特斯拉(Tesla Inc.)的联合创始人JB·施特劳贝尔创建的电池回收公司Redwood Materials Inc.的真正面貌终于浮出水面——它不止是一家回收公司。
如今,电动汽车仅占乘用车销量的4%,但颠覆性的转折指日可待。至少有15个国家和31个城市已经宣布将在几年内彻底停止内燃机汽车的销售,其中最早的是定于2025年的挪威。今年8月,美国总统乔·拜登签署了一项行政命令,目标是在2030年让美国的电动汽车销量占到汽车总销量的一半。美国最大的汽车制造商通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)也已经承诺,到2035年,其所有的车辆都将实现电气化。
施特劳贝尔相信,在未来的几十年里,全球电池生产对回收材料的利用率将“接近100%”。他指出,回收现在已经是有利可图的,而最终,那些未能将回收与提炼和生产相结合的公司将失去成本方面的竞争力。其他挑战者同样对该行业的前景充满信心,包括总部位于美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的Battery Resourcers Inc.、加拿大初创企业Li-Cycle,以及中国的行业老牌企业格林美股份有限公司等。
不少企业都在等待第一批电动汽车的报废,而同时,消费电子产品却意外地成为了一种有效替代品。消费电子产品电池中的钴含量相当高,而钴是电池中最昂贵、最具争议性的原料之一。据彭博社新能源财经估算,要为一辆特斯拉的Model Y 提供足够的锂,需要6147部回收的苹果iPhone手机电池,但166部回收苹果iPhone手机电池就可以为其提供足够的钴。施特劳贝尔表示,旧电子产品中的钴含量很高,Redwood公司通过回收电子产品生产的钴通常都会超过其生产所需用量。
人们送去百思买(Best Buy)回收中心的旧手机、旧笔记本电脑都会被送往Redwood。松下(Panasonic)在内华达州超级工厂为特斯拉生产电池的废料也会被Redwood回收。从施特劳贝尔离开特斯拉到现在,Redwood公司已经占据了美国过半的锂离子电池回收市场。该公司与亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)、电动巴士制造商Proterra,以及Specialized Bicycle Components Inc.达成了电池废料交易协议,更同北美最大的电子产品整合商Electronics Recycling Services(ERI)达成了独家协议。
美国能源部锂离子电池回收技术研发中心(Department of Energy’s ReCell Center for battery recycling research)的主任杰弗里·施潘根贝格尔表示,Redwood公司创立之前,大多数美国回收企业只是将电池磨成一种名为“黑块”(black mass)的粗糙粉末,便于运输,然后再将这些材料运送到海外进行精炼和加工。虽然这种做法比完全不回收要强,但其对环境的破坏依然很严重,而且无法帮助减少对海外供应商的依赖。
施特劳贝尔的理念深受关注是合情合理的,即便当他对这个增长轨迹尚不确定的萌芽行业做出某种戏剧性的预测时也不例外。2003年,埃隆·马斯克在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)进行了一次工程学讲座,首次接触到了施特劳贝尔。很快,施特劳贝尔就成为了特斯拉电池战略的策划者。
这对美国来说是一个全新的行业,所以卡塞克特和施特劳贝尔一直在努力吸引来自世界各地的人才。Redwood公司在挪威和日本都设立了小型办事处。英国化学公司Johnson Matthey Plc的前任首席技术官艾伦·纳尔逊就于近期加入了Redwood团队。纳尔逊曾经帮助Johnson Matthey Plc建立电池阴极生产的业务。一濑光一曾经先后在陶氏化学公司(Dow Chemical Co.)和全世界最大的锂矿商Albemarle Corp.工作,有着30多年的从业经验。大卫·奥卡瓦曾经是SunPower公司的高级研发主管。他在SunPower公司工作了11年,主要负责太阳能电池技术的提升。
自2020年以来,Redwood公司已经在两轮投资中筹集了约7.4亿美元的资金。投资方包括高盛资产管理公司(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)、亚马逊气候宣言基金(Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund),以及比尔·盖茨的突破能源基金(Breakthrough Energy Ventures)等。今年7月,Redwood成功融资7亿美元,公司估值达37亿美元。
译者:熊猫译社 张翯
特斯拉(Tesla Inc.)的联合创始人JB·施特劳贝尔创建的电池回收公司Redwood Materials Inc.的真正面貌终于浮出水面——它不止是一家回收公司。
如今,电动汽车仅占乘用车销量的4%,但颠覆性的转折指日可待。至少有15个国家和31个城市已经宣布将在几年内彻底停止内燃机汽车的销售,其中最早的是定于2025年的挪威。今年8月,美国总统乔·拜登签署了一项行政命令,目标是在2030年让美国的电动汽车销量占到汽车总销量的一半。美国最大的汽车制造商通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)也已经承诺,到2035年,其所有的车辆都将实现电气化。
施特劳贝尔相信,在未来的几十年里,全球电池生产对回收材料的利用率将“接近100%”。他指出,回收现在已经是有利可图的,而最终,那些未能将回收与提炼和生产相结合的公司将失去成本方面的竞争力。其他挑战者同样对该行业的前景充满信心,包括总部位于美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的Battery Resourcers Inc.、加拿大初创企业Li-Cycle,以及中国的行业老牌企业格林美股份有限公司等。
不少企业都在等待第一批电动汽车的报废,而同时,消费电子产品却意外地成为了一种有效替代品。消费电子产品电池中的钴含量相当高,而钴是电池中最昂贵、最具争议性的原料之一。据彭博社新能源财经估算,要为一辆特斯拉的Model Y 提供足够的锂,需要6147部回收的苹果iPhone手机电池,但166部回收苹果iPhone手机电池就可以为其提供足够的钴。施特劳贝尔表示,旧电子产品中的钴含量很高,Redwood公司通过回收电子产品生产的钴通常都会超过其生产所需用量。
人们送去百思买(Best Buy)回收中心的旧手机、旧笔记本电脑都会被送往Redwood。松下(Panasonic)在内华达州超级工厂为特斯拉生产电池的废料也会被Redwood回收。从施特劳贝尔离开特斯拉到现在,Redwood公司已经占据了美国过半的锂离子电池回收市场。该公司与亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)、电动巴士制造商Proterra,以及Specialized Bicycle Components Inc.达成了电池废料交易协议,更同北美最大的电子产品整合商Electronics Recycling Services(ERI)达成了独家协议。
美国能源部锂离子电池回收技术研发中心(Department of Energy’s ReCell Center for battery recycling research)的主任杰弗里·施潘根贝格尔表示,Redwood公司创立之前,大多数美国回收企业只是将电池磨成一种名为“黑块”(black mass)的粗糙粉末,便于运输,然后再将这些材料运送到海外进行精炼和加工。虽然这种做法比完全不回收要强,但其对环境的破坏依然很严重,而且无法帮助减少对海外供应商的依赖。
施特劳贝尔的理念深受关注是合情合理的,即便当他对这个增长轨迹尚不确定的萌芽行业做出某种戏剧性的预测时也不例外。2003年,埃隆·马斯克在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)进行了一次工程学讲座,首次接触到了施特劳贝尔。很快,施特劳贝尔就成为了特斯拉电池战略的策划者。
这对美国来说是一个全新的行业,所以卡塞克特和施特劳贝尔一直在努力吸引来自世界各地的人才。Redwood公司在挪威和日本都设立了小型办事处。英国化学公司Johnson Matthey Plc的前任首席技术官艾伦·纳尔逊就于近期加入了Redwood团队。纳尔逊曾经帮助Johnson Matthey Plc建立电池阴极生产的业务。一濑光一曾经先后在陶氏化学公司(Dow Chemical Co.)和全世界最大的锂矿商Albemarle Corp.工作,有着30多年的从业经验。大卫·奥卡瓦曾经是SunPower公司的高级研发主管。他在SunPower公司工作了11年,主要负责太阳能电池技术的提升。
自2020年以来,Redwood公司已经在两轮投资中筹集了约7.4亿美元的资金。投资方包括高盛资产管理公司(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)、亚马逊气候宣言基金(Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund),以及比尔·盖茨的突破能源基金(Breakthrough Energy Ventures)等。今年7月,Redwood成功融资7亿美元,公司估值达37亿美元。
译者:熊猫译社 张翯
Redwood Materials Inc., the battery recycling company created by Tesla Inc. co-founder J.B. Straubel, has been keeping a big secret: It isn’t really a recycling company.
Sure, Redwood has risen quickly to become the biggest lithium-ion battery recycler in the U.S.. But Straubel didn’t leave Tesla in 2019 just to clean out America’s junk drawers. His broader goal, described to Bloomberg for the first time, is to move a huge chunk of the battery-component industry from Asia to the U.S.
“It’s both inspiring and terrifying to see so many nations and car companies announcing their shift to electric vehicles,” Straubel said. “But there’s a massive gap in what needs to happen.”
To fill that gap, Straubel has set out to build one of the largest battery materials factories in the world. Redwood, which currently operates three facilities in Nevada, is searching for a location farther east to build a new million-square-foot factory. At a cost of well over $1 billion, according to Straubel, the addition will enable Redwood to become a major U.S. producer of cathodes. (Every battery has two electrodes — an anode and a cathode — between which trillions of charged lithium atoms travel. It’s the cathode that largely determines a battery’s cost, performance and environmental footprint.)
Straubel says the U.S. factory will produce material for 100 gigawatt hours of batteries a year by the end of 2025. That’s enough for about 1.3 million long-range vehicles a year, on par with the biggest producers in Asia. By 2030, the same facility will ramp up to 500 gigawatt hours a year, he says. At today’s prices, that’s $25 billion of cathodes a year. Redwood plans to build a similar operation in Europe by 2023.
“These numbers sound insane, but when you look at what the market needs, I’m like holy cow — is this even aggressive enough?” Straubel says. “Somebody’s got to do this. In fact, we need at least four companies doing similarly aggressive, crazy things all in the same timeline.”
Electric vehicles make up just 4% of passenger vehicle sales today, but the big flip is coming. At least 15 countries and 31 cities have announced timelines to entirely phase out sales of internal combustion vehicles, beginning with Norway in 2025. In August, U.S. president Joe Biden signed an executive order targeting half of U.S. auto sales to be electric by 2030. General Motors Co., the biggest U.S. automaker, has pledged to electrify all of its vehicles by 2035.
These EV promises are predicated on the economic force of falling battery prices. Every time the global supply of batteries doubles, the price of making them drops about 18%, according to data tracked by BloombergNEF. It’s a learning curve driven by large investments in battery manufacturing like Tesla’s battery Gigafactory in Nevada. There’s one glaring exception to this rule: battery materials.
China accounts for more than 80% of global production of battery components and materials, BNEF data show. While planned new battery factories in the U.S. and Europe will help challenge Asia’s dominant role, they’ll remain dependent on the region without huge new investments in basic battery components.
The Not-Just-Recycling Company
Straubel left Tesla, in part, because of his growing alarm over a looming choke point in the global supply chain. Car companies were finally paying attention to battery manufacturing, he said, but were less interested in the “less sexy” components that go into them. Redwood is pursuing three types of operation: recycling, manufacturing copper foils for anodes, and producing cathodes. Recycling is done at headquarters in Carson City, Nevada. The company recently broke ground on a 100-acre site in Story County, Nevada, to make the delicate copper foils, a component in short supply. A cathode factory will be its biggest endeavor by far, Straubel says.
The company’s target of 100 GWh in 2025 means it can no longer rely on recycled materials alone. Unlike some consumer electronics, there’s a long lag between when electric cars are made and when their batteries are ready to be recycled. The reuse of packs in secondary applications can delay that further. Today, electric cars account for less than 10% of Redwood’s recycling stock. “We’re going to push the recycled percent as high as possible, but that is really going to be dependent on the availability of recycled materials,” Straubel said. “If we end up consuming 50% or more of virgin raw materials, that’s fine.”
In the decades to come, Straubel is confident that recycled materials will be used for “close to 100%” of the world’s battery production. Recycling is already profitable, he said, and eventually companies that don’t integrate recycling with refining and production won’t be able to compete on cost. Challengers are equally confident in the outlook, including Worcester, Massachusetts-based Battery Resourcers Inc., Canada startup Li-Cycle Holdings Corp. and industry incumbents like China's GEM Co.
Redwood moving into cathode production is a major development for the EV industry, according to BNEF analyst James Frith. Not only is the cathode the biggest driver of costs, but it’s the most polluting part of battery production. Consolidating the supply chain in the U.S. — and the technological improvements that will come with it — will dramatically reduce emissions from battery production.
“It would be one of the biggest cathode facilities in the world,” Frith said. “If you’re getting rid of that long supply chain, and you’re not having to do as much virgin refining, you’re cutting a huge chunk out of those emissions.”
166 iPhones of Cobalt
While companies wait for the first big wave of electric vehicles to reach retirement, consumer electronics provide a surprisingly effective substitute. For example, batteries from consumer electronics contain considerably higher levels of cobalt, one of the most expensive and controversial inputs for batteries. It would take 6,147 recycled iPhone batteries to provide enough lithium for a Tesla Model Y but just 166 iPhones to provide enough cobalt, according to BNEF calculations. Straubel says there's so much cobalt in old electronics, Redwood will always produce more from recycling than it needs for manufacturing.
Somewhat counterintuitively, building electric cars produces more pollution than building gasoline-powered cars, due to the high energy requirements for battery production. EVs, however, are so much more efficient to operate, they more than make up for this starting deficit over the life of the car—even in places where most electricity comes from coal.
In the U.S., it take about 16,000 miles of driving before an electric vehicle becomes a net positive for the environment — or roughly a year and half of car ownership for the average American driver, according to BloombergNEF. Redwood’s plan would nearly cut that in half, according to Frith. Consolidating the supply chain in the U.S. and using 50% recycled material would cut the emissions from battery-pack manufacturing by at least 41%.
Urban Mining
When anyone drops off an old mobile phone or laptop at a Best Buy recycling center, it goes to Redwood. So does any scrap when Panasonic makes battery cells for Tesla at the Nevada Gigafactory. Since Straubel left Tesla, Redwood has taken over more than half of the U.S. market for lithium-ion battery recycling. It struck battery-waste deals with Amazon.com Inc., electric bus maker Proterra Inc., Specialized Bicycle Components Inc. and, importantly, an exclusive deal with the largest electronics consolidator in North America, Electronics Recycling Services (ERI).
After collection, Redwood disassembles, shreds, burns, and mixes materials in a slurry to separate out the valuable nickel, lithium, cobalt and copper. More than 95% of the core battery materials are recycled, according to Redwood. The resulting powders then wind their way back through the supply chain.
Before Redwood, most U.S. recycling shops simply ground up the batteries into a crude powder known as “black mass” for easy transportation, and then shipped those materials overseas to be refined and processed, according to Jeffrey Spangenberger, director of the Department of Energy’s ReCell Center for battery recycling research. That’s better than not recycling at all, but it still takes a heavy environmental toll and doesn’t reduce dependence on foreign suppliers.
“We want to buy these materials once and then keep them here,” Spangenberger said. “The recycler and the manufacturer together — if that can be done under one roof, then we’re answering two questions at once.”
There’s a reason Straubel is being listened to, even when making dramatic forecasts for what is an embryonic industry with a still uncertain growth trajectory. He was the mastermind behind Tesla’s battery strategy from the first time Elon Musk approached him, following an engineering talk at Stanford University in 2003.
When Straubel left Tesla, he brought along Kevin Kassekert, another key confidant of Musk, as chief operating officer of the new company. Kassekert was in charge of building Tesla’s sprawling battery “Gigafactory” in Sparks, Nevada. Kassekert was responsible for finding the site, building the factory, and hiring most of the people who operated it.
Now, he aims to do the same thing for battery materials at Redwood. “In 2013 there wasn’t any major battery manufacturing in the U.S.,” Kassekert said. “Fast forward eight years, and there’s not a lot of battery component manufacturing in the U.S. We’re focused on filling that void.”
Since it’s a new industry for the U.S., Kassekert and Straubel have been piecing together a workforce from around the world. Redwood opened small offices in Norway and Japan. Recent hires include Alan Nelson, a former chief technology officer at Johnson Matthey Plc, the British chemicals company, where he built a cathode business. Koichi Ichinose spent more than three decades at Dow Chemical Co. and at Albemarle Corp., the biggest lithium miner. And David Okawa was a senior director of research and development at SunPower Corp., where he worked for 11 years ramping solar-cell technology.
Redwood has raised roughly $740 million in two investment rounds since 2020. Investors include Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund, and Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures. A $700 million capital raise in July valued Redwood at about $3.7 billion.
Straubel declined to disclose the size of his personal stake — he was a major investor in each funding round. “This is fun and rewarding to me, it’s where I want to invest.”
The company’s next steps, he said, will require significantly more money than they’ve raised so far, and options are being explored. But he’s not ready yet for an initial offering of stock.
“It’s not off the table, but we’d prefer to grow the company in other ways for a little bit longer.