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2021年10月10日,Whinstone US公司的首席执行官查德·哈里斯在参观该公司位于美国得克萨斯州罗克代尔的矿厂时,指着将安装比特币挖矿机的位置。图片来源:Mark Felix—AFP/Getty Images


在不到三年的时间里,52岁、头发不多、留着山羊胡子的哈里斯把自己重新塑造成了比特币挖矿基础设施之王,并帮助小小的罗克代尔成为该行业热闹喧嚣的世界之都。迅速发展的Whinstone公司在比特币矿业中的地位,如同汽车行业中的大众公司(VW)的沃尔夫斯堡工厂和飞机行业波音公司(Boeing)的埃弗里特工厂。自从2019年11月初破土动工以来,哈里斯已经将一块占地100英亩(约404685.64平方米)、曾经属于美国铝业公司的森林用地,改造为全球最大的比特币挖矿中心(按照总“算力”衡量),距离进展缓慢的比特大陆项目并不远。该项目现已建成七个巨大的仓库,还有三个仍然在建设中,总面积相当于近10个足球场,在2022年年底完工后能够容纳12万台最先进的比特大陆蚂蚁矿机(Antminer)计算机。Whinstone US的工厂已经拥有400兆瓦的电力容量,几乎是达拉斯市中心电力需求的两倍。

然而,作为一位狂热的公路探险自行车骑手,哈里斯依然喜欢在砂石地上骑行,并踩着踏板以最高速度前进。Whinstone公司将在2022年年底前达到750兆瓦的惊人容量。届时,该矿厂所生成的代码或“哈希”,将以12.8 EH/s(即每秒10的18次方哈希)的速度来挖掘新的比特币。这意味着,哈里斯及其新奥尔良牛仔们建造这个单一工厂所提供的算力,大约将占到全球整个比特币网络算力的七分之一。单个矿厂挖掘的新比特币数量取决于其掌控的整体哈希率。这意味着在未来几年,Whinstone公司将成为全球新比特币的开采大户。在承担建设比特币帝国的新任务之后,哈里斯预测Whinstone公司最终可能会开采全球十分之一的比特币。他坦然地接受了这一成就。他说:“面对比特币4万美元的售价,任何人都想尝试进入这个行业。我们在没有人敢做的时候创建了这项业务。在我们创业之初,比特币的价格在4000美元左右,挖矿似乎蕴含着巨大风险。”

哈里斯和他的团队完成了Whinstone公司的所有设计和建造工作,目前依然掌管着这家公司。然而,他们持有该公司的时间并不长。由于缺乏Whinstone公司所需的巨额资金,他们在2019年年底将公司卖给了德国的Northern Data公司。2021年5月,位于科罗拉多州城堡石的Riot Blockchain公司以6.51亿美元的价格从Northern Data公司的手中又收购了Whinstone。如今,哈里斯担任Whinstone公司的首席执行官,Whinstone公司贡献了Riot公司大部分的收入来源,亦是其未来增长的引擎。顷刻间,对Whinstone公司的收购使Riot公司跻身顶尖比特币挖矿上市公司之列。Riot公司的算力在今年年底将达到近13 EH/s的水平,排名第三位,位列算力预计为15 EH/s的Core Scientific公司之后,距离算力13.3 EH/s的Marathon Digital公司仅有一步之遥。Riot公司的收购改变了Whinstone公司的业务模式。此前,该公司主要为第三方矿主提供服务,而这些矿主则为哈里斯团队提供的厂房租赁、电力、维护和所有其他服务支付不菲的费用。虽然Whinstone公司仍然为外部客户提供服务,但Riot公司已经将主要精力转移到为自己开采比特币之中。今年1月,Riot全公司开采了458枚比特币,价值超过2000万美元,其中绝大部分是Whinstone公司为自己开采的,而且其2022年年底的开采量有望增长一倍多。

此外,以比特币目前约4万美元的价格来看,Whinstone公司的利润非常丰厚。一个主要原因是其极低的电力成本,每度电仅为2.4美分。据《财富》杂志估计,Whinstone公司的劳动力、电力和设备的支出约为每枚比特币15000美元。B. Riley公司的分析师卢卡斯·派普斯预测,如果Whinstone公司在年底火力全开,以每枚比特币价格4万美元计算,Riot公司的销售额就将达到大约6亿美元,同时其息税折旧摊销前利润率(Ebita)将达到80%。Riot将一举成为全球排名前三位的挖矿上市公司,而且利润率亦是名列前茅。




哈里斯由离异的母亲抚养长大。他的母亲也是一名果敢的企业家,其经营的会议生意经常以失败告终。他回忆说:“母亲变得异常紧张,整天忧心忡忡,她宁愿待在我们的酒店房间里。在14岁那年,我不得不前往会议厅去维持会序。”他的母亲为一个自由主义组织举办活动,该组织倡导购买黄金和白银,并对纸币价值的长久性表示怀疑;哈里斯称,该组织的理念继承者们将支持比特币。他说:“这是一个由非美元货币主导的亚文化。我的母亲会带领团队去访问南非和阿富汗的金矿。”还是青少年的他则负责将知名人物从机场接到活动现场。他说:“太不可思议了,我竟然成为了明星们的司机,其中就有亨利·基辛格和乔治·戈登·利迪等人。”哈里斯没有接受过高等教育。他说:“我在新奥尔良大学(University of New Orleans)就待过一天,然后就退学了。学校把母亲支付学费的退给了我,而我用这些钱购买了草坪修剪机。我当时实在是不好意思告诉母亲,自己在随后的两个月中一直在假装上学。”

哈里斯将其在青少年创建的事业发展成为一家大型景观公司。他回忆说:“在我们所做的一些项目中,有的得种500颗树和4万颗同一植物,并安装数英里长的灌溉管道。这对于打造Whinstone来说是一个很好的经验。”他的代表作有新奥尔良雕塑花园(New Orleans Sculpture Garden)和奥杜邦公园高尔夫球场(Audubon Park Golf Course),后者是新奥尔良市中心附近的一个公共网球场,因为其华丽的绿化而闻名。哈里斯还经营着一个家居卖场和园艺店,销售各种商品,从树苗一直到人造石种植机,再到珠宝。然而在2015年期间,哈里斯关闭了其店面并开始转战线上的独家销售业务。他在线上出售装饰齐全的圣诞树,并借此见证了互联网销售的力量。他说:“我是第一个吃螃蟹的人。我会从北卡罗来纳州购买圣诞树,然后安装手工串起来的灯泡。我会在10天内交付圣诞树,然后在圣诞节之后拿回来。有人怀疑这项业务是否可行,因为客户理应需要‘触摸和感知’圣诞树。然而在互联网时代,人们图的就是个方便。我一年可以销售2000颗提前装好灯饰的圣诞树。新奥尔良民众在1月都还保留着其圣诞树。”


2017年,哈里斯、当时27岁的CrossFit健身房老板莱尔·塞里奥特(如今是Whinstone的首席运营官)和大一辍学的阿什顿,创建了一个小型试点项目,共计部署了300台计算机。当时,阿什顿戴着蓝色的假发。他的父亲说:“阿什顿从辍学回家之后决定,这便是他想要做的事情。”他与哈里斯一样,被创业的浪漫情怀所深深吸引。即便在冬天,这些计算机亦会让仓库的温度升到100华氏度(约37.78摄氏度),其哈希率也会受到影响。为了降低温度,这支团队打造了一个20英尺(约6.1米)多高的长方形木盒,来放置一个机架的计算机。他们还使用从家得宝(Home Depot)购买的部件,制造了排气系统,并通过屋顶的管道抽出热空气。很快,温度便下降到了70华氏度(约21.11摄氏度)。在格鲁吉亚的第比利斯召开的比特币大会上,塞里奥特和阿什顿在酒吧中遇到了一个人,他对他们所描述的这个奇妙装置非常感兴趣,并将其介绍给了来自于日本大型财团的代表,哈里斯拒绝透露其名字。当时,这家公司希望将挖矿业务扩张至美国。无独有偶,哈里斯笨重的塔式货架成为了其公司的卖点。

三周之后,来自日本公司的15名经理突然到访了这个团队在新奥尔良自建的比特币农场。哈里斯回忆说:“他们说:‘我们到访了11个国家,而这是目前为止我们看到的矿机散热的最佳解决方案。’”哈里斯称,这家日本公司认为,这些人受困于“原始的企业构架”,却因为“极富创造力”而弥补了这个缺陷。哈里斯叫来了他的大儿子艾登。艾登当时还在攻读位于波士顿的美国东北大学(Northeastern University)的会计专业硕士学位。艾登当天就飞到了新奥尔良,并迅速拿出了一个商业计划,交给了日本客户,收获就是这个团队支付其学生债。2018年11月中旬,哈里斯团队达成了交易,为这家日本公司在美国的首个比特币挖矿业务提供仓库、电力和服务。



哈里斯最初的想法是重新修建一处设施,这样,他便能够承接日本客户和其他第三方的业务。他们希望收购HODL Ranch的场地,该公司位于派奥特,而且电力直接入户。为了搞定融资,这支团队聘请了一名筹款人。然而,该交易未能成功,因为他们输给了竞标对手。7月初,也就是HODL交易失败的三天之后,哈里斯在《连线》(Wired)杂志中读到了一篇故事《倒霉得州城镇,押注比特币却以失败告终》(The Hard-Luck Texas Town That Bet on Bitcoin—and Lost),讲述的是罗克代尔市的痛苦。他发现,比特大陆公司在老旧的美国铝业公司工厂的产能提升并没有像预期的那么快,这家公司可能会把多出的厂房租给他,然后用于承接矿主。


长条形厂房鸟瞰图。Whinstone是北美最大的比特币挖矿设施。图片来源:Mark Felix—AFP/Getty Images


哈里斯在11月初破土动工。这个活动被永恒地收录在了一张照片中:哈里斯团队故意露出了诡异的笑容,其中还有满载的铲车。当时,阿什顿的蓝色假发不见了。然而,这些创始人拿不出实现其宏大愿景所需的足够资金。哈里斯回忆说:“我们迫切需要现金。”该项目成本预计约为1.5亿美元,但比特币价格的暴跌打消了投资者支持该项目的念头。在哈里斯开工的当天,比特币的价格仅为4100美元,而2018年年初为1.5万美元。在奠基仪式两周后,也就是2019年11月中旬,该团队同意以1.64亿美元的价格,通过全股份交易的形式,在2020年2月底将Whinstone出售给Northern Data。Northern Data意识到,这些新奥尔良创始人对于打造这个宏伟项目来说是不可或缺的,因此保留了整个团队。当比特币的价格再度飙升时,这位新所有者可谓是赚的盆满钵满。2021年4月,比特币的价格突破了6万美元大关,Riot从Northern Data手中收购了Whinstone,出价比Northern Data当初的收购价高出数倍。




2021年10月,工人们正在安装一排新的比特币矿机。图片来源:Mark Felix—AFP/Getty Images




与此同时,哈里斯已经变得十分热爱罗克代尔的生活。他甚至说服了一位满脸皱纹的餐厅老板在其汉堡中使用真正的碎牛肉,并给它们披上了新奥尔良式的华丽外衣。在从事了一整天计算机安装或订购变压器的工作之后,他会在夜间骑上自己的公路探险自行车,后面跟着一辆汽车,用来照亮前方崎岖的道路。令他感到异常高兴的是,布雷特·博伦正在竞选市长,而布雷特是他最喜爱餐厅Brett’s Backyard Bar-B-Que的老板。哈里斯说:“布雷特跟我一样,是那种喜欢孤注一掷的人。”罗克代尔如今跟他一样处于上升期,他对此也是称赞不已。他说,比特币为该镇带来了每月25%的税收增幅,并为棒球场带来了安装新照明灯的资金。







在不到三年的时间里,52岁、头发不多、留着山羊胡子的哈里斯把自己重新塑造成了比特币挖矿基础设施之王,并帮助小小的罗克代尔成为该行业热闹喧嚣的世界之都。迅速发展的Whinstone公司在比特币矿业中的地位,如同汽车行业中的大众公司(VW)的沃尔夫斯堡工厂和飞机行业波音公司(Boeing)的埃弗里特工厂。自从2019年11月初破土动工以来,哈里斯已经将一块占地100英亩(约404685.64平方米)、曾经属于美国铝业公司的森林用地,改造为全球最大的比特币挖矿中心(按照总“算力”衡量),距离进展缓慢的比特大陆项目并不远。该项目现已建成七个巨大的仓库,还有三个仍然在建设中,总面积相当于近10个足球场,在2022年年底完工后能够容纳12万台最先进的比特大陆蚂蚁矿机(Antminer)计算机。Whinstone US的工厂已经拥有400兆瓦的电力容量,几乎是达拉斯市中心电力需求的两倍。

然而,作为一位狂热的公路探险自行车骑手,哈里斯依然喜欢在砂石地上骑行,并踩着踏板以最高速度前进。Whinstone公司将在2022年年底前达到750兆瓦的惊人容量。届时,该矿厂所生成的代码或“哈希”,将以12.8 EH/s(即每秒10的18次方哈希)的速度来挖掘新的比特币。这意味着,哈里斯及其新奥尔良牛仔们建造这个单一工厂所提供的算力,大约将占到全球整个比特币网络算力的七分之一。单个矿厂挖掘的新比特币数量取决于其掌控的整体哈希率。这意味着在未来几年,Whinstone公司将成为全球新比特币的开采大户。在承担建设比特币帝国的新任务之后,哈里斯预测Whinstone公司最终可能会开采全球十分之一的比特币。他坦然地接受了这一成就。他说:“面对比特币4万美元的售价,任何人都想尝试进入这个行业。我们在没有人敢做的时候创建了这项业务。在我们创业之初,比特币的价格在4000美元左右,挖矿似乎蕴含着巨大风险。”

哈里斯和他的团队完成了Whinstone公司的所有设计和建造工作,目前依然掌管着这家公司。然而,他们持有该公司的时间并不长。由于缺乏Whinstone公司所需的巨额资金,他们在2019年年底将公司卖给了德国的Northern Data公司。2021年5月,位于科罗拉多州城堡石的Riot Blockchain公司以6.51亿美元的价格从Northern Data公司的手中又收购了Whinstone。如今,哈里斯担任Whinstone公司的首席执行官,Whinstone公司贡献了Riot公司大部分的收入来源,亦是其未来增长的引擎。顷刻间,对Whinstone公司的收购使Riot公司跻身顶尖比特币挖矿上市公司之列。Riot公司的算力在今年年底将达到近13 EH/s的水平,排名第三位,位列算力预计为15 EH/s的Core Scientific公司之后,距离算力13.3 EH/s的Marathon Digital公司仅有一步之遥。Riot公司的收购改变了Whinstone公司的业务模式。此前,该公司主要为第三方矿主提供服务,而这些矿主则为哈里斯团队提供的厂房租赁、电力、维护和所有其他服务支付不菲的费用。虽然Whinstone公司仍然为外部客户提供服务,但Riot公司已经将主要精力转移到为自己开采比特币之中。今年1月,Riot全公司开采了458枚比特币,价值超过2000万美元,其中绝大部分是Whinstone公司为自己开采的,而且其2022年年底的开采量有望增长一倍多。

此外,以比特币目前约4万美元的价格来看,Whinstone公司的利润非常丰厚。一个主要原因是其极低的电力成本,每度电仅为2.4美分。据《财富》杂志估计,Whinstone公司的劳动力、电力和设备的支出约为每枚比特币15000美元。B. Riley公司的分析师卢卡斯·派普斯预测,如果Whinstone公司在年底火力全开,以每枚比特币价格4万美元计算,Riot公司的销售额就将达到大约6亿美元,同时其息税折旧摊销前利润率(Ebita)将达到80%。Riot将一举成为全球排名前三位的挖矿上市公司,而且利润率亦是名列前茅。




哈里斯由离异的母亲抚养长大。他的母亲也是一名果敢的企业家,其经营的会议生意经常以失败告终。他回忆说:“母亲变得异常紧张,整天忧心忡忡,她宁愿待在我们的酒店房间里。在14岁那年,我不得不前往会议厅去维持会序。”他的母亲为一个自由主义组织举办活动,该组织倡导购买黄金和白银,并对纸币价值的长久性表示怀疑;哈里斯称,该组织的理念继承者们将支持比特币。他说:“这是一个由非美元货币主导的亚文化。我的母亲会带领团队去访问南非和阿富汗的金矿。”还是青少年的他则负责将知名人物从机场接到活动现场。他说:“太不可思议了,我竟然成为了明星们的司机,其中就有亨利·基辛格和乔治·戈登·利迪等人。”哈里斯没有接受过高等教育。他说:“我在新奥尔良大学(University of New Orleans)就待过一天,然后就退学了。学校把母亲支付学费的退给了我,而我用这些钱购买了草坪修剪机。我当时实在是不好意思告诉母亲,自己在随后的两个月中一直在假装上学。”

哈里斯将其在青少年创建的事业发展成为一家大型景观公司。他回忆说:“在我们所做的一些项目中,有的得种500颗树和4万颗同一植物,并安装数英里长的灌溉管道。这对于打造Whinstone来说是一个很好的经验。”他的代表作有新奥尔良雕塑花园(New Orleans Sculpture Garden)和奥杜邦公园高尔夫球场(Audubon Park Golf Course),后者是新奥尔良市中心附近的一个公共网球场,因为其华丽的绿化而闻名。哈里斯还经营着一个家居卖场和园艺店,销售各种商品,从树苗一直到人造石种植机,再到珠宝。然而在2015年期间,哈里斯关闭了其店面并开始转战线上的独家销售业务。他在线上出售装饰齐全的圣诞树,并借此见证了互联网销售的力量。他说:“我是第一个吃螃蟹的人。我会从北卡罗来纳州购买圣诞树,然后安装手工串起来的灯泡。我会在10天内交付圣诞树,然后在圣诞节之后拿回来。有人怀疑这项业务是否可行,因为客户理应需要‘触摸和感知’圣诞树。然而在互联网时代,人们图的就是个方便。我一年可以销售2000颗提前装好灯饰的圣诞树。新奥尔良民众在1月都还保留着其圣诞树。”


2017年,哈里斯、当时27岁的CrossFit健身房老板莱尔·塞里奥特(如今是Whinstone的首席运营官)和大一辍学的阿什顿,创建了一个小型试点项目,共计部署了300台计算机。当时,阿什顿戴着蓝色的假发。他的父亲说:“阿什顿从辍学回家之后决定,这便是他想要做的事情。”他与哈里斯一样,被创业的浪漫情怀所深深吸引。即便在冬天,这些计算机亦会让仓库的温度升到100华氏度(约37.78摄氏度),其哈希率也会受到影响。为了降低温度,这支团队打造了一个20英尺(约6.1米)多高的长方形木盒,来放置一个机架的计算机。他们还使用从家得宝(Home Depot)购买的部件,制造了排气系统,并通过屋顶的管道抽出热空气。很快,温度便下降到了70华氏度(约21.11摄氏度)。在格鲁吉亚的第比利斯召开的比特币大会上,塞里奥特和阿什顿在酒吧中遇到了一个人,他对他们所描述的这个奇妙装置非常感兴趣,并将其介绍给了来自于日本大型财团的代表,哈里斯拒绝透露其名字。当时,这家公司希望将挖矿业务扩张至美国。无独有偶,哈里斯笨重的塔式货架成为了其公司的卖点。

三周之后,来自日本公司的15名经理突然到访了这个团队在新奥尔良自建的比特币农场。哈里斯回忆说:“他们说:‘我们到访了11个国家,而这是目前为止我们看到的矿机散热的最佳解决方案。’”哈里斯称,这家日本公司认为,这些人受困于“原始的企业构架”,却因为“极富创造力”而弥补了这个缺陷。哈里斯叫来了他的大儿子艾登。艾登当时还在攻读位于波士顿的美国东北大学(Northeastern University)的会计专业硕士学位。艾登当天就飞到了新奥尔良,并迅速拿出了一个商业计划,交给了日本客户,收获就是这个团队支付其学生债。2018年11月中旬,哈里斯团队达成了交易,为这家日本公司在美国的首个比特币挖矿业务提供仓库、电力和服务。



哈里斯最初的想法是重新修建一处设施,这样,他便能够承接日本客户和其他第三方的业务。他们希望收购HODL Ranch的场地,该公司位于派奥特,而且电力直接入户。为了搞定融资,这支团队聘请了一名筹款人。然而,该交易未能成功,因为他们输给了竞标对手。7月初,也就是HODL交易失败的三天之后,哈里斯在《连线》(Wired)杂志中读到了一篇故事《倒霉得州城镇,押注比特币却以失败告终》(The Hard-Luck Texas Town That Bet on Bitcoin—and Lost),讲述的是罗克代尔市的痛苦。他发现,比特大陆公司在老旧的美国铝业公司工厂的产能提升并没有像预期的那么快,这家公司可能会把多出的厂房租给他,然后用于承接矿主。



哈里斯在11月初破土动工。这个活动被永恒地收录在了一张照片中:哈里斯团队故意露出了诡异的笑容,其中还有满载的铲车。当时,阿什顿的蓝色假发不见了。然而,这些创始人拿不出实现其宏大愿景所需的足够资金。哈里斯回忆说:“我们迫切需要现金。”该项目成本预计约为1.5亿美元,但比特币价格的暴跌打消了投资者支持该项目的念头。在哈里斯开工的当天,比特币的价格仅为4100美元,而2018年年初为1.5万美元。在奠基仪式两周后,也就是2019年11月中旬,该团队同意以1.64亿美元的价格,通过全股份交易的形式,在2020年2月底将Whinstone出售给Northern Data。Northern Data意识到,这些新奥尔良创始人对于打造这个宏伟项目来说是不可或缺的,因此保留了整个团队。当比特币的价格再度飙升时,这位新所有者可谓是赚的盆满钵满。2021年4月,比特币的价格突破了6万美元大关,Riot从Northern Data手中收购了Whinstone,出价比Northern Data当初的收购价高出数倍。







与此同时,哈里斯已经变得十分热爱罗克代尔的生活。他甚至说服了一位满脸皱纹的餐厅老板在其汉堡中使用真正的碎牛肉,并给它们披上了新奥尔良式的华丽外衣。在从事了一整天计算机安装或订购变压器的工作之后,他会在夜间骑上自己的公路探险自行车,后面跟着一辆汽车,用来照亮前方崎岖的道路。令他感到异常高兴的是,布雷特·博伦正在竞选市长,而布雷特是他最喜爱餐厅Brett’s Backyard Bar-B-Que的老板。哈里斯说:“布雷特跟我一样,是那种喜欢孤注一掷的人。”罗克代尔如今跟他一样处于上升期,他对此也是称赞不已。他说,比特币为该镇带来了每月25%的税收增幅,并为棒球场带来了安装新照明灯的资金。




When Chad Everett Harris first set foot in the tiny hamlet of Rockdale, Texas, on a sweltering day in July of 2019, both the town and the man were the hardest of hard-luck cases. Rockdale’s economy was still reeling from a shock two years earlier when Alcoa shuttered what was once the world’s largest aluminum plant. And a plan by China’s Bitmain to repurpose the gigantic ex-smelter as another industrial superlative––the world’s largest Bitcoin mine––had briefly flourished then foundered after the signature cryptocurrency’s price collapsed in the fall of 2018. An estimated 88% of the facility’s 3,000 workers lost their jobs, pounding the municipal budget. Few enclaves its size had ever seen the kind of swing from boomtown to has-been experienced by the prairie community of 5,900, an hour’s drive north of Austin.

As for Harris, the flamboyant serial entrepreneur had long careened from coups to flops on the wildest of roller-coaster rides, and his steep slide now mirrored Rockdale’s. The mid-Texas outpost was an odd place for New Orleans native Harris to be seeking financial redemption. In fact, he’d never before set eyes on the rural stretches of the Lone Star State. “Talk about culture shock!” he tells Fortune. “I’m living in uptown New Orleans, blocks from Michelin-rated restaurants and the best food in the world, and I drive through these rolling hills that first day and keep seeing signs, ‘World’s Best Burger,’ and ‘Best Burger in Texas,’ and when I bite in, it’s the same frozen patty from a food services company.” Harris had once thrived running a landscaping venture that planted New Orleans’s top golf courses and most prominent parks, and cleaned up at an oddball field he virtually invented, selling pre-decorated Christmas trees online. Under severe pressure from his lenders, he chose to close the businesses. Within months, he’d turn the keys to his landscaping franchise over to his top lieutenant for nothing. A comeback bid hosting Bitcoin mining for a Japanese partner in rented New Orleans warehouses was going poorly, since the economics of doing business in Louisiana, including high energy costs, made it unprofitable to mine Bitcoin.

Still, Harris saw Rockdale as his El Dorado. Put simply, he wanted to achieve what Bitmain, a powerhouse as the world’s leading manufacturer of Bitcoin mining equipment, was so far failing to accomplish: building one of the world’s biggest Bitcoin mining operations, if not the biggest. For Harris, a successful operation was all about two things, giant scale and supercheap electricity. And unlike New Orleans, Rockdale offered both in such ample supply that he’d trade his hometown’s gourmet burgers for Rockdale’s not-so-specials. (You can read more about the burgeoning business of mining Bitcoin in Texas here.) But Harris swears that the appeal was swashbuckling freedom as much as rich profits. “I looked at mining Bitcoin in Rockdale as an exit strategy,” he says. “It was a way to solve all my problems and build a business and make everyone a ton of money. We stumbled onto a product called Bitcoin that was profitable and created financial freedom from banking institutions. I loved the idea. In Rockdale, I’d be in control again. I’d work a miracle by getting people to do stuff they never thought they could do, including myself.”

In under three years, the bald, goateed Harris, 52, has reinvented himself as what might be called the king of Bitcoin mining infrastructure, and helped make little Rockdale the industry’s buzzing world capital. Whinstone has mushroomed to become for Bitcoin mining what VW’s Wolfsburg plant and Boeing’s Everett factory are to cars and airplanes. Since breaking ground in early November of 2019, Harris has transformed a 100-acre forest site once owned by Alcoa, just down the road from the slower moving Bitmain project, into one of the world’s biggest Bitcoin mining centers, measured by total “metered capacity.” The project now hosts seven gigantic warehouses, three still under construction, covering the equivalent of almost 10 football fields that, when completed by the close of 2022, will house 120,000 state-of-the-art Bitmain Antminer computers. The Whinstone US plant already harbors 400 megawatts in electrical capacity; that’s almost twice the juice powering downtown Dallas.

But Harris, an avid gravel biker, is still churning gravel as he pedals toward top speed. Whinstone should reach a staggering capacity of 750 MW by the close of 2022. By then, the mine will be generating the codes or “hashes” that win new Bitcoin awards at the rate of 12.8 exahashes per second or EH/s (an exahash equals 1 quintillion hashes, one to the 18th power). That’s about one-seventh of the computing power of the entire global Bitcoin network at a single plant built by Harris and his New Orleans cowboys. And it’s the portion of the overall hashrate a miner controls that determines the portion of newly minted Bitcoin it receives, meaning that Whinstone will mint a big share of the world’s coins in the years ahead. In his new role as empire builder, Harris predicts that Whinstone could eventually be mining one in 10 of the world’s Bitcoin. He’s justly immodest about the accomplishment. “Anybody would want to try this with Bitcoin selling at $40,000,” he says. “But we were the ones who did it when no one dared. We started when Bitcoin was selling at around $4,000 and mining looked like a huge risk.”

Harris and his team did all the work designing and building Whinstone, and are still in charge. But they owned the project only briefly. Lacking the gigantic capital Whinstone required, they sold to Northern Data of Germany in late 2019, and last May, Riot Blockchain of Castle Rock, Colo., paid Northern Data $651 million to become the new proprietor. Harris now serves as CEO of the Whinstone venture, which constitutes most of Riot’s current revenues and is its future growth machine. In a single stroke, the Whinstone purchase catapulted Riot into the top ranks of all publicly traded Bitcoin miners. At almost 13 EH/s by year-end, Riot should rank third in computing power behind Core Scientific, projected at 15 EH/s, and a hair short of Marathon Digital at an estimated 13.3 EH/s. The Riot acquisition changed Whinstone’s business model. Previously, the facility mainly housed third-party miners, who pay handsomely for the Harris team to provide housing, electricity, maintenance, and all other services. While Whinstone still serves outside customers, Riot has shifted the main focus to generating Bitcoin for its own account. In January, Riot companywide mined 458 Bitcoin valued at over $20 million, the vast bulk at Whinstone, and it’s on track to more than double that output by late 2022.

It also appears that at Bitcoin’s current price of around $40,000, Whinstone is extremely lucrative. A major reason is its ultralow electricity costs of 2.4 cents per kWh. By Fortune’s estimate, its expense of labor, electricity, and equipment is around $15,000 per coin. Analyst Lucas Pipes of B. Riley predicts that by late this year when Whinstone is fully up and running, Riot will be generating 80% Ebita margins on sales of around $600 million at a price of $40,000 per coin, making it one of the world’s three biggest publicly traded miners, and among the most profitable.

Where does Whinstone rank among largest Bitcoin mining sites around the globe? It’s unquestionably first in North America. But its global position is hard to gauge since information on the scale of facilities in such nations as Iran, Kazakhstan, and Russia, all major producers, isn’t publicly available. “I wouldn’t want to die on the hill saying it’s the biggest,” notes analyst Pipes. “But I don't know of any others that are even at their current 400 megawatts, let alone higher than their 700 MW goal for this year. Whinstone could well be the world’s largest.”

Even for New Orleans, a town that relishes wild improvisation as the birthplace of jazz, and Texas, where the lore of bet-the-ranch wildcatters is as rooted in its culture as the cactus in its soil, Harris’s story stands tall for sheer rollicking, rags-to-riches crypto-jackpot adventure. For this multi-megawatt personality, it’s something of a moral tale. “I’ve had incredible successes and failures,” he tells me. He attributes his amazing ability to keep bouncing back to his favorite credo: “Hard times create strong men. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times.”

An early Bitcoin mining foray

Harris was raised by his divorced mother, also a daring entrepreneur whose business of running conventions often met with failure. “She’d get so nervous and sick to her stomach she’d stay in our hotel room, and at age 14 I’d have to go down on the convention floor and bark orders,” he recalls. His mom ran events for a libertarian organization that advocated buying gold and silver, and doubted that paper money would hold its value; Harris says its philosophical heirs are backing Bitcoin. “It was a subculture of non-dollar currency,” he says. “My mom would take groups to visit gold mines in South Africa and Afghanistan.” As a teenager, he’d drive marquee names from the airport to the events. “It was wild,” he says. “I was chauffeuring celebrities from Henry Kissinger to G. Gordon Liddy.” Higher education wasn’t for Harris. “I spent one day at the University of New Orleans, then dropped out,” he says. “I got a refund on what my mother paid and used it all to buy lawn-mowing equipment. I was so ashamed to tell her that I pretended to go to college for two months.”

Harris built his teenage venture into a large landscaping business. “We’d do projects where we’d plant 500 trees and 40,000 of one type of plants, and install miles of irrigation pipe,” he recalls. “It was great training for building Whinstone.” Among his successes were the New Orleans Sculpture Garden and Audubon Park Golf Course, a public course near downtown New Orleans renowned for its sumptuous greenery. He also operated a home and garden store that sold a variety of items, from saplings to cast stone planters to jewelry. But around 2015, Harris closed the store and started selling exclusively online. He’d already witnessed the power of internet sales by establishing a sideline that marketed those fully appointed Christmas trees online. “I was the one of the first to do it. I’d buy the trees from North Carolina and install hand-strung lights,” he says. “I’d deliver the trees within 10 days, and pick them up after Christmas. People doubted it would work, because customers supposedly needed to ‘touch and feel’ the trees. But in the internet age, what they wanted most was convenience. I was selling 2,000 pre-lit trees a year. New Orleans folks were reserving their trees in January.”

Despite the coup in yuletide marketing, Harris’s bankers thought switching his brick-and-mortar garden store to an online platform would prove a disaster. “Let’s say I didn’t see eye to eye with my lenders,” he notes. Harris found a new field that could restart his career. Years earlier, his younger son Ashton, then in the ninth grade, was using a new, cool new “digital currency” to buy stuff online. “Ashton introduced me to Bitcoin,” says Harris.

In 2017, Harris, Lyle Theriot, a then 27-year-old CrossFit gym owner who’s now Whinstone’s COO, and Ashton, who’d left college as a freshman, built a tiny pilot project deploying 300 computers. At the time, Ashton sported blue hair. “Ashton came home from college and decided this is what he wanted to do,” says his dad. He was just as enthralled by the romance of entrepreneurship as Harris. Even in winter, the computers heated the warehouse to over 100 degrees, slowing their hashrate. To lower the temperature, the team built a 20-foot-tall rectangular wooden box to contain a rack of computers, and devised an exhaust system, using parts bought at Home Depot, to pump the hot air through ducts in the roof. Suddenly, the thermometer dropped into the 70s. At a Bitcoin conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, Theriot and Ashton met someone in a bar who became fascinated by their description of the contraption, and showed it to reps from a big Japanese conglomerate Harris declines to name. At the time, the company wanted to expand into Bitcoin mining in the United States. Of all things, Harris’s unwieldy tower would spearhead the company’s campaign.

Three weeks later, a retinue of 15 managers from Japanese company swooped down on the team’s homegrown Bitcoin farm in New Orleans. “They said, ‘We’ve been to 11 countries, and this is by far the best solution we’ve seen to expelling hot air from miners,’” recalls Harris. According to Harris, the Japanese company reckoned that these guys were handicapped by “a primitive corporate structure” but redeemed themselves by being “as inventive as hell.” Harris summoned his older son, Aiden, then an accounting MSA student at Northeastern University in Boston. Aiden flew to New Orleans that very day and quickly assembled a business plan for the Japanese client––in exchange for the team to pay off his student loans. In mid-November of 2018, the Harris team clinched a deal to provide the warehousing, power, and services for the Japanese company’s first Bitcoin mining operation in the U.S.

Harris and his client had big plans, quickly ramping to 6,000 machines. But the project was a disaster. The cost of electricity in New Orleans was around 5.6 cents per kilowatt-hour, not excessive by national standards but much higher than the rates where miners mostly operated, from China to Iran to Texas. “Power was just too expensive, especially when the price of Bitcoin dropped sharply $3,500 by February of 2019,” notes Harris. “Mining in New Orleans wasn’t business friendly or tax friendly, and the workforce wasn’t the best.” By this time, a fourth New Orleans buccaneer had joined the team of Harris père et fils and Theriot—David Schatz, a former railroad diesel mechanic who now heads operations at Whinstone. In early 2019, the Harris partners looked to Texas for the essentials missing in New Orleans: supercheap electricity, as well as low taxes, and a posse of super-motivated on-the-job longhorns who shared their thirst for adventure.

Texas as Bitcoin’s prairie promised land

The original idea was to build a facility from scratch where Harris would host the Japanese client and other third parties. The team wanted to acquire the HODL Ranch location, which had power to the site, in Pyote, west of Midland. To secure the financing, the group hired a fundraiser. The deal, however, collapsed when a competing bidder snatched the prize. In early July, three days after the HODL foray failed, Harris read a story in Wired called “The Hard-Luck Texas Town That Bet on Bitcoin—and Lost,” about Rockdale’s travails. He figured that since Bitmain hadn’t increased production at the old Alcoa plant nearly as fast as expected, it might lease him excess space for hosting miners.

Two weeks later, Harris hit the ground in Rockdale. “Our guys went to a town hall meeting where the Rockdale folks talked a lot about the need for speed bumps,” he recalls. “From that meeting, we realized that the town needed revitalization.” Relations wouldn’t go as well with Bitmain. By September, Harris hadn’t been able to secure an agreement to rent space, and wasn’t sure he wanted to, since Alcoa’s old buildings lacked the open spans ideal for housing towering racks of computers. The Japanese client gave him exactly seven days to find another venue, or it would end its pledge to contract with Harris for hosting. Instead of aiming to lease from Bitmain, the Crescent City gambler now raised his bet. Harris’s target: The empty, 100-acre forest down the street from the Bitmain farm. Now, Harris aimed to build his own giant facility from scratch, at a time when Bitcoin’s price was so low that that even giant Bitmain was retreating.

Harris started negotiations to rent the vacant land from Alcoa (it’s since been sold to an investor). “They wanted a Moody’s-rated guarantor, a $1 million deposit, and three years of $1 million a year in rent paid in advance,” he says. “All the team had [was] a million dollars in Bitcoin that we wanted to use to start the project. So we didn’t have the guarantee or the $4 million. But we said we did. My attitude was agree with everything and get the money later. As long as we were saying yes to everything, they were saying yes, too, and we knew what we had to do. If we failed, we’d have zero.” Still anxious to secure hosting in Texas, the Japanese client provided guarantee and the support to clinch a 10-year lease.

Harris broke ground in early November, an event immortalized in a photo of the Harris team sporting wacky grins and loaded shovels. By then, Ashton’s blue hair was gone. But the founders lacked the cash to realize their giant vision. “We were in desperate need of money,” recalls Harris. A plunge in Bitcoin’s price discouraged investors from backing the project, estimated to cost $150 million. The day Harris started construction, coins were selling at just $4,100, versus $15,000 in early 2018. Two weeks after the groundbreaking ceremony, in mid-November of 2019, the team agreed to sell Whinstone to Northern Data in an all-stock deal that, by the closing in February of 2020, was worth $164 million. Northern Data recognized that the New Orleans founders were as essential as steel and transformers to building the giant project, and left the full team in place. The new owner enjoyed a huge windfall when Bitcoin prices soared. In early April of 2021, with Bitcoin cresting at over $60,000, Riot agreed to buy Whinstone for multiples of what Northern Data had paid.

Living conditions were spare. “I lived in a barn on one floor with two other guys, with one bathroom. I’m talking a real barn, not the Instagram kind where even the cows are perfect,” Harris recalls. “In New Orleans, I lived in a nice house on less than a quarter acre and saw my neighbors every day. In the Rockdale barn, I met my one neighbor once in six months.” Harris says that he’s done 700 phone meetings in the past three years with executives in Japan that started between 11 p.m. and 12 p.m., and often lasted well into the early morning hours. “Then I’d sleep a couple of hours on the floor in the office, and get back to work ordering supplies, say, at 6 a.m., then go all day and take a nap at five before the calls to Japan.”

Building fast through the pandemic while doing jobs in house and helping suppliers

Harris deployed two strategies that helped him skirt the snarls that slowed so many big infrastructure projects after COVID-19 struck in March of 2020. The first is using his own electricians, engineers, and other workers to build equipment and perform complicated tasks that are usually outsourced. Whinstone fashioned its own “interconnect,” a silvery web of wiring that links the 138,000-volt grid outside its property to its own substation. Harris’s employees and contractors built the substation on-site as well. “It would have taken 16 to 18 months to get one delivered, so we bought all the parts and did it ourselves in a couple of months,” he says.

The second strategy is doing everything possible to make life easy for suppliers. “Part of that is making giant orders in advance,” says Harris. “When we first started, I ordered all the four-inch–diameter orange conduit, the pipe that runs underground and contains the wiring, that was available in the U.S.” Each of Whinstone’s seven buildings has 35 to 50 transformers that lower the heavy current from the substation so that it’s at the right level to power the computers. “I ordered tons of them in August of 2019 before we even had a lease from Alcoa. What a gamble! But it worked.” He’s also built a reputation for paying suppliers right on time, or even in advance. “We make sure they’re not using their own money to support our project,” he notes. “We buy materials for them all the time that they normally have to buy for themselves. So their only expenses are labor and overhead. Not a lot of project managers think that way. Our greatest skill is sending money to contractors as fast as we can.” For Harris, the payoff is that during the pandemic shortages, loyal suppliers tended to fill Whinstone’s orders first, a benefit that continues to this day.

Cooling technology is a crucial area for improving the productivity and longevity of the ASIC machines that mostly run 24/7 spewing Bitcoin-winning codes. And Whinstone’s a pioneer in the field. It’s first in the world to deploy groundbreaking “immersion cooled” mining on an industrial scale. The process is a big improvement over standard air cooling. The miners are submerged in a specialized, oil-based “dielectric” fluid that circulates to keep the computers’ integrated circuits at lower temperatures. The liquid absorbs the heat from the machines. In a continuous loop, the heated fluid is pumped to a heat-exchanger that cools it down, and the re-cooled liquid flows back into the immersion tank to circulate around integrated circuits. Of the 400 MW expansion that will get Whinstone to 700 MW by year-end, 200 MW will feature immersion cooling. Says Harris, “It controls the temperature of the miners much better than air cooling.”

The technology provides two major advantages. First, it prolongs the life of the computers. “Instead of lasting three years, the machines can last five years,” says Harris. “You’re depreciating them over longer periods, lowering capital costs.” Second, the process can greatly raise the hashrate for the same ASIC miners. In an October press release, Riot stated that its own test result and industry data showed a 25% increase in hashes per second, and that the potential jump could be as much as 50%. In addition, the machines run in what Harris calls “dead silence” versus the regular loud humming noise, and all the tanks stand at desk height, making machines much easier to maintain than when they’re stacked in towering racks. It’s possible that the extra efficiency provided by immersion cooling could lift Whinstone’s output to as much as 10% of the world’s Bitcoin production.

Meanwhile, Harris has gotten to love life in Rockdale. He’s even persuaded craggy restaurant owners to use real ground beef in their burgers, and fancy them up New Orleans–style. After a long day installing computers or ordering transformers, he rides his gravel bike at night, followed by a buddy driving behind him to illuminate the bumpy road. He’s thrilled that Brett Boren, who runs his favorite eatery, Brett’s Backyard Bar-B-Que is running for mayor. “Brett’s an all or nothing guy like me,” says Harris. He marvels that Rockdale’s upswing is now following his own. Bitcoin is helping swell the town’s tax receipts by 25% a month, he says, and providing the funds for new lights at the baseball field.

I asked Harris, as a former landscaper, how he felt about clearing an entire forest to create the sandpit where Whinstone’s seven buildings now rise. He responded that he’s already using his old skills in summoning nature to perfume and beautify the site. “When I’m finished it will look like a botanical garden,” he says. “We’ve already planted about 300 trees. I put organics in the soil and ran irrigation lines. We’ll have holly trees, and crape myrtles for flowers.” The refugee from New Orleans has also planted the roots for what may be the biggest crop of Bitcoin in any place on the planet, in probably the last spot he ever expected would become his field of dreams.



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