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David Z. Morris




吉姆·辛卡克是位于俄亥俄州布鲁克菲尔德的Advanced Pest Control公司的老板,他确实付诸了行动。在研究美国环保署批准的清洁化学品后,他把通常用于动物感染后消毒的喷雾器变成了应付冠状病毒传播的武器。


辛卡克说,他之所以从杀六条腿的虫子转向杀看不见的病毒,主要是希望在危机中做点贡献。但不可否认,他的业务也发生改变。随着人们口口相传,业务也渐渐繁忙,而且预计5月封锁开始逐渐缓解后将“相当忙碌”。他说,在疫情大流行之前, Advanced Pest Control除了他自己只有4名员工。如今员工人数增加了一倍,他雇佣了四位新员工来操作喷雾器。


专家表示,这意味着清洁设备和人员方面的支出将大幅飙升,清洁大潮即将到来。William Blair的商业服务股票分析师蒂姆·穆鲁尼表示,全行业将迎来根本性变化。





“幸运的是,物体表面的病毒很容易杀死。”哈佛T.H.Chan公共卫生学院副院长乔·艾伦表示,他也是最近出版的《健康建筑》(Healthy Buildings)一书作者。“环保局注册的消毒剂可以起作用。棘手的是清洁频率。人们频繁使用的物品如果每天清理一次,显然不够。”艾伦表示,门把手和灯开关之类总会接触的部位要格外关注。

2020年3月21日,Maryland Cleaning and Abatement Servicess公司员工在马里兰州亨特谷一栋办公楼进行预防性的喷雾和蘸水擦拭。图片来源:Rob Carr—Getty Images



不过,并非所有新增劳动都交给传统的清洁服务。多家企业为清洁寻找新方式,其中就包括Advanced Pest Control提供的积极消毒法。







“如果对着办公桌喷,最终办公桌下面也能消毒。”领先的便携式静电喷雾器制造商Victory Innovations联合创始人克里斯·古雷里表示。“预计效率比使用喷雾瓶和擦拭高出60%至70%。”












但仅仅改进实际的清洁工作还不够:企业要向顾客和员工展示改进。这就是为何艾伦期望对设施的清洁度引入更多第三方认证,比如Fitwel和Well Building Standard提供的认证。约翰·索克表示,ServPro计划第一次向客户提供窗贴,强调企业正在使用该公司的服务。


William Blair的穆鲁尼说,焦虑因素可能更有利于借助清洁热潮崛起的知名品牌,例如ServPro、ABM Industries和ServiceMaster Clean。业务扩大往往也意味着更复杂的清洁协议和更完备的供应链,确保所需的供应和工具能跟上需求增加。种种因素可能推动长期以来支离破碎、准入壁垒也较低的行业进行整合。




吉姆·辛卡克是位于俄亥俄州布鲁克菲尔德的Advanced Pest Control公司的老板,他确实付诸了行动。在研究美国环保署批准的清洁化学品后,他把通常用于动物感染后消毒的喷雾器变成了应付冠状病毒传播的武器。


辛卡克说,他之所以从杀六条腿的虫子转向杀看不见的病毒,主要是希望在危机中做点贡献。但不可否认,他的业务也发生改变。随着人们口口相传,业务也渐渐繁忙,而且预计5月封锁开始逐渐缓解后将“相当忙碌”。他说,在疫情大流行之前, Advanced Pest Control除了他自己只有4名员工。如今员工人数增加了一倍,他雇佣了四位新员工来操作喷雾器。


专家表示,这意味着清洁设备和人员方面的支出将大幅飙升,清洁大潮即将到来。William Blair的商业服务股票分析师蒂姆·穆鲁尼表示,全行业将迎来根本性变化。





“幸运的是,物体表面的病毒很容易杀死。”哈佛T.H.Chan公共卫生学院副院长乔·艾伦表示,他也是最近出版的《健康建筑》(Healthy Buildings)一书作者。“环保局注册的消毒剂可以起作用。棘手的是清洁频率。人们频繁使用的物品如果每天清理一次,显然不够。”艾伦表示,门把手和灯开关之类总会接触的部位要格外关注。



不过,并非所有新增劳动都交给传统的清洁服务。多家企业为清洁寻找新方式,其中就包括Advanced Pest Control提供的积极消毒法。







“如果对着办公桌喷,最终办公桌下面也能消毒。”领先的便携式静电喷雾器制造商Victory Innovations联合创始人克里斯·古雷里表示。“预计效率比使用喷雾瓶和擦拭高出60%至70%。”












但仅仅改进实际的清洁工作还不够:企业要向顾客和员工展示改进。这就是为何艾伦期望对设施的清洁度引入更多第三方认证,比如Fitwel和Well Building Standard提供的认证。约翰·索克表示,ServPro计划第一次向客户提供窗贴,强调企业正在使用该公司的服务。


William Blair的穆鲁尼说,焦虑因素可能更有利于借助清洁热潮崛起的知名品牌,例如ServPro、ABM Industries和ServiceMaster Clean。业务扩大往往也意味着更复杂的清洁协议和更完备的供应链,确保所需的供应和工具能跟上需求增加。种种因素可能推动长期以来支离破碎、准入壁垒也较低的行业进行整合。



“Bats get into people’s attics. Raccoons get into people’s attics. And we go in and sanitize that. So my thought process was, what if we just took that... and we were able to do something for COVID-19?”

So that’s just what Jim Sinkuc did. After researching EPA-approved cleaning chemicals, the Brookfield, Ohio-based owner of Advanced Pest Control turned the fogging machines he normally uses to disinfect after an animal infestation into weapons against the coronavirus pandemic.

“I piloted it through my existing customer base, and everyone was really appreciative of it," he says. "It gave them peace of mind.”

Sinkuc says the desire to help in a crisis was his main motivation for pivoting from killing six-legged bugs to the microscopic kind. But there’s no denying it’s also transforming his business. He's had a surge of interest in the service based on word of mouth alone, and he anticipates he's going to be "pretty busy" as lockdowns begin to ease through May. Before the pandemic, he says, Advanced Pest Control had just four employees in addition to himself. He’s since doubled his staff, hiring four new workers to operate the disinfecting foggers.

Sinkuc’s pivot—and the resulting growth—are a microcosm of a much larger wave. After mandated lockdowns of shared spaces are eased, businesses from restaurants to office buildings to airlines will be going above and beyond to show customers that they’re keeping workers and guests as safe as possible.

Experts say that will mean a big surge in spending for cleaning equipment and staff—the cleaning boom is coming. According to Tim Mulrooney, a commercial services equities analyst for William Blair, that will be a fundamental change for the industry.

“Commercial cleaning is a mature industry. It grows in line with GDP," says Mulrooney. "[But] after coronavirus, I think you have a secular tailwind to commercial cleaning. Everyone from governments to corporates to individuals have a heightened focus on hygiene. And when you have a heightened focus, you have more dollars spent.”

How to clean up a virus

According to the Centers for Disease Control, coronavirus mainly spreads through the air, riding on droplets coughed or breathed out by people carrying the virus. Businesses will have to make a variety of accommodations to combat that risk, such as spacing workers further apart and erecting barriers in open offices.

But the virus can also persist on surfaces and then infect someone when it’s carried to their eyes or mouth.

“Fortunately, this virus is easy to kill on surfaces,” says Joe Allen, deputy director of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and author of the recent book Healthy Buildings. “EPA-registered disinfectants will work. The trickier part is around the frequency of cleaning. If you clean once a day in a highly trafficked area, that’s not enough.” High-touch areas like doorknobs and light switches will need particular attention, Allen says.

That means more labor for cleaning crews.

“We’re asking more of our janitorial partners,” says Anna Levine, North American general manager for shared workspace firm Industrious. Industrious has some spaces still open for essential businesses and is actively planning for the post-lockdown future. Coworking firm WeWork is also increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting, and both companies say that those changes will be in place indefinitely.

Not all of that increased labor will fall on conventional janitorial services, though: Many businesses are adding entirely new elements to their sanitation approach, including the kind of aggressive disinfection offered by Advanced Pest Control.

ServPro, a franchised cleaning business focused on disaster and hazardous materials cleanup, is seeing unprecedented demand for routine deep-cleaning to supplement janitorial services. According to COO John Sooker, that includes new or expanded agreements to regularly disinfect dozens of U.S. military bases and the facilities of a major U.S. aerospace firm.

Sooker describes the goal of these and other heightened measures as instilling ‘facility confidence’ in both workers and customers, who will be looking at the world with a largely new set of concerns.

“As you’re walking into either a food service space, hospitality, healthcare, retail—anything," says Sooker, visitors will ask: "What’s inside that building? Is there something there that could negatively affect my health?”

Clean growth

New technologies are also being deployed to instill that confidence. One in particular seems poised to become a symbol of post-lockdown public life: the electrostatic sprayer. The device, which looks a bit like a plastic gun, was prominently featured in a commercial touting Delta Airlines’ expanded cleaning efforts. Eclectrostatic spraying is also the first bullet point of Southwest Airlines’ new cleaning plans.

The sprayers give molecules of disinfectant a positive electrostatic charge before they’re sprayed onto surfaces. That both attracts the molecules to surfaces, and repels them from one another, creating an even coating and pushing disinfectant into recessed areas.

“If I’m spraying a desk, it’ll go underneath the desk,” says Chris Gurreri, co-founder of Victory Innovations, the leading manufacturer of portable electrostatic sprayers. “We estimate it’s 60-70% faster than using a spray bottle and wiping.”

It's also faster than lower-tech decontaminating foggers, which often require waiting several hours for particles to settle before a space can be used.

“Our business has gone crazy since the outbreak started,” says Gurreri. “We’ve been adding capacity every month, and our product is sold out into August.”

Gurreri says interest has come not just from hospitals, hotels, and airlines looking to improve their cleaning and disinfection protocols, but from businesses who want to have the sprayers on hand for routine use. He's heard from restaurants considering spraying down tables after every patron, and even automobile retailers who want to be able to disinfect cars before buyers pick them up.

According to Allen, a less visible but just as necessary change will be how the air is cleaned—particularly in large buildings.

“We chronically underventilate nearly every indoor environment we’re in, largely in an effort to conserve energy,” he says.

Recirculating air keeps down the cost of cooling and heating it, but also concentrates indoor pollutants—potentially including coronavirus-laden droplets. Allen says leaving more windows open to bring in fresh air will be a solution for some buildings, while others will have to increase filtration in HVAC systems.

The new normal

Companies and experts anticipate that heightened cleaning standards will be in place for the long haul. “I think there’s no question that a permanent shift is coming,” says Allen.

That could have profound benefits for Americans’ health, even after COVID-19 is under control. The same chemicals and procedures used to slow the spread of the coronavirus also meet CDC guidelines for controlling influenza, which kills as many as 61,000 Americans a year, despite the availability of a vaccine.

Fresher, cleaner air will come with an energy cost, but it could also increase office health and productivity.

“Decades of science show that when we bring in more fresh air, we have fewer sick days, less disease transmission, and better cognitive function,” says Allen.

But it won't be enough to just improve the actual cleaning: Businesses will have to demonstrate those improvements to customers and workers. That's why Allen also expects more demand for third-party certification of the cleanliness of facilities, citing those provided by Fitwel and the Well Building Standard. John Sooker says ServPro is planning, for the first time, to offer its customers window stickers to highlight that they’re using the company’s services.

“People want to trust that something has been done in their building," says Sooker. "I know I have a cleaning service that comes in and makes everything look clean visually. But what are you doing for the things we can’t see?"

According to Mulrooney at William Blair, that element of anxiety will likely help benefits of the cleaning boom accrue to recognizable cleaning brands including ServPro, ABM Industries, and ServiceMaster Clean. Larger operations also tend to have more sophisticated cleaning protocols and better supply chains, helping them secure needed supplies and tools as demand ramps up. Those factors could drive consolidation of what has long been a fragmented industry with low barriers to entry.

"Going with a large, well-known brand is what facility managers are going to be looking for," says Mulrooney. "Those companies are much better positioned as we enter the next phase of commercial cleaning.”



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