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提起CVS药店和科尔士,人们会想到超长收据和Kohl’s Cash代金券,而提起3B家居(Bed Bath & Beyond),则会想到优惠券。




特里顿出生于澳大利亚,在担任3B家居首席执行官的第一年里,他的工作异常繁忙和艰辛:去年,他闪电辞退了自己的高级管理人员,并出售了一些年收入20亿美元但损害公司整体利益的业务,此举大幅降低了公司沉重的债务负担。此外,他还对3B家居过时的电商模式进行了全面改革,并宣布将关闭200家门店(约占这家年收入70亿美元的连锁巨头现有门店的四分之一),以及对另外450家门店进行翻新。(该公司还拥有价值10亿美元的Buy Buy Baby chain连锁店以及Harmon Face Values。)


特里顿首次担任首席执行官便行事果断的背后,是他深知犹豫不决的代价——竞争对手Pier 1 Imports已经倒闭,自家公司也可能会步其后尘。3B家居的销售额已经连续三年出现了下滑,并在最近两年出现了净亏损。与此同时,在沿街购物中心与之相邻的TJX家居用品连锁店,以及他的老东家塔吉特百货(Target)已经赢得了很大的市场份额。正如特尔西咨询集团(Telsey Advisory Group)的分析师克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯上周在一份研究报告中指出的那样:“家居零售市场的竞争仍然十分激烈,3B家居的发展不会是线性的。”

新冠疫情导致了家庭消费的激增,给了3B家居重塑自我的机会,首席执行官马克•特里顿决心不浪费这个机会。图片来源:Courtesy of Bed Bath & Beyond








随后,他与猎头合作,从他的老东家塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙以及Gap、迪克体育用品(Dick’s Sporting Goods)、沃尔玛(Walmart)以及亚马逊(Amazon)等零售商那里招揽人才,开始组建自己的团队。特里顿说:“我告诉招聘人员,‘我要建立零售业的复仇者联盟’,而且我也做到了。”

任职第一年,特里顿着手对公司进行痛苦的精简工作:通过重组削减了数千个工作岗位,出售了Christmas Tree Shops连锁店和其他小业务。他希望,公司规模变小能够增强盈利能力。










提起CVS药店和科尔士,人们会想到超长收据和Kohl’s Cash代金券,而提起3B家居(Bed Bath & Beyond),则会想到优惠券。




特里顿出生于澳大利亚,在担任3B家居首席执行官的第一年里,他的工作异常繁忙和艰辛:去年,他闪电辞退了自己的高级管理人员,并出售了一些年收入20亿美元但损害公司整体利益的业务,此举大幅降低了公司沉重的债务负担。此外,他还对3B家居过时的电商模式进行了全面改革,并宣布将关闭200家门店(约占这家年收入70亿美元的连锁巨头现有门店的四分之一),以及对另外450家门店进行翻新。(该公司还拥有价值10亿美元的Buy Buy Baby chain连锁店以及Harmon Face Values。)


特里顿首次担任首席执行官便行事果断的背后,是他深知犹豫不决的代价——竞争对手Pier 1 Imports已经倒闭,自家公司也可能会步其后尘。3B家居的销售额已经连续三年出现了下滑,并在最近两年出现了净亏损。与此同时,在沿街购物中心与之相邻的TJX家居用品连锁店,以及他的老东家塔吉特百货(Target)已经赢得了很大的市场份额。正如特尔西咨询集团(Telsey Advisory Group)的分析师克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯上周在一份研究报告中指出的那样:“家居零售市场的竞争仍然十分激烈,3B家居的发展不会是线性的。”








随后,他与猎头合作,从他的老东家塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙以及Gap、迪克体育用品(Dick’s Sporting Goods)、沃尔玛(Walmart)以及亚马逊(Amazon)等零售商那里招揽人才,开始组建自己的团队。特里顿说:“我告诉招聘人员,‘我要建立零售业的复仇者联盟’,而且我也做到了。”

任职第一年,特里顿着手对公司进行痛苦的精简工作:通过重组削减了数千个工作岗位,出售了Christmas Tree Shops连锁店和其他小业务。他希望,公司规模变小能够增强盈利能力。










Coupons are as synonymous with Bed Bath & Beyond as foot-long receipts are with CVS pharmacy and Kohl’s Cash with that retailer.

But Bed Bath & Beyond has begun to rein in its addiction to giving shoppers coupons—and their addiction to getting them—as a centerpiece of CEO Mark Tritton’s efforts in his first year at the helm to restore the long beloved but troubled home goods retailer to glory. That’s not to say Bed Bath & Beyond is done with coupons. But Tritton is done with giving shoppers discounts that fail to gin up sales—perhaps because customers don’t really want them: Nearly half of all coupons go unused.

“We overflooded the market with coupons,” Tritton tells Fortune. What’s more, their overuse has muddled people’s sense of what Bed Bath & Beyond’s goods cost and are worth. He adds, “Customers don’t want to need a math degree to work out what value looks like.”

The move, announced at Bed Bath & Beyond’s analyst day last month, is just one of a number of radical steps taken by the CEO since he took the reins a year ago Wednesday. So far so good: In its most recent quarter, the 49-year-old retailer reported a surprise increase in comparable sales, its first since 2016. The stock, while worth only about a quarter of its all-time high in 2013, has risen sixfold since plumbing all-time lows back in March.

Tritton, an Australian native, has wasted no time in his first year as CEO: He quickly purged his C-suite last year and sold off a bunch of businesses that brought about $2 billion a year in sales but hurt the overall bottom line, reducing the company’s heavy debt load significantly in the process. What’s more, he has overhauled Bed Bath & Beyond’s antiquated e-commerce and announced he would close 200 stores, or about a quarter of the $7-billion-a-year chain’s fleet, and renovate 450 others. (The company also owns the billion-dollar Buy Buy Baby chain as well as Harmon Face Values.)

Next up for 2021: The Target alum plans to start 10 new store brands from scratch and vastly expand Bed Bath & Beyond’s assortment of inexpensive products.

If Tritton, a first-time CEO, is acting decisively, it’s because he has seen what dillydallying has done to rivals, like the defunct Pier 1 Imports, and was starting to do to Bed Bath & Beyond. The retailer had reported three years in a row of declining sales and net losses in the last two. Meanwhile, its strip center neighbors TJX’s HomeGoods chain and his alma mater, Target, have won a ton of market share. As Telsey Advisory Group analyst Cristina Fernández put it in a research note last week: “Competition in home remains intense, and Bed Bath & Beyond’s progress won’t be linear.”

“They likely would have been roadkill,” says Charles Lemonides, founder of ValueWorks, a hedge fund that has held the stock since 2017.

Despite years of substandard merchandise assortments, poorly maintained stores, and a slow, subpar e-commerce site, Bed Bath & Beyond held a special place in many shoppers’ hearts: Countless Americans have set up a wedding registry there or decorated their first home with its bedding and chairs.

“There was great customer love, there was loyalty; we were just squandering it,” Tritton says.

Clearing the deadwood

Before leaving for Bed Bath & Beyond, Tritton had been enjoying a stellar run at Target as the discount giant’s chief merchant. He had junked many of Target’s big but stale brands and launched 30 new store brands in 30 months in areas like home goods and apparel, some of which became billion-dollar businesses in their first year. Before that, he had overseen Nordstrom’s store-brand business to great success.

But fixing his new company and its manifold problems would force the rookie CEO to go beyond his core strengths. “Clearing away that clutter was a completely different skill set than curating good product,” says Lemonides.

So Tritton had to bolster management. In a move that stunned many retail experts, just days before Christmas 2019 and just weeks into the job, Tritton sent six members of his C-suite packing. “They were expensive, and they were ineffective, so it wasn’t a hard decision,” he says.

Working with headhunters, he set about building his own team, poaching people from his alma maters Target and Nordstrom, as well as from retailers such as Gap, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart, and Amazon. “I told recruiters, ‘I want the Avengers of retail,’ and I got them.”

In his first year, he proceeded to do the painful work of slimming down the company with reorganizations that eliminated thousands of jobs. He sold off the Christmas Tree Shops chain and other smaller businesses. The result will be a smaller, and he hopes, more profitable company.

But any turnaround offers low-hanging fruit in its initial stages. The tough part is poising a business to return to growth, rather than managing a slow decline. (Hello, department stores.) And here, Tritton again tapped into his own experience at Target.

He is planning to launch 10 new Bed Bath & Beyond store brands in the next three years, with the first one coming in the spring. Tritton wants store brands to hit 30% of sales in a few years, up from 10% now. And much of that will focus on lower-cost items, the better to recruit shoppers earlier and keep them as they graduate from life stage to life stage. “Customers used to go for big life events and then nothing until the next big life event,” says Lemonides. Some 35% of purchases at the retailer include only one item or items in one category, so the upside is enormous if Bed Bed & Beyond does this well.

At the same time, Bed Bath & Beyond has been faulted by customers and analysts alike for trying to be all things to all people buying home goods. So Tritton is trimming the number of individual items by 30% to avoid the so-called tyranny of choice. “How many potato peelers do you need?” he quips. What’s more, a smaller assortment makes inventory management less unwieldy and will help the retailer tame a persistent problem: out-of-stocks.

Stores overflowing with merchandise and selection were the way retailers conveyed opulence and leadership in the 1980s and 1990s, and Tritton says Bed Bath & Beyond never quite moved on from that mindset. “If you had masses of product, you were the authority.” Today, if shoppers want endless selection, they can go online to Amazon or Wayfair, which said on November 10 its third-quarter sales rose 67%, a reminder of the formidable competition in the space.

That’s not to say online is an afterthought for Tritton. Bed Bath & Beyond’s e-commerce has roughly doubled this year and is on pace to hit $3 billion, thanks to quickly setting up curbside pickup and improving what had been a primitive in-store service for online orders to capitalize on strong pandemic-driven demand. And the company has also improved its site with faster load times and easier search.

In the current retail landscape, authority comes from having a clear point of view and sensibility and offering customers “curation.” Says Tritton, “When you show that to customers with authority, clarity, and affordability, they trust you.”

And that goes a much longer way than endless coupons ever could.



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