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Luisa Beltran

加密货币交易所FTX与其关联交易公司Alameda Research之间的紧密关系在业界可谓是人尽皆知。



投资者与行业高管向《财富》杂志透露,加密货币交易所FTX与其关联交易公司Alameda Research之间的紧密关系在业界可谓是人尽皆知。

Alameda是一家量化交易公司,由萨姆·班克曼-弗里德于2017年创建。这家公司因为其激进的交易策略而闻名,其加密货币交易遍布各大市场,由首席执行官卡罗琳·埃利森执掌。2019年,FTX脱离了Alameda,并得到了风投界一些大佬的支持,包括老虎环球管理基金(Tiger Global)、软银(SoftBank)和红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)。一位发言人在11月10日表示,该交易所在今年1月的估值为320亿美元,显得十分耀眼,因为当时风投资本轮开始走下坡路。FTX拥有约100万用户,而且在美国和全球拥有约300名员工。

班克曼-弗里德是FTX和Alameda的控股股东,在2022年的大部分时间内都是一位媒体明星,经常做客美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)和彭博社(Bloomberg),并登上了《财富》杂志的封面。这位30岁的亿万富翁被人们誉为加密货币的最后贷款人,曾经赎回了BlockFi,并给Voyager Digital贷款。


然而作为对比,人们对卡罗琳·埃利森却知之甚少。20多岁的她来自于波士顿,父亲是一位经济学家,于2016年毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),拿到了数学学位。埃利森在Alameda(于2021年7月担任首席执行官)担任交易员时曾经在一档录制的网播节目中谈到了自己童年时对哈利·波特的热爱。(未能联系上她予以置评。)

很明显,她缺乏这方面的经验。埃利森说,她并没有打算成为一位交易员,而且对自己的人生规划十分茫然:“数学专业能做什么?我觉得应该申请在交易公司实习,看看结果会怎样。”2016年9月,在完成两次实习之后,她在Jane Street获得了一份工作,这是一家量化交易公司,班克曼-弗里德也曾经在这里工作过。不到两年后,埃利森见到了刚刚成立了Alameda的班克曼-弗里德,随后便于2018年3月加入这家公司。她当时说:“我认为这个机会太酷了,不能错过。”

两年前的播客显示,埃利森从Jane Street的股票交易员变成了Alameda的加密货币交易员。她一年半的交易经验实际上要比很多Alameda的同事更长,然而,她依然承认自己“花了很多精力去适应”,其中“最明显的莫过于股票市场要比加密货币市场高效得多。”她的新职务要求埃利森在20家交易所进行投资,横跨不同的钱包,而且她表示,自己担心“她的钱可能会被盗窃。”埃利森习惯于进行带有局限性的决策,然而在加入这家只有数名员工的小型初创企业之后,她意识到“有很多决定不得不做,而且有的人必须做出所有的决定,其中大量决定真的存在不确定性。”


金融服务公司Swan Bitcoin的创始人及首席执行官科里·克利普斯滕在今年早些时候便流出了要破产的谣言:随着算法稳定币Terra’s LUNA、加密货币银行Celsius以及对冲基金三箭资本(Three Arrows Capital)相继倒闭,Alameda将步其后尘。克利普斯滕并非是FTX或Alameda的投资者,但自今年3月以来已经发布了多条批评班克曼-弗里德和FTX的推文。

《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)在11月10日称,FTX使用客户在交易所用于交易的存款给Alameda贷款。该报道称,Alameda当前欠FTX约100亿美元的债务,占到了FTX 160亿美元客户资产的一半还多。《华尔街日报》称,埃利森此前在与FTX雇员的视频会议中表示,班克曼-弗里德以及其他两名FTX高管对于利用客户资金给Alameda贷款的决策是知情的。FTX拒绝置评。


CoinDesk有关资产负债表的报告引发了挤兑现象。上周早些时候,FTX开始出现崩溃迹象,因为客户取走了约50亿美元的存款。班克曼-弗里德在一则推文中说,然而,按照1.7倍的杠杆,FTX的流动性只够支付80%的金额。11月9日,竞争对手币安(Binance)拿出了收购FTX的计划。两天后,FTX、Alameda Research以及约130家关联公司于11月11日在特拉华按照联邦破产法第11章申请了破产保护。班克曼-弗里德辞去首席执行官一职,埃利森似乎也丢掉了饭碗。

目前还没有消息明确显示破产涉及哪些资产组合公司。FTX和FTX US、风投业务FTX Ventures,以及Alameda进行了200多笔投资。Alameda执行了184笔交易,包括对 Solana和Stocktwits的投资,而FTX Ventures的48笔交易,对象包括SkyBridge Capital和Dave。FTX开展了21笔投资,对象包括Circle和Liquid Global。



一位私营股权高管拒绝对FTX投资,原因在于其估值不合理。这位高管还指出,订单流付款(PFOF)在加密货币交易公司并不常用。这一点与股票有所不同,因为像Robinhood Markets这样的线上经纪商会从其合作伙伴那里收集交易,然后将其交给像Citadel Securities、Susquehanna International Group和Wolverine Holdings这类做市商(根据11月3日的10Q监管报备文件),并收取费用。这种做法能够让线上经纪商为消费者提供“免费的”交易,但有时候得付出拿不到最好价格的“代价”。由于存在潜在的利益冲突,像美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)这样的监管方已经将线上经纪商使用PFOF的行为列为审查对象。

然而,从事加密货币交易的公司并不会使用PFOF。瑞穗证券美国公司(Mizuho Securities USA)的金融科技股研究高级分析师丹·多列夫表示:“这类业务可以赚取利差或佣金。”例如,一位女发言人称,Kraken会按照一定比例的交易报价货币量来收取客户交易费,而不是PFOF。Coinbase并不使用PFOF,但会收取交易佣金。然而,Robinhood则支持在加密货币中使用PFOF,称将订单发送至交易场所的举措能够提供具有竞争力的价格。





投资者与行业高管向《财富》杂志透露,加密货币交易所FTX与其关联交易公司Alameda Research之间的紧密关系在业界可谓是人尽皆知。

Alameda是一家量化交易公司,由萨姆·班克曼-弗里德于2017年创建。这家公司因为其激进的交易策略而闻名,其加密货币交易遍布各大市场,由首席执行官卡罗琳·埃利森执掌。2019年,FTX脱离了Alameda,并得到了风投界一些大佬的支持,包括老虎环球管理基金(Tiger Global)、软银(SoftBank)和红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)。一位发言人在11月10日表示,该交易所在今年1月的估值为320亿美元,显得十分耀眼,因为当时风投资本轮开始走下坡路。FTX拥有约100万用户,而且在美国和全球拥有约300名员工。

班克曼-弗里德是FTX和Alameda的控股股东,在2022年的大部分时间内都是一位媒体明星,经常做客美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)和彭博社(Bloomberg),并登上了《财富》杂志的封面。这位30岁的亿万富翁被人们誉为加密货币的最后贷款人,曾经赎回了BlockFi,并给Voyager Digital贷款。


然而作为对比,人们对卡罗琳·埃利森却知之甚少。20多岁的她来自于波士顿,父亲是一位经济学家,于2016年毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),拿到了数学学位。埃利森在Alameda(于2021年7月担任首席执行官)担任交易员时曾经在一档录制的网播节目中谈到了自己童年时对哈利·波特的热爱。(未能联系上她予以置评。)

很明显,她缺乏这方面的经验。埃利森说,她并没有打算成为一位交易员,而且对自己的人生规划十分茫然:“数学专业能做什么?我觉得应该申请在交易公司实习,看看结果会怎样。”2016年9月,在完成两次实习之后,她在Jane Street获得了一份工作,这是一家量化交易公司,班克曼-弗里德也曾经在这里工作过。不到两年后,埃利森见到了刚刚成立了Alameda的班克曼-弗里德,随后便于2018年3月加入这家公司。她当时说:“我认为这个机会太酷了,不能错过。”

两年前的播客显示,埃利森从Jane Street的股票交易员变成了Alameda的加密货币交易员。她一年半的交易经验实际上要比很多Alameda的同事更长,然而,她依然承认自己“花了很多精力去适应”,其中“最明显的莫过于股票市场要比加密货币市场高效得多。”她的新职务要求埃利森在20家交易所进行投资,横跨不同的钱包,而且她表示,自己担心“她的钱可能会被盗窃。”埃利森习惯于进行带有局限性的决策,然而在加入这家只有数名员工的小型初创企业之后,她意识到“有很多决定不得不做,而且有的人必须做出所有的决定,其中大量决定真的存在不确定性。”


金融服务公司Swan Bitcoin的创始人及首席执行官科里·克利普斯滕在今年早些时候便流出了要破产的谣言:随着算法稳定币Terra’s LUNA、加密货币银行Celsius以及对冲基金三箭资本(Three Arrows Capital)相继倒闭,Alameda将步其后尘。克利普斯滕并非是FTX或Alameda的投资者,但自今年3月以来已经发布了多条批评班克曼-弗里德和FTX的推文。

《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)在11月10日称,FTX使用客户在交易所用于交易的存款给Alameda贷款。该报道称,Alameda当前欠FTX约100亿美元的债务,占到了FTX 160亿美元客户资产的一半还多。《华尔街日报》称,埃利森此前在与FTX雇员的视频会议中表示,班克曼-弗里德以及其他两名FTX高管对于利用客户资金给Alameda贷款的决策是知情的。FTX拒绝置评。


CoinDesk有关资产负债表的报告引发了挤兑现象。上周早些时候,FTX开始出现崩溃迹象,因为客户取走了约50亿美元的存款。班克曼-弗里德在一则推文中说,然而,按照1.7倍的杠杆,FTX的流动性只够支付80%的金额。11月9日,竞争对手币安(Binance)拿出了收购FTX的计划。两天后,FTX、Alameda Research以及约130家关联公司于11月11日在特拉华按照联邦破产法第11章申请了破产保护。班克曼-弗里德辞去首席执行官一职,埃利森似乎也丢掉了饭碗。

目前还没有消息明确显示破产涉及哪些资产组合公司。FTX和FTX US、风投业务FTX Ventures,以及Alameda进行了200多笔投资。Alameda执行了184笔交易,包括对 Solana和Stocktwits的投资,而FTX Ventures的48笔交易,对象包括SkyBridge Capital和Dave。FTX开展了21笔投资,对象包括Circle和Liquid Global。



一位私营股权高管拒绝对FTX投资,原因在于其估值不合理。这位高管还指出,订单流付款(PFOF)在加密货币交易公司并不常用。这一点与股票有所不同,因为像Robinhood Markets这样的线上经纪商会从其合作伙伴那里收集交易,然后将其交给像Citadel Securities、Susquehanna International Group和Wolverine Holdings这类做市商(根据11月3日的10Q监管报备文件),并收取费用。这种做法能够让线上经纪商为消费者提供“免费的”交易,但有时候得付出拿不到最好价格的“代价”。由于存在潜在的利益冲突,像美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)这样的监管方已经将线上经纪商使用PFOF的行为列为审查对象。

然而,从事加密货币交易的公司并不会使用PFOF。瑞穗证券美国公司(Mizuho Securities USA)的金融科技股研究高级分析师丹·多列夫表示:“这类业务可以赚取利差或佣金。”例如,一位女发言人称,Kraken会按照一定比例的交易报价货币量来收取客户交易费,而不是PFOF。Coinbase并不使用PFOF,但会收取交易佣金。然而,Robinhood则支持在加密货币中使用PFOF,称将订单发送至交易场所的举措能够提供具有竞争力的价格。





The close ties between crypto exchange FTX and its affiliated trading firm, Alameda Research, were well known throughout the industry, investors and industry executives have told Fortune.

Alameda was a quantitative trading firm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried in 2017. The company, known for aggressive trading strategies, offered crypto trading in every market and was led by CEO Caroline Ellison. In 2019, FTX spun out of Alameda and was backed by some of the biggest names in the venture world, including Tiger Global, SoftBank, and Sequoia Capital. The exchange was valued at $32 billion in January, notable since venture funding rounds at that time had started to decline. FTX had about 1 million users and employed roughly 300 people, including U.S. and international, a spokesman said on November 10.

Bankman-Fried, who owned a majority of FTX and Alameda, was a media star for much of 2022, appearing often on CNBC and Bloomberg, as well as on the cover of Fortune. The 30-year-old billionaire also became known as crypto’s lender of last resort, bailing out BlockFi and lending money to Voyager Digital.

Who is Caroline Ellison?

But by comparison, not much is known about Caroline Ellison, who hails from Boston, is the 20-something daughter of economists, and graduated from Stanford University in 2016 with a degree in mathematics. Ellison, in a podcast recorded while she was a trader at Alameda (she became CEO in July 2021), spoke of her childhood love of Harry Potter. (She could not be reached for comment on this story.)

Her lack of experience was evident. Ellison said she didn’t set out to become a trader, and didn’t know what to do with her life: “What do math majors do? I guess I’ll apply to some internships with some trading firms, see how that is.” In September 2016, she landed a job at Jane Street, a quant trading firm where Bankman-Fried also had worked, after she completed two internships. Less than two years later, Ellison joined Alameda in March 2018 after meeting with Bankman-Fried, who had just launched the firm. “I decided it was too cool of an opportunity to pass up,” she said at the time.

Ellison went from trading equities at Jane Street to crypto at Alameda, according to the two-year-old podcast. Her year-and-a-half of trading experience actually was more than many Alameda peers, but she also admitted that it took “a lot of adjustments” with the “most obvious big thing is that the equity markets are way more efficient than crypto markets.” Her new role required Ellison to keep capital on 20 different exchanges, in different wallets, and she said she was worried about “the probability that my money was going to get stolen.” Ellison was used to making decisions that were circumscribed, but after joining a small startup with a few people, she realized that a “bunch of decisions have to be made and someone has to make all of them, a lot of them are really uncertain.”

“Everyone in crypto knew”

Earlier this year, rumors began circulating of Alameda’s insolvency after Terra’s LUNA, an algorithmic stable coin, the crypto bank Celsius, and Three Arrows Capital, the hedge fund, each failed, said Cory Klippsten, founder and CEO of Swan Bitcoin, a financial services company. Klippsten is not an investor in FTX or Alameda but has posted several tweets critical of Bankman-Fried and FTX since March.

FTX extended loans to Alameda using money that customers had deposited on the exchange for trading, the Wall Street Journal reported on November 10. Alameda currently owes FTX about $10 billion, which is more than half of FTX’s $16 billion in customer assets, the story said. Ellison, in a video meeting with FTX employees last week, said that she, Bankman-Fried, and two other FTX executives were aware of the decision to send customer funds to Alameda, the WSJ said. FTX declined to comment.

“There was no Chinese wall between FTX and Alameda,” said Klippsten, who saw the balance sheet that showed Alameda had more than $5.82 billion worth of FTT tokens, which was 40% of its total assets. The $5.82 billion included $3.66 billion that was “locked,” or completely illiquid, Klippsten explained. “These FTT tokens, which were created by FTX out of thin air, are extremely illiquid, and inherently worthless.”

CoinDesk’s reporting on the balance sheet caused a bank run. FTX began imploding early last week after seeing customer withdrawals of about $5 billion. But FTX only had liquidity to fund 80% of that at 1.7 times leverage, Bankman-Fried said in a tweet. On November 9, rival Binance pulled out of plans to buy FTX. Two days later, FTX, Alameda Research, and about 130 affiliated companies, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware on November 11. Bankman-Fried resigned as CEO, while Ellison also appears to be out of a job.

It’s not immediately clear which of the portfolio companies are included in the bankruptcy. FTX, and FTX US, the VC arm FTX Ventures, and Alameda have made more than 200 investments, Fortune reported. Alameda made 184 deals, including investments in Solana and Stocktwits, while FTX Ventures’s 48 transactions include SkyBridge Capital and Dave. FTX has 21 investments, including Circle and Liquid Global.

“Everyone in crypto knew [FTX and Alameda] were married at the hip. Anyone could see that,” an FTX investor who requested anonymity told Fortune.


One private equity executive, who declined to invest in FTX because its valuation didn’t make sense, noted that payment for order flow, or PFOF, is typically not used by crypto trading firms. This is different from equities where online brokers like Robinhood Markets aggregate trades from their partners and channels them to market makers like Citadel Securities, Susquehanna International Group, and Wolverine Holdings, and collect a fee, according to a Nov. 3 10Q regulatory filing. The process allows online brokers to offer consumers “free” trading but sometimes at the “cost” of not getting the best price. Regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission have scrutinized the use of PFOF by online brokers because of potential conflicts of interests.

But firms trading in crypto generally don’t use PFOF. “It’s a spread or a commission business,” notes Dan Dolev, a senior analyst in fintech equity research at Mizuho Securities USA. For example, rather than PFOF, Kraken charges fees on client trades that are calculated as a percentage of the trade’s quote currency volume, a spokeswoman said. Coinbase also doesn’t use PFOF but charges commissions on trading. But Robinhood champions the use of PFOF in crypto, claiming that sending orders to trading venues provides competitive prices.

Alameda acted as a market maker, and with no PFOF, it possibly had preferred access to FTX trades or other preferential access to FTX, the private equity executive told Fortune. This could’ve included better visibility into what clients were doing. “Without PFOF in the [crypto] industry, one wonders about the market maker relationship with exchanges, and people always wondered about the FTX/Alameda relationship especially since they were jointly owned by Sam,” the exec said. Could Alameda have seen orders piling up on FTX to sell a coin, which allowed them to take that information and front run the trades? “It’s definitely possible that they would’ve had advantaged access to see what was happening,” the exec said. (No one at Alameda could be reached for comment, and the website has been taken offline.)

Interestingly, at least in hindsight, that relationship was one of the reasons some investors said they thought FTX was unlikely to stumble. “They had one of the greatest backstops—a super-profitable crypto exchange connected to the No. 1 trade maker in crypto,” the investor said. With the implosion of FTX, this investor’s stake, once valued in the millions, was wiped out.



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