  • Dell: Barometer for a recovery

    财富中文网 2009-08-28 05:29 发现相似文章

    Analysts and investors will keep a close eye on the computer maker's quarterly results to see if overall tech spending is on the rebound.By Michael V....

  • Is Dell readying a smartphone for China?

    财富中文网 2009-08-13 10:35 发现相似文章

    By Jessi HempelThe PC maker widely rumored to be pursuing a phone for Chinese market. Is that a smart call?Will Dell (DELL) be able to get a smartphon...

  • Apple > Dell + HP

    财富中文网 2009-07-30 11:01 发现相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittIt’s been nearly 12 years since Michael Dell told an audience of technology executives — in a remark some of us never tire of re...

  • Why Dell won't go private

    Shelley DuBois 2010-11-26 01:59 发现相似文章

    The company needs to transform, but here's why going private doesn't make sense.Rumors of Dell going private really took off back in June when, at the...

  • Apple: Only good. Dell: Poor and very poor

    财富中文网 2009-04-20 08:36 发现相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) can take some satisfaction in the fact that it clobbered the Windows PC manufacturers in the customer experience su...

  • 券网成为重要经济指标

    PAUL SLOAN 2008-09-15 08:00 发现相似文章

    Coupons.com 从它 10 年的经营中学到了许多东西:如何幸免于网络泡沫的冲击,如何在衰退期保持生意兴隆,最近又学到了如何让自己成为一个出人意料的理想经济指标作者:PAUL SLOAN斯蒂芬·博尔(Steven Boal)完全有理由接听对冲基金经理打来的咨询电话,谈他对美国经济形势的看法。作...

  • 团购网站LivingSocial验证行业寒冬

    Dan Mitchell 2012-12-05 12:00 发现相似文章


  • 戴尔为什么强迫员工低价抛售股票?

    Dan Primack 2013-02-16 10:02 发现相似文章


  • 戴尔启动创新存储技术专项风投基金

    Michal Lev-Ram 2012-07-19 07:10 发现相似文章

    你是不是创办了一家创新的存储初创公司?如果是这样,电脑制造商戴尔(Dell)或许能给你投些钱。戴尔首席执行官迈克尔•戴尔在《财富》杂志(Fortune)美国阿斯彭技术头脑风暴大会上( Brainstorm Tech conference)表示,该公司正在筹建一只6,000万美元的早期存储基金。“戴尔...

  • 近场通讯:终将成为移动支付的未来

    JP Mangalindan 2011-05-28 01:29 发现相似文章
