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沃尔玛美国的首席运营官达科纳•史密斯(Dacona Smith)在周三的一篇博文中表示,这项措施将从7月20日开始生效。沃尔玛将在其零售门店的入口处安排员工作为“健康大使”,以“提醒那些没有按照新要求佩戴口罩的人”。为保证实施,商店将只设立一个入口。


此前,好市多(Costco Wholesale Corp.),星巴克(Starbucks Corp.)和百思买(Best Buy Co.)等多家公司已经采取类似行动,要求其顾客佩戴口罩,沃尔玛也紧随其后:不仅要求其员工佩戴口罩,还通过指示牌标语鼓励顾客也要如此。


但是,随着疫情的恶化,一些州的新增病例数创下新高,一些企业高管也改变了主意。沃尔玛首席执行官道格•麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)周一接受彭博社的采访时表示,他将要求全美的沃尔玛顾客都要佩戴口罩进入门店。



电子产品零售商百思买(Best Buy)在沃尔玛之前就要求消费者“必须佩戴口罩进入门店”,但他们也在周二表示,儿童和“出于某些特殊的健康原因”而无法佩戴口罩的人仍然可以不戴口罩进入。这种对“健康原因”的让步引发了佩戴口罩的硬性规定中最棘手的问题之一:出于其他种种原因不愿戴口罩的顾客,都可以声称自己有“健康问题”,而商店的员工考虑到顾客的隐私,也无法要求他们提供具体的证明。


还有工人权益的倡导者们表示,这个过程对员工而言也绝非易事。国际食品商业工人联盟(United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)于6月25日表示,在其代表的一百多万超市员工和食品加工厂工人中,已有82名商店员工死于新冠肺炎,11,507人受到不同程度的影响,而这通常是由于他们需要长期暴露在与该病毒接触的环境中。

联盟主席马克•佩罗内(Marc Perrone)在最近的一次电话采访中说:“疫情对很多人来说有着切身的的影响,商超、工厂等一线工人感染的风险正在增加。”在通话中,还有一名来自克罗格公司旗下超市的员工说,在顾客冲她大吼“我一点儿都不在乎你的健康”之后,她就不再要求顾客戴口罩了。(财富中文网)



沃尔玛美国的首席运营官达科纳•史密斯(Dacona Smith)在周三的一篇博文中表示,这项措施将从7月20日开始生效。沃尔玛将在其零售门店的入口处安排员工作为“健康大使”,以“提醒那些没有按照新要求佩戴口罩的人”。为保证实施,商店将只设立一个入口。


此前,好市多(Costco Wholesale Corp.),星巴克(Starbucks Corp.)和百思买(Best Buy Co.)等多家公司已经采取类似行动,要求其顾客佩戴口罩,沃尔玛也紧随其后:不仅要求其员工佩戴口罩,还通过指示牌标语鼓励顾客也要如此。


但是,随着疫情的恶化,一些州的新增病例数创下新高,一些企业高管也改变了主意。沃尔玛首席执行官道格•麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)周一接受彭博社的采访时表示,他将要求全美的沃尔玛顾客都要佩戴口罩进入门店。



电子产品零售商百思买(Best Buy)在沃尔玛之前就要求消费者“必须佩戴口罩进入门店”,但他们也在周二表示,儿童和“出于某些特殊的健康原因”而无法佩戴口罩的人仍然可以不戴口罩进入。这种对“健康原因”的让步引发了佩戴口罩的硬性规定中最棘手的问题之一:出于其他种种原因不愿戴口罩的顾客,都可以声称自己有“健康问题”,而商店的员工考虑到顾客的隐私,也无法要求他们提供具体的证明。


还有工人权益的倡导者们表示,这个过程对员工而言也绝非易事。国际食品商业工人联盟(United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)于6月25日表示,在其代表的一百多万超市员工和食品加工厂工人中,已有82名商店员工死于新冠肺炎,11,507人受到不同程度的影响,而这通常是由于他们需要长期暴露在与该病毒接触的环境中。

联盟主席马克•佩罗内(Marc Perrone)在最近的一次电话采访中说:“疫情对很多人来说有着切身的的影响,商超、工厂等一线工人感染的风险正在增加。”在通话中,还有一名来自克罗格公司旗下超市的员工说,在顾客冲她大吼“我一点儿都不在乎你的健康”之后,她就不再要求顾客戴口罩了。(财富中文网)


Walmart Inc. will require customers to wear masks in all of its U.S. stores to protect against the coronavirus, an admission that the nation’s pandemic has reached new heights and setting up potential confrontations with customers who refuse to don them.

The measure will go into effect starting July 20, U.S. Chief Operating Officer Dacona Smith said in a blog post Wednesday. The retailer will place employees, dubbed “Health Ambassadors,” near the entrance to “remind those without a mask of the new requirements,” it said. Stores will have a single entrance.

“While we’re certainly not the first business to require face coverings, we know this is a simple step everyone can take for their safety and the safety of others in our facilities,” Smith said in the announcement. The requirement also applies to Sam’s Club, Walmart’s membership-based warehouse retail division.

Walmart’s decision follows similar moves by Costco Wholesale Corp., Starbucks Corp. and Best Buy Co. Walmart already demands that its workers wear masks and shoppers had been encouraged to do so with signage.

Most major retailers and drugstore chains require masks in places where state or local governments say they are mandatory, and about two-thirds of Walmart’s stores are located in areas with some mask mandate. But few have made it a nationwide policy, perhaps fearful of wading into what’s become a bitter political issue that has led to violent, even fatal, confrontations between retail workers and customers who refuse to cover their face.

As the pandemic worsens, though, and the number of new cases hits fresh highs in several states, some executives have changed their thinking. In an interview with Bloomberg Television Monday, Walmart Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon said requiring masks nationwide was on his mind.

‘Differing Opinions’

Still, getting every customer to wear a mask is much easier said than done.

Best Buy, the consumer electronics retailer, said Tuesday that small children and those unable to wear a mask “for health reasons” can still enter without one. The concession to those with health concerns raises one of the thornier problems with mask mandates: customers who simply don’t want to wear one for whatever reason can just claim to have a health problem, and store employees are unable to demand proof of their specific condition due to privacy concerns.

“We know it may not be possible for everyone to wear a face covering,” Walmart’s Smith said in the announcement. “We know some people have differing opinions on this topic. Our associates will be trained on those exceptions to help reduce friction for the shopper and make the process as easy as possible for everyone.”

Worker advocates say the process is anything but easy. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which represents more than a million employees in supermarkets and food-processing plants, said June 25 that 82 grocery workers it represents have died from Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, and 11,507 workers have been impacted in some way, usually by being exposed to the virus.

“This pandemic is real, and the risks to frontline workers are growing,” UFCW International President Marc Perrone said in a recent call with reporters. On the call, a worker at a Kroger Co. supermarket said she stopped asking customers to wear masks after a shopper said, “I don’t give a damn about your health.”



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