获取食物和营养是头等大事,人体健康的方方面面均受其影响。Sensei Ag的首席执行官罗嘉欣(Sonia Lo)却表示,虽然美国已经接近“食品供应峰值”,但这并不代表这些食物都实现了公平分配。
在《财富》杂志举办的2021年线上健康头脑风暴大会上,罗嘉欣表示,包括美国在内的一众发达国家几乎都达到了食品供应峰值。在接受《财富》杂志高级编辑柯问思(Beth Kowitt)的访问时,她解释说,这说明,虽然我们的食物产量已经足够供养全球,但在分配问题上仍然存在漏洞。
低效的分配机制会导致食物浪费。食品可能在卡车运送的过程中变质,或是根本不会被送到需要的人手上。在开展讨论时,Gro Intelligence公司的首席执行官萨拉·门克表示,再加上气候变化和新冠疫情所引发的混论,问题会变得更加棘手。
为了推动农业基础设施的重新分配,Sensei Ag正着力于建设温室和垂直农场。
罗嘉欣说:“我们的目标是,在不断拓宽业务、建立伙伴关系的基础上,收集充足的数据信息,以拖拉机制造商约翰迪尔(John Deere)为标杆,融资建设温室及垂直农场。”(财富中文网)
获取食物和营养是头等大事,人体健康的方方面面均受其影响。Sensei Ag的首席执行官罗嘉欣(Sonia Lo)却表示,虽然美国已经接近“食品供应峰值”,但这并不代表这些食物都实现了公平分配。
在《财富》杂志举办的2021年线上健康头脑风暴大会上,罗嘉欣表示,包括美国在内的一众发达国家几乎都达到了食品供应峰值。在接受《财富》杂志高级编辑柯问思(Beth Kowitt)的访问时,她解释说,这说明,虽然我们的食物产量已经足够供养全球,但在分配问题上仍然存在漏洞。
低效的分配机制会导致食物浪费。食品可能在卡车运送的过程中变质,或是根本不会被送到需要的人手上。在开展讨论时,Gro Intelligence公司的首席执行官萨拉·门克表示,再加上气候变化和新冠疫情所引发的混论,问题会变得更加棘手。
为了推动农业基础设施的重新分配,Sensei Ag正着力于建设温室和垂直农场。
罗嘉欣说:“我们的目标是,在不断拓宽业务、建立伙伴关系的基础上,收集充足的数据信息,以拖拉机制造商约翰迪尔(John Deere)为标杆,融资建设温室及垂直农场。”(财富中文网)
Access to food and nutrients is so important it can define all aspects of our physical health. Yet while the U.S. is close to "peak food," said Sensei Ag CEO Sonia Lo, that doesn't mean everyone is being fed equitably.
Developed countries, including the U.S., are very close to peak food, Lo said in a session of Fortune’s 2021 virtual Brainstorm Health conference. This means we produce enough food to feed the planet, but the distribution of the food is flawed, she told Fortune senior editor Beth Kowitt.
Inefficient distribution leads to food waste. Products can go bad in trucks, or they never get to where they need to go. The problem only gets worse when you introduce the chaos of climate change and a pandemic, said Gro Intelligence CEO Sara Menker during the discussion.
“The combination of the two has actually led to a continued increase in food prices and is really leading to sort of global food inflation everywhere,” Menker said.
This food inflation is affecting low-income communities in the U.S. and around the world. Food is a big determinant of health, and when prices are unaffordable, the health of these communities also suffers.
In Brazil, Menker said, food prices are up on average 46% year on year. For a country that is also facing one of the highest rates of COVID-19 in the world, this increase is significant.
“Those are some real sort of deep economic impacts to society that we're facing,” Menker said.
A possible solution to inefficiency in the food industry, and a way to get food to the right place at the right time, said Lo, is supporting indoor growing. This type of food production brings produce closer to where people consume it and helps improve nutrition, she said.
To encourage the redistribution of agricultural infrastructure, Sensei Ag is supporting greenhouses and vertical farms.
“Our goal is to gather enough data through our growing operations and our partnership growing operations to make a greenhouse or to make a vertical farm as readily financeable as a John Deere tractor,” Lo said.