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737 Max复飞?乘客的恐惧将成为波音的绊脚石












“如果航班出现了任何一点安全隐患,或是任何一个小设备存在问题,我们都不会让飞机复飞。” 西南航空首席执行官加里·凯利在本周三的客户信中强调。


——杰森·拉比诺维兹(一位飞行员) 2020年11月18日

美联航表示,如果乘客不想乘坐737 Max,则可以选择拒绝。该公司在员工信中表示:“如果客户不愿意乘坐这架飞机,我们将提供足够的灵活性以确保乘客能够轻松地更换航班。”

《旧金山纪事报》(San Francisco Chronicle)前旅游编辑斯帕德·希尔顿说,新冠疫情重创了航空业,同时也可能会掩盖媒体对737 Max复飞的关注。他表示,他不会心存顾虑地乘坐737 Max,大多数航空公司的乘客也并不关心他们乘坐的是哪种型号的飞机。

希尔顿说:“由于新冠大流行,人们担心的对象其实是所有飞机,而不是确切的某一架。并不是说737 Max将从新冠疫情中获益,但疫情的爆发的确让人们慢慢遗忘了这架飞机的过去。”

在洛杉矶经营旅游新闻和信用卡推荐网站JohnnyJet.com的约翰·迪斯卡拉说,他会毫不犹豫地选择737 Max航班,因为这架航班已经受到了全球监管机构的审查,同时波音也在致力于解决问题。

他补充说:“但737 Max也不会是我的第一选择。”不是担心坠毁,而是飞机紧凑的座舱结构不尽人意。






纽约市场营销高管、前航空公司高管杰米·佩里说,由于多家监管机构的调查,737 Max停飞20个月后,或已形成了一种比大多数机型更安全的模式。他在11月18日的一份报告中写道:“在两次坠机之后,我对737 Max感到不安——但这都是在它被停飞之前。现在我已经没有这种感觉了。”

对于波音公司及购买其飞机的航空公司来说,都有一个悬而未决的问题:737 Max的“名誉黑点”究竟会在旅客心中停留多久?除非再发生重大事故,否则客户的担忧可能只会在短时间内损害波音的名誉。


编译:陈怡轩 杨二一










“如果航班出现了任何一点安全隐患,或是任何一个小设备存在问题,我们都不会让飞机复飞。” 西南航空首席执行官加里·凯利在本周三的客户信中强调。


——杰森·拉比诺维兹(一位飞行员) 2020年11月18日

美联航表示,如果乘客不想乘坐737 Max,则可以选择拒绝。该公司在员工信中表示:“如果客户不愿意乘坐这架飞机,我们将提供足够的灵活性以确保乘客能够轻松地更换航班。”

《旧金山纪事报》(San Francisco Chronicle)前旅游编辑斯帕德·希尔顿说,新冠疫情重创了航空业,同时也可能会掩盖媒体对737 Max复飞的关注。他表示,他不会心存顾虑地乘坐737 Max,大多数航空公司的乘客也并不关心他们乘坐的是哪种型号的飞机。

希尔顿说:“由于新冠大流行,人们担心的对象其实是所有飞机,而不是确切的某一架。并不是说737 Max将从新冠疫情中获益,但疫情的爆发的确让人们慢慢遗忘了这架飞机的过去。”

在洛杉矶经营旅游新闻和信用卡推荐网站JohnnyJet.com的约翰·迪斯卡拉说,他会毫不犹豫地选择737 Max航班,因为这架航班已经受到了全球监管机构的审查,同时波音也在致力于解决问题。

他补充说:“但737 Max也不会是我的第一选择。”不是担心坠毁,而是飞机紧凑的座舱结构不尽人意。






纽约市场营销高管、前航空公司高管杰米·佩里说,由于多家监管机构的调查,737 Max停飞20个月后,或已形成了一种比大多数机型更安全的模式。他在11月18日的一份报告中写道:“在两次坠机之后,我对737 Max感到不安——但这都是在它被停飞之前。现在我已经没有这种感觉了。”

对于波音公司及购买其飞机的航空公司来说,都有一个悬而未决的问题:737 Max的“名誉黑点”究竟会在旅客心中停留多久?除非再发生重大事故,否则客户的担忧可能只会在短时间内损害波音的名誉。


编译:陈怡轩 杨二一

Having grounded the plane in March 2019, the Federal Aviation Administration lifted its order on Wednesday.Fatal flaws in the Boeing Co. 737 Max have been addressed and the plane is now safe to fly, U.S. aviation regulators contend. Yet for many airline travelers, a central question remains: Do I feel safe flying in a plane that crashed twice, killing 346 people?

“There’s no way I’m flying it, period,” said Jon Bonne, a New York-based food and wine writer. “No one in commercial aviation scraps a bad airplane and just starts over. So we’re stuck with the Max.”

The Max’s catastrophic failures were attributed to Boeing’s shortcomings and U.S. regulators’ deference to the industry they govern. “That’s what caused the Max to get off the factory line with a whole lot of problems,” said Jerry Elams, a sales executive in Austin, Texas, who plans to “wait a couple of years” before flying on a Max, even if it means adding a connection to one of his trips.

“I’m a business person,” he said. “If I kill my customers, they don’t come back. It’s the oddest thing.”

Others noted that the Max is now among the most analyzed aircraft in history, given the aftermath of the late 2018 crash off Indonesia and the second disaster a few months later in Ethiopia.

“I guess I just trust enough in the airline industry given their overall record,” said Kristen O’Brien, a writer in Austin, Texas. “The Max has been so scrutinized now that I feel like, if anything, it’s got to be safer than other planes.”

The coming months

The four U.S. airlines that have bought the 737 Max are preparing to return it to service in coming months, with American Airlines Group Inc. leading the way in late December on flights between its Miami hub and New York’s LaGuardia Airport.

United Airlines Holdings Inc. said each one of its Max airplanes will require about 1,000 hours of work and training before resuming service in the first quarter of 2021.

Alaska Airlines will take the first of its 32 aircraft in January and begin customer flights in March. Southwest Airlines Co., the largest Max customer, plans to resume flying the plane in the second quarter.

“If we had a cause for doubt of the safety of our fleet—or any subset of it—simply put, the planes would not fly,” Southwest Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly said Wednesday in a customer letter.

People keep asking "would you fly the #737MAX" and my answer is simple: At some point I won't have a choice if I want to get somewhere, and that'll be that. Though I will say that the resumption of flights next month should not be celebrated or turned into an event. People died. — Jason Rabinowitz (@AirlineFlyer) November 18, 2020

American said that if its passengers don’t want to fly on a 737 Max, they won’t have to. “If a customer prefers to not fly on this aircraft, we’ll provide flexibility to ensure they can be easily re-accommodated,” the carrier said in a message to employees.

While the coronavirus has decimated the aviation industry, it may also serve to drown out media scrutiny of the Max’s return, said Spud Hilton, a former travel editor at the San Francisco Chronicle. He said he’ll fly on the Max without trepidation, and noted that most airline travelers don’t pay attention to which aircraft type they’re on anyway.

“Because of the pandemic, I think people are a lot more worried to get on any plane than on any specific plane,” Hilton said. “I don’t mean to say that the 737 Max has benefited from the pandemic, but the pandemic has certainly taken a lot of attention away from its history.”

John DiScala of Los Angeles, who runs JohnnyJet.com, a travel news and credit card referral website, said he won’t hesitate to fly on a Max, because of the global regulatory scrutiny it’s received—and as a result, Boeing’s effort to fix it.

“But it’s not my plane of choice,” he added, pointing not to its crashes, but to its often tight cabin configurations.

A second chance?

But others are unwilling to give Boeing a second chance.

“I do not like this track record,” said Alison Hansen, a corporate learning executive in Dallas. “Given options, what would be the reason to choose that plane? There’s no reason.”

Boeing’s Max development was plagued by missteps, including faulty assumptions about pilots’ reactions and U.S. regulators who were ill-prepared to assess Boeing’s design changes, according to an international safety review released in October 2019.

In a statement Wednesday, Boeing Chief Executive Officer David Calhoun said the Max crashes “have reshaped our company and further focused our attention on our core values.”

The Max has likely emerged from its 20-month grounding as a safer model than most because of probes by multiple regulators, said Jamie Perry, a marketing executive in New York and a former airline executive. “I would have had qualms about flying it after the two crashes—but before it was grounded,” he wrote in a note Wednesday. “Then it felt high risk. I don’t feel that way now.”

An open question for Boeing and the airlines who buy its planes is how long will the Max’s reputation linger in the mind of travelers? It could be a case where customer fears mar the plane for only a short time—unless there’s another major incident.

“That perception will hang around for years, but it won’t necessarily be a deterrent,” Hilton predicted. “It’ll just be ‘Oh yeah, remember when this thing used to fall out of the sky?’”



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