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Brett Haensel





看涨的理由是什么?辉瑞(与德国公司BioNTech合作)在疫苗竞赛中领先,在短期内能给公司带来丰厚的收入,让投资者有机会了解公司正在开发的其他药品同样前景光明。瑞穗证券(Mizuho Securities)的总经理瓦米尔·迪万将辉瑞股票的价格目标提高到44美元,并给出了“买入”评级。他说:“我们对投资辉瑞的热情并不只是受到疫苗的影响。无论从公共健康还是公司的角度,疫苗显然都是好消息。但总体上来说,我们的观点是,辉瑞正在研发的更多产品,在未来五年左右,将让公司有极好的销售和收益增长前景。”

虽然瑞穗证券和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)预测,公司在2020年至2021年期间因新冠疫苗带来的销售额将达到约80亿美元,但辉瑞在2019年的总收入超过500亿美元,主要得益于立普妥(Lipitor)、乐瑞卡(Lyrica)、西乐葆(Celebrex)、希舒美(Zithromax)和万艾可(Viagra)等拳头产品。迪万认为,辉瑞其他有市场前景的开发中药物有望成为公司新的拳头产品,但这些药物被市场低估,比如针对肌肉萎缩和银屑病的药物等。




然而,有分析师认为,辉瑞迫切需要疫苗率先取得成功,因为从2025年到2030年,辉瑞将有多款产品的专利到期,包括Prevnar 13、Eliquis和Xtandi等。迪万表示:“这或许也代表了辉瑞未来的发展方向。它可能会变成一家更灵活、反应更迅速的公司,可以快速应对各种情况。今年年初,在被问到哪家公司的疫苗能够率先完成研发并成功上市时,绝大多数人并没有选择辉瑞,因为辉瑞一直被认为是一家老迈的、行动迟缓的公司。”(财富中文网)





看涨的理由是什么?辉瑞(与德国公司BioNTech合作)在疫苗竞赛中领先,在短期内能给公司带来丰厚的收入,让投资者有机会了解公司正在开发的其他药品同样前景光明。瑞穗证券(Mizuho Securities)的总经理瓦米尔·迪万将辉瑞股票的价格目标提高到44美元,并给出了“买入”评级。他说:“我们对投资辉瑞的热情并不只是受到疫苗的影响。无论从公共健康还是公司的角度,疫苗显然都是好消息。但总体上来说,我们的观点是,辉瑞正在研发的更多产品,在未来五年左右,将让公司有极好的销售和收益增长前景。”

虽然瑞穗证券和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)预测,公司在2020年至2021年期间因新冠疫苗带来的销售额将达到约80亿美元,但辉瑞在2019年的总收入超过500亿美元,主要得益于立普妥(Lipitor)、乐瑞卡(Lyrica)、西乐葆(Celebrex)、希舒美(Zithromax)和万艾可(Viagra)等拳头产品。迪万认为,辉瑞其他有市场前景的开发中药物有望成为公司新的拳头产品,但这些药物被市场低估,比如针对肌肉萎缩和银屑病的药物等。




然而,有分析师认为,辉瑞迫切需要疫苗率先取得成功,因为从2025年到2030年,辉瑞将有多款产品的专利到期,包括Prevnar 13、Eliquis和Xtandi等。迪万表示:“这或许也代表了辉瑞未来的发展方向。它可能会变成一家更灵活、反应更迅速的公司,可以快速应对各种情况。今年年初,在被问到哪家公司的疫苗能够率先完成研发并成功上市时,绝大多数人并没有选择辉瑞,因为辉瑞一直被认为是一家老迈的、行动迟缓的公司。”(财富中文网)



Following an overwhelmingly positive update on the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer earned pole position in the race, causing its share price to jump nearly 8% on November 9, hitting a 52-week high of nearly $42.

Though on November 10 the stock closed a bit lower, just below $39, the vaccine news has certainly provided shareholders with hope that the company’s stock would finally break out of its pandemic funk. Of course, others were left wondering whether or not the jump in share price was simply an overreaction to news that ultimately wouldn’t have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical giant’s bottom line.

The bullish case? That Pfizer’s status as the front-runner (in partnership with German company BioNTech) will in the short term provide a decent revenue bump and give investors a bridge to other equally promising drugs the company has in development. “Our enthusiasm on the company is not driven exclusively by the vaccine,” notes Vamil Divan, managing director of Mizuho Securities, who has raised his price target to $44 and has a “buy” rating on Pfizer shares. “It’s obviously good news both from a broader public health perspective and a company perspective. But our view overall is that within the broader Pfizer pipeline, the company has a very good sales and earnings growth outlook for the next five years or so.”

While Mizuho and Morgan Stanley project that the company will take in roughly $8 billion in sales between 2020 and 2021 as a result of its COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer brought in over $50 billion in total revenue in 2019, with core products such as Lipitor, Lyrica, Celebrex, Zithromax, and Viagra, among others, leading the way. Divan believes some of Pfizer’s other promising drugs in the pipeline—targeting diseases such as muscular dystrophy and psoriasis—are underappreciated by the market and have the potential to be blockbusters.

Divan believes the COVID-19 vaccine should provide Pfizer with a financially meaningful and steady revenue stream in the immediate future––fresh cash that can be used to fuel other M&A and R&D ventures––so long as it is effective and not outdone by the vaccines currently being developed by Big Pharma competitors. And that’s a big “if” for some.

For example, while Carter Gould, director of biopharma equity research at Barclays, acknowledges that the vaccine could “provide a pretty sizable revenue opportunity,” he believes that “one of the main takeaways of yesterday was, given the overwhelming efficacy, that you’re probably going to see multiple vaccines be efficacious.

“We’re neutral-rated on Pfizer,” Gould says. “In the long scheme of things, the stumbles they had with Ibrance [a potential treatment for early breast cancer patients that failed a recent trial] earlier in the year are going to weigh more on the company’s long-term financial prospects than the win on COVID…At $39, $40, you’re starting to get at points where the benefits of COVID are largely already priced in.”

Nonetheless, analysts note that a win was badly needed for Pfizer, as the company is facing a variety of patent expirations––its Prevnar 13, Eliquis, and Xtandi products to name a few––in the latter half of the decade. “Maybe this shows how the new Pfizer is going to be going forward,” Divan says. “A much more nimble, fast-acting company that can work quickly to address situations. Whereas the vast majority of people at the beginning of the year when asked about which company would get the market first and find the vaccine would not have said Pfizer, because it’s viewed as this old, slow-moving company.”



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