Ratings reform: Try, try again
The administration seeks to boost transparency on the bond rating process, but it's unclear when its plan might see the light of day in Congress.By Co...
What Bloomberg brings to the credit ratings game
As the credit crisis blame game continues, most everyone agrees that credit ratings were as essential to the collapse as fraudulent mortgages -- speci...
Dagong show: China hammers U.S. credit rating
A report from America's biggest foreign creditor is the latest to ding the gold-plated reputation of U.S. Treasury debt.A Chinese credit rating agency...
S&P's commercial real estate revolt
Blistered by congressional wrath over the housing bubble, the ratings agency now has the financial industry fuming over an 'arbitrary' downgrade plan....
周三,美国财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦对参议院小企业与创业委员会(Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee)表示,政府需要向受到停工严重冲击和面临复工困难的企业提供更多更有针对性的援助。美国议员正在研究需要额外采取哪些措施帮助企业度过危机。美国财长称:“我们没...
Fed gets subpoena on BofA-Merrill deal
Legislators demand the Federal Reserve produce documents clarifying its role in Bank of America's decision to buy troubled broker Merrill Lynch.By Col...
Let big banks fail, bailout skeptics say
Top economists tell Congress the administration must change its approach to saving troubled financial firms or risk strangling an economic recovery.By...
尽管性保健产品在2020年的CES展会上备受瞩目,但在评选最佳产品时,最受追捧的还是传统技术产品。随着展会临近尾声,Engadget、The Verge等技术网站也分别发布了它们眼中的CES年度最佳产品。虽然过去几年各家网站往往能对哪项技术最有趣达成共识,但今年的结果却并非那么明朗。Engadget...
Business as usual for Moody's and S&P
Ratings agencies played a substantial role in the market meltdown -- and real reform is a long ways off.By Colin BarrWhat to do with Wall Street's glu...