“过去几年,人们对豪华邮轮的兴趣在增长。部分原因在于,许多邮轮爱好者的可支配收入更高,能够用于旅游的时间更多,亦或单纯因为旅游偏好变了,所以开始不再满足于以往坐大船的体验。”Tripadvisor旗下的公司Cruise Critic的主编科琳·麦克丹尼尔说,“但我们也看到,人们对奢华体验的兴趣在持续增长,很多旅行者在追寻更私密的体验和更多样化的旅行选择——自新冠疫情开始后,我们越来越多地看到这种趋势。”

从本月开始,海达路德邮轮公司(Hurtigruten Expeditions)启动了一个前往加拉帕戈斯群岛的新项目,这是该公司历史上首次。2021年12月,该公司宣布,将推出三个全年新航线,将邮轮数量增加一倍。为了保护当地的濒危特有种和移栖种,加拉帕戈斯群岛附近的海洋保护区刚刚从大约5.3万平方英里扩大到7.6万平方英里,人们对到此旅游的兴趣正在上涨,此时推出航线恰逢其时。
海达路德集团(Hurtigruten Group)的首席执行官丹尼尔·斯科勒丹向《财富》杂志表示,该公司早就想探索加拉帕戈斯群岛了,无论从哪种角度看,这座群岛都是小型船只的完美目的地。该群岛是世界上受保护度最高的岛屿之一,旅行自然会附带一定的要求和条件。例如,船只必须在厄瓜多尔注册,船长和船员也必须是厄瓜多尔人。
海达路德所有前往加拉帕戈斯群岛的航行都是碳中和的。它的合作者大都会旅游公司(Metropolitan Touring)是南美最大的旅游运营商之一,MS Santa Cruz II号邮轮刚刚完成装修,船上所有套房、客舱、休息室、餐厅和其他公共区域全面进行了豪华升级。
斯科勒丹称,海达路德集团利用疫情封锁期对船只进行了改造升级。海达鲁顿挪威公司(Hurtigruten Norwegian)旗下全部7艘用于探索挪威壮丽峡湾的海岸快线(Coastal Express)都在进行大型改造升级,预计将于2023年完工。海岸快线的船只已经安装了岸电连接装置,到港时可接通电源,彻底减排。海达路德表示,升级后的船只将减少25%的二氧化碳排放,减少高达80%的有害气体排放。
海达路德斯瓦尔巴特群岛分公司(Hurtigruten Svalbard)主要负责当地运营,当地因为可以看到极光而出名,(可以说)是热门景点。该公司也与船用动力供应商沃尔沃遍达(Volvo Penta)合作,正在测试新的混合动力船型,新船型能够让游客在体验北极群岛胜景的同时确保不会对周边的栖息地造成干扰。
新冠疫情爆发前的2019年,海达路德将MS Roald Amundsen号引入其船队,这是世界上第一艘电池混合动力邮轮。这艘当时最先进的船采用了环保的新型混合动力技术来减少燃料消耗,当初的建造目的就是为了展示大型船只也可以使用混动驱动。(海达路德十几年前就禁止在船上装载重油,五年前禁用了一次性塑料。)
“过去几年,人们对豪华邮轮的兴趣在增长。部分原因在于,许多邮轮爱好者的可支配收入更高,能够用于旅游的时间更多,亦或单纯因为旅游偏好变了,所以开始不再满足于以往坐大船的体验。”Tripadvisor旗下的公司Cruise Critic的主编科琳·麦克丹尼尔说,“但我们也看到,人们对奢华体验的兴趣在持续增长,很多旅行者在追寻更私密的体验和更多样化的旅行选择——自新冠疫情开始后,我们越来越多地看到这种趋势。”
从本月开始,海达路德邮轮公司(Hurtigruten Expeditions)启动了一个前往加拉帕戈斯群岛的新项目,这是该公司历史上首次。2021年12月,该公司宣布,将推出三个全年新航线,将邮轮数量增加一倍。为了保护当地的濒危特有种和移栖种,加拉帕戈斯群岛附近的海洋保护区刚刚从大约5.3万平方英里扩大到7.6万平方英里,人们对到此旅游的兴趣正在上涨,此时推出航线恰逢其时。
海达路德集团(Hurtigruten Group)的首席执行官丹尼尔·斯科勒丹向《财富》杂志表示,该公司早就想探索加拉帕戈斯群岛了,无论从哪种角度看,这座群岛都是小型船只的完美目的地。该群岛是世界上受保护度最高的岛屿之一,旅行自然会附带一定的要求和条件。例如,船只必须在厄瓜多尔注册,船长和船员也必须是厄瓜多尔人。
海达路德所有前往加拉帕戈斯群岛的航行都是碳中和的。它的合作者大都会旅游公司(Metropolitan Touring)是南美最大的旅游运营商之一,MS Santa Cruz II号邮轮刚刚完成装修,船上所有套房、客舱、休息室、餐厅和其他公共区域全面进行了豪华升级。
斯科勒丹称,海达路德集团利用疫情封锁期对船只进行了改造升级。海达鲁顿挪威公司(Hurtigruten Norwegian)旗下全部7艘用于探索挪威壮丽峡湾的海岸快线(Coastal Express)都在进行大型改造升级,预计将于2023年完工。海岸快线的船只已经安装了岸电连接装置,到港时可接通电源,彻底减排。海达路德表示,升级后的船只将减少25%的二氧化碳排放,减少高达80%的有害气体排放。
海达路德斯瓦尔巴特群岛分公司(Hurtigruten Svalbard)主要负责当地运营,当地因为可以看到极光而出名,(可以说)是热门景点。该公司也与船用动力供应商沃尔沃遍达(Volvo Penta)合作,正在测试新的混合动力船型,新船型能够让游客在体验北极群岛胜景的同时确保不会对周边的栖息地造成干扰。
新冠疫情爆发前的2019年,海达路德将MS Roald Amundsen号引入其船队,这是世界上第一艘电池混合动力邮轮。这艘当时最先进的船采用了环保的新型混合动力技术来减少燃料消耗,当初的建造目的就是为了展示大型船只也可以使用混动驱动。(海达路德十几年前就禁止在船上装载重油,五年前禁用了一次性塑料。)
Times have been tough for the travel industry, and perhaps no sector has felt it worse since the beginning of the pandemic than the cruise industry. The CDC, in December, even went so far as to warn would-be travelers not to go on any cruise at all during the Omicron surge.
Even when the winter COVID surge plateaus, it could take some time for travelers to return to cruise ships in the way they would to airplanes and hotels. But there are draws that cruise operators could develop better to bring these passengers back to their ships—namely smaller cruises with fewer passengers, sailing more sustainable ships that are respectful of their destinations and environments, and maintaining a level of luxury so that the passengers don't miss the mainland (at least not too much).
“Over the past couple of years, we’ve really seen interest in the luxury cruise sector grow. Some of that has to do with a number of cruisers beginning to mature out of their usual big-ship cruise experience now that they have more disposable income, greater time to spend traveling and, simply, different travel preferences," says Colleen McDaniel, editor-in-chief of Cruise Critic, a Tripadvisor company. "But we’re also seeing luxury interest continuing to grow because many travelers are looking for a more intimate experience and more diverse itinerary options—something that we started to see more of following the start of the pandemic."
Expedition cruises, McDaniel says, used to mostly be known for their incredible destination and excursion offerings, and less for the ships on which they sailed—most were bare bones, and seen simply as a vessel to a destination. Now, because cruises are often one of the best ways to visit bucket list destinations like Antarctica and the Galápagos Islands, established liners are adding more luxury amenities to those more adventurous tours.
"So you get the best of both worlds: a once-in-a-lifetime adventure paired with a five-star onboard experience. And most new ships also have a focus on the latest sustainability technologies and efforts, which is top of mind both for the cruise lines and their guests," McDaniel says. "Because of that, we’ve seen fantastic new ships launched by luxury lines, as well as mainstream lines also dipping their toes into the luxury waters—whether introducing a more private experience on their larger ships, or launching their own dedicated luxury vessels."
Starting this month, Hurtigruten Expeditions launched a new program around the Galápagos Islands, the first in the company’s history. In December, the cruise liner announced that it will double the offering with three new, year-round itineraries. The launch couldn't be timed better as tourism interest picks up again in the archipelago as the marine reserve around the Galápagos was just expanded to help protect endangered endemic and migratory species, swelling from approximately 53,000 square miles to 76,000 square miles.
Daniel Skjeldam, CEO of Hurtigruten Group, tells Fortune that the operator has been wanting to explore the Galápagos for a long time, describing it as the perfect destination for smaller ships for a variety of reasons. The islands are some of the most protected in the world, so that naturally comes with certain requirements and conditions. For instance, the ship has to be Ecuadorian-registered, and the captain and crew have to be Ecuadorian, as well.
"A major part of our focus on the Galápagos Islands will always be the science, knowledge, and experience. And we have an unrivaled team of expedition leaders and naturalists that can share their knowledge with our guests and give them a more immersive experience," Skjeldam says. "We offer a wide range of activities to match guests' many different levels of fitness—ranging from paddle boards to kayaks to glass bottom boats—on top of our standard excursions, which include walks, zodiac rides, snorkeling, and hikes."
All Hurtigruten Expeditions cruises to Galápagos will be carbon-neutral. In partnership with Metropolitan Touring, one of the largest tour operators in South America, guests will set sail on the newly renovated MS Santa Cruz II, which recently received a full luxury upgrade for all of its suites, cabins, lounges, dining rooms, and other public areas.
Founded in 1893, Norway-based Hurtigruten Group, the parent company of Hurtigruten Expeditions, is putting sustainability at the forefront of what influences how itineraries are planned and how its cruise ships are constructed and upgraded. With its fleet of custom-built expedition cruise ships (much smaller than what you'd find sailing the Caribbean or Mediterranean), Hurtigruten Expeditions takes passengers to more than 250 destinations in over 30 countries worldwide.
"Travelers these days have a greater sense of awareness about the complex climate problems our planet is facing, so the pandemic has accelerated the trend of the conscious traveler. Many more travelers are choosing their travel company or cruise liners based on their attitude and commitments towards sustainability," Skjeldam says. "Everyone in the travel industry needs to adapt to reflect this change or risk losing business and relevancy. We have seen more and more inquiries coming in from guests about our [environmental, social, and governance] commitments, and I feel that is a progressive and positive development since the pandemic on this topic."
Hurtigruten Group used the lockdown periods as an opportunity to upgrade its ships, Skjeldam notes. All seven of Hurtigruten Norwegian's Coastal Express ships, which explore Norway’s majestic fjords, are undergoing significant upgrades, expected to be completed by 2023. The Coastal Express ships have already been fitted with shore-power connectivity to fully eliminate emissions when connected in port. Across the seven ships, Hurtigruten says the upgrades will reduce CO2 emissions by 25%, and cut noxious emissions by up to 80%.
Hurtigruten Svalbard, the company unit dedicated to the eponymous region famed for being a hotspot (so to speak) for seeing the Northern Lights, also teamed up with marine power supplier Volvo Penta to test a new hybrid vessel, which will allow guests to experience the wonders of the Arctic archipelago without disturbing the habitat around them.
And pre-pandemic, in 2019, Hurtigruten added the MS Roald Amundsen to its fleet, the world’s first battery-hybrid powered cruise ship. Constructed with the intent to demonstrate hybrid propulsion on large ships is possible, the state-of-the-art vessel features new and environmentally sustainable hybrid technology to reduce fuel consumption. (Hurtigruten banned heavy fuel oil on its ships more than a decade ago, and over the last five years, it banned single-use plastic.)
"Sustainability is at the core of everything we do at Hurtigruten Group. It has been long before the pandemic started," Skjeldam says. "We have been creating value for Norwegian coastal communities since 1893 and care for all the communities we visit, whether it be in South America or Svalbard, so it influences everything we do and is very much part of our heritage."
According to an October 2021 survey of TripIt customers, more than half consider political, environmental, and social issues when they travel. And 11% of respondents said they have a cruise planned in the year ahead. Tripit found millennials are especially more environmentally-conscious when it comes to travel, being twice as likely (16%) to consider the impact of their travel-related carbon emissions than Gen Xers (7%) or baby boomers and older (8%).
"Many people are rethinking how they travel," says Jen Moyse, senior director of product at TripIt from Concur. Top issues when booking travel include the ethics of traveling to a destination, (i.e. over-tourism) and the impact to the local community. "These values could impact how people travel moving forward as they consider their options. Travelers may choose cruises that have a lower carbon footprint or brands that have programs to revitalize or maintain the ecosystems in which they operate."