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Rachel King







BetterBrand创始人艾米·杨。图片来源:Courtesy of BetterBrand




我的职业生涯开始于安永(Ernst & Young),成为一名注册公共会计师(CPA),在美国芝加哥,我学到了经营一家公司的基本知识;在印度班加罗尔,我参与创建了安永的全球人才中心(Global Talent Hub),学会了企业运营、团队建设和跨文化融合;然后在美国纽约负责诉讼策略,学会了如何从庞大的、错综复杂的数据集中找出解决方案。后来我辞去工作,去一所顶级高校就读,取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的MBA学位,同时修了企业与战略管理双学位。





Better Bagel的净碳水化合物含量相当于两片香蕉,含糖量相当于一根芹菜,而蛋白质含量相当于四颗鸡蛋。图片来源:Courtesy of BetterBrand


“The Better Bagel”复制了普通百吉饼的味道和口感,只是各方面的优点更加突出。其碳水化合物含量降低了90%,蛋白质含量提高了250%,并且绝对没有额外添加糖。它完全基于植物,并且我们非常重视配料的品质。所有配料都获得了非转基因认证,配料表都使用清洁标签。

Better Bagel去除了人们可能产生的任何负面联系,让你可以充分享受美食体验,此外它避免了“普通”百吉饼可能产生的负面的健康后果,能够让人们放弃节食的想法。我们希望打造一个可以不受约束、自由享用美食的世界,这是第一步。我们从各方面获得了积极反馈,这令我们非常激动,能够在如此短的时间里产生影响力,对此我们非常感恩。



这就是我们种子轮融资的过程:投资者直接找到我们,而不是我们去寻找投资者,最后我们吸引了一批最了不起的投资者,比如亚历克西斯·奥哈尼安的776 Fund、凯尔·沃格特、帕特里克·施瓦辛格、Soma Capital、Verso Capital等。

这家公司的创始人是一名亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民。该公司正在探索将营养价值不高的传统食物进行改造升级,让我们在享用这些美味的创新美食时必不产生罪恶感。图片来源:Courtesy of BetterBrand












我的职业生涯开始于安永(Ernst & Young),成为一名注册公共会计师(CPA),在美国芝加哥,我学到了经营一家公司的基本知识;在印度班加罗尔,我参与创建了安永的全球人才中心(Global Talent Hub),学会了企业运营、团队建设和跨文化融合;然后在美国纽约负责诉讼策略,学会了如何从庞大的、错综复杂的数据集中找出解决方案。后来我辞去工作,去一所顶级高校就读,取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的MBA学位,同时修了企业与战略管理双学位。






“The Better Bagel”复制了普通百吉饼的味道和口感,只是各方面的优点更加突出。其碳水化合物含量降低了90%,蛋白质含量提高了250%,并且绝对没有额外添加糖。它完全基于植物,并且我们非常重视配料的品质。所有配料都获得了非转基因认证,配料表都使用清洁标签。

Better Bagel去除了人们可能产生的任何负面联系,让你可以充分享受美食体验,此外它避免了“普通”百吉饼可能产生的负面的健康后果,能够让人们放弃节食的想法。我们希望打造一个可以不受约束、自由享用美食的世界,这是第一步。我们从各方面获得了积极反馈,这令我们非常激动,能够在如此短的时间里产生影响力,对此我们非常感恩。



这就是我们种子轮融资的过程:投资者直接找到我们,而不是我们去寻找投资者,最后我们吸引了一批最了不起的投资者,比如亚历克西斯·奥哈尼安的776 Fund、凯尔·沃格特、帕特里克·施瓦辛格、Soma Capital、Verso Capital等。





It’s been engrained in our brains from early age that carb-heavy foods are reserved for cheat days, marathon training, and comfort. But much like how there are many new purveyors challenging the meat industry with plant- and grain-based alternatives, now there are challengers coming for the grains themselves.

Founded in June 2021 and handmade in California, BetterBrand plans to introduce a new wave of comfort foods without restriction and without sacrificing flavor. Essentially, it wants to take the guilt out of guilty pleasures. And the company is starting with one of the most comforting, but carb-heavy, breads there is: the bagel.

The company has already received investments from Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, Hollywood actress Emmy Rossum, and Sean Thomas, the grandson of fast-food chain Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas.

Fortune recently spoke with founder Aimee Yang about the first year in business and the future of this alternative food category.

The following interview has been condensed and lightly edited for clarity.

Fortune: Can you share a bit about your professional background and experience prior to founding BetterBrand?

Aimee Yang: I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and I was intentional in gathering knowledge that I knew would one day prove to be valuable when I was ready to be in the founder’s seat.

I started my career at Ernst & Young as a certified public accountant (CPA} In Chicago to learn the fundamentals of how a company operates; spent time in Bangalore, India building EY's Global Talent Hub to learn operations, teaming, and cross-cultural integration; then transitioned into litigation strategy in New York to learn how to distill solutions from large, incongruent data sets. I capped off my experience with an education capstone by getting my MBA at Wharton School, where I double majored in entrepreneurship and strategic management.

What inspired you to launch BetterBrand?

BetterBrand was created with the large-scale vision of completely transforming the consumer experience with food. It stemmed from me trying to solve my own personal pain-point around diet and healthy eating. I was always on an endless cycle of wanting to eat something; if I did, I would feel guilty, if I didn't, I would feel deprived. It consumed so much of my mind space and garnered so much negative anxiety. I used to dream of a world where I could eat the foods that I craved freely, without ever having to worry about weight gain or negative health consequences.

The more I dove into the data, the more I realized that this wasn’t just about me. The stats I found were astounding: chronic diseases associated with obesity and Type 2 Diabetes are now responsible for two out of every three deaths in America. Excess weight and obesity affect two-thirds of all American adults and 37 million children. 29 million Americans are diabetic and another 86 million are pre-diabetic—a total of 36% of the U.S. population. Worldwide, obesity is implicated in two-thirds of the leading causes of death from non-communicable diseases. And the consumption of refined carbohydrates (a $10 trillion+ market) is the single largest driver of obesity in the world.

Using technology to innovate in this area not only allows us to create that world we’ve always dreamed of, it also allows us to drive significant impact and improvement to human health on a macro level. What better way to start and put our stake in the ground as leading innovators in the refined carb space, than by transforming the most carb heavy food (a bagel) into the carb equivalent of two banana slices while being highly functional?

Bagels are comforting for a reason—they're dense and chewy and tasty. What was your recipe tasting process like for recreating these attributes in a new, and presumably lighter, form factor?

"The Better Bagel" was designed to replicate the taste and texture of a regular bagel, just redesigned to be made better in every way. It has 90% fewer carbs, 250% more protein, and absolutely no added sugar. It's completely plant-based, and we're hyper-focused on ingredient quality. Everything is non-GMO certified, and our ingredient deck is completely clean label.

The Better Bagel allows you to fully enjoy your eating experience by removing any negative connections someone may have, and quieting that diet mentality some may feel by removing the negative health consequences of a “regular” bagel. This is the first step in creating a world where we can eat all the foods we crave, freely and without restriction. We’ve been so grateful for the excitement and positive response we've received across the board and the impact we've been able to drive in a short amount of time.

BetterBrand has already attracted a number of high-profile investors since launching just last year. Can you share more about what the pitch process was like? What advice would you give to other startup founders looking for funding? What might you do differently based on your experience so far?

We’ve been really lucky with our fundraising process in that we didn’t have to allocate time to fundraising. I wholeheartedly believe that, as a founder, if you have faith in your product and mission, you should get it out in the market as early as possible to start learning, driving impact, and telling your story. This also makes fundraising much easier; when investors find the product on their own, they become invested in the story. This also gives you clarity that they are the right investors who are aligned with your vision and have a genuine love for the brand.

This is how things materialized for our seed round: investors found us rather than the other way around, and that’s how we ended up with the most incredible group of investors including Alexis Ohanian’s 776 Fund, Kyle Vogt, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Soma Capital, Verso Capital, and so forth.

Looking forward in five years, how do you want to grow BetterBrand? What other kind of food products do you want to recreate next?

Our goal is to rival and disrupt the PepsiCo’s and Kraft's of the world, transforming all categories of crave-worthy foods that are heavy in refined carbs into foods that functionally great for us. From pizza crusts, to burger buns, to soft pretzels—we intend to continue to transform the foods that we know can be better.



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