billion2009 Revenue: $12 billionP/E ratio: 9.2Dividend yield: N.A.Ticker: RIGThe disaster that killed 11 workers and spille...