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火热开场之后,实际情况表明加密货币行业在2022年遇到了困难。5月Terra的崩盘被分析师视为最新的加密货币寒冬(Crypto Winter)。




1. Yuga Labs:4.5亿美元

2022年3月,这家打造了热门非同质化代币(NFT)无聊猿猴游艇俱乐部(Bored Ape Yacht Club)的公司宣布融资4.5亿美元,由安德森·霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen Horowitz)领投。虽然本轮融资对Yuga Labs的估值为40亿美元,但NFT市场随后持续萎缩,而且有报道称Yuga Labs因为出售未注册证券而受到美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的调查。

2. ConsenSys:4.5亿美元

在以太坊(Ethereum)的联合创始人约瑟夫·鲁宾的领导下,ConsenSys打造的软件都聚焦于以太坊生态系统,包括月活用户超过3,000万的DeFi钱包MetaMask。2022年3月,ConsenSys宣布完成4.5亿美元的D轮融资,由ParaFi Capital领投,对ConsenSys的估值为70亿美元。此后其系列软件引发的隐私担忧让ConsenSys持续受到指责,Lubin则称该公司正在着手解决这些基本问题。

3. Polygon:4.5亿美元

Polygon是基于以太坊的区块链第二层平台,旨在帮助游戏、DeFi等应用程序扩大生态系统规模。该公司于2022年2月宣布获得红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)领投的4.5亿美元资金,老虎环球基金(Tiger Global)和软银(SoftBank)也参与了投资。当时Polygon的专属加密货币MATIC的市值为130亿美元,目前则已经跌破70亿美元。

4. Circle:4亿美元


5. FTX US:4亿美元

FTX交易所在美国的分支机构FTX US于2022年1月完成4亿美元的A轮融资,估值为80亿美元。看到这条消息,大家可能不难想到对Paradigm、淡马锡(Temasek)、Multicoin Capital和软银等参与其中的基金来说,这是一笔糟糕的投资。

6. FTX:4亿美元

不甘寂寞的境外加密货币交易所FTX也在2022年1月融资4亿美元。这是它的C轮融资,投资方和FTX US相同,对FTX的估值则为320亿美元。就在一年多前,也就是2021年10月,FTX完成了著名的“迷因轮”融资,从69位投资者手中筹集了420,690,000美元(但愿我们不需要解释这些梗)。据报道,公司的创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德出售个人持股后将3亿美元收入囊中。

7. Animoca Brands:3.588亿美元

在加密货币市场依然火爆的情况下,这家总部设在中国香港的软件和风投公司于2022年1月完成了3.588亿美元的A轮融资,由Liberty City Ventures领投,对其估值为50亿美元。Animoca Brands的业务以GameFi为主,这是“边玩边赚”游戏的委婉说法。而随着区块链游戏Axie Infinity遭遇争议,这个行业已经不再受到青睐。

8. NEAR Protocol:3.5亿美元

区块链公司NEAR Protocol自视为以太坊的竞争对手,它为开发者提供打造去中心化应用程序的平台。2020年10月上线后,NEAR Protocol已经筹集了大量资金,包括2022年4月由老虎环球基金领投的3.5亿美元,以及当年1月1.5亿美元的融资。2022年4月,NEAR Protocol的加密货币市值达到逾125亿美元的最高点,随后持续下滑,目前已经降至近10亿美元。

9. Amber Group:3亿美元

总部设在新加坡的加密货币交易商Amber Group完成了本榜单中唯一的一次四季度融资——2022年12月,该公司在C轮融资中获得资金3亿美元,由Fenbushi Capital US领投。但本次融资并非好消息。相反,这有可能是Amber Group的救命稻草。据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,Amber Group已经和切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea FC)达成赞助协议,并已经裁员40%。Amber Group还在FTX留有交易资产。

10. Mysten Labs:3亿美元

排在第十位的,同时也是本榜单中唯一的一次三季度融资来自Mysten Labs。2022年9月,该公司完成B轮融资,规模为3亿美元,由FTX Ventures领投,对其估值为20亿美元。Mysten Labs打造了Sui币,这种采用权益证明机制的第一层区块链由Meta公司的一位前员工牵头,目前尚未发行。(财富中文网)


火热开场之后,实际情况表明加密货币行业在2022年遇到了困难。5月Terra的崩盘被分析师视为最新的加密货币寒冬(Crypto Winter)。





80亿美元 60亿美元 40亿美元 20亿美元

2022年第一季度 2022年第二季度 2022年第三季度 2022年第四季度



1. Yuga Labs:4.5亿美元

2022年3月,这家打造了热门非同质化代币(NFT)无聊猿猴游艇俱乐部(Bored Ape Yacht Club)的公司宣布融资4.5亿美元,由安德森·霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen Horowitz)领投。虽然本轮融资对Yuga Labs的估值为40亿美元,但NFT市场随后持续萎缩,而且有报道称Yuga Labs因为出售未注册证券而受到美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的调查。

2. ConsenSys:4.5亿美元

在以太坊(Ethereum)的联合创始人约瑟夫·鲁宾的领导下,ConsenSys打造的软件都聚焦于以太坊生态系统,包括月活用户超过3,000万的DeFi钱包MetaMask。2022年3月,ConsenSys宣布完成4.5亿美元的D轮融资,由ParaFi Capital领投,对ConsenSys的估值为70亿美元。此后其系列软件引发的隐私担忧让ConsenSys持续受到指责,Lubin则称该公司正在着手解决这些基本问题。

3. Polygon:4.5亿美元

Polygon是基于以太坊的区块链第二层平台,旨在帮助游戏、DeFi等应用程序扩大生态系统规模。该公司于2022年2月宣布获得红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)领投的4.5亿美元资金,老虎环球基金(Tiger Global)和软银(SoftBank)也参与了投资。当时Polygon的专属加密货币MATIC的市值为130亿美元,目前则已经跌破70亿美元。

4. Circle:4亿美元


5. FTX US:4亿美元

FTX交易所在美国的分支机构FTX US于2022年1月完成4亿美元的A轮融资,估值为80亿美元。看到这条消息,大家可能不难想到对Paradigm、淡马锡(Temasek)、Multicoin Capital和软银等参与其中的基金来说,这是一笔糟糕的投资。

6. FTX:4亿美元

不甘寂寞的境外加密货币交易所FTX也在2022年1月融资4亿美元。这是它的C轮融资,投资方和FTX US相同,对FTX的估值则为320亿美元。就在一年多前,也就是2021年10月,FTX完成了著名的“迷因轮”融资,从69位投资者手中筹集了420,690,000美元(但愿我们不需要解释这些梗)。据报道,公司的创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德出售个人持股后将3亿美元收入囊中。

7. Animoca Brands:3.588亿美元

在加密货币市场依然火爆的情况下,这家总部设在中国香港的软件和风投公司于2022年1月完成了3.588亿美元的A轮融资,由Liberty City Ventures领投,对其估值为50亿美元。Animoca Brands的业务以GameFi为主,这是“边玩边赚”游戏的委婉说法。而随着区块链游戏Axie Infinity遭遇争议,这个行业已经不再受到青睐。

8. NEAR Protocol:3.5亿美元

区块链公司NEAR Protocol自视为以太坊的竞争对手,它为开发者提供打造去中心化应用程序的平台。2020年10月上线后,NEAR Protocol已经筹集了大量资金,包括2022年4月由老虎环球基金领投的3.5亿美元,以及当年1月1.5亿美元的融资。2022年4月,NEAR Protocol的加密货币市值达到逾125亿美元的最高点,随后持续下滑,目前已经降至近10亿美元。

9. Amber Group:3亿美元

总部设在新加坡的加密货币交易商Amber Group完成了本榜单中唯一的一次四季度融资——2022年12月,该公司在C轮融资中获得资金3亿美元,由Fenbushi Capital US领投。但本次融资并非好消息。相反,这有可能是Amber Group的救命稻草。据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,Amber Group已经和切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea FC)达成赞助协议,并已经裁员40%。Amber Group还在FTX留有交易资产。

10. Mysten Labs:3亿美元

排在第十位的,同时也是本榜单中唯一的一次三季度融资来自Mysten Labs。2022年9月,该公司完成B轮融资,规模为3亿美元,由FTX Ventures领投,对其估值为20亿美元。Mysten Labs打造了Sui币,这种采用权益证明机制的第一层区块链由Meta公司的一位前员工牵头,目前尚未发行。(财富中文网)


After starting out hot, 2022 proved to be a challenging year for the crypto industry, with the May collapse of Terra triggering what analysts have deemed the latest Crypto Winter.

VC firms closed their wallets as the chill set in. According to data from Crunchbase, global funding for VC-backed crypto startups dropped from $8.8 billion in the first quarter of 2022 to $6.2 billion in the second quarter to around $3.4 billion in the third quarter.

With just a few days left to go, crypto startups have only raised around $2.4 billion in the fourth quarter.

Despite the steady decline, some companies did still manage to raise prodigious rounds, although almost exclusively in the first half of the year. Here’s a look back at the biggest crypto funding rounds of 2022:

1. Yuga Labs: $450 million

The company behind the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club announced a $450 million round in March led by Andreessen Horowitz. Although the round valued the company at $4 billion, the NFT market has since dried up, and Yuga Labs is reportedly under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for selling unregistered securities.

2. ConsenSys: $450 million

Led by Ethereum cofounder Joseph Lubin, ConsenSys builds software focused on the Ethereum ecosystem, including the DeFi wallet MetaMask, which has over 30 million monthly active users. In March, ConsenSys announced a $450 million Series D led by ParaFi Capital valuing the company at $7 billion. The company has since come under fire for privacy concerns around its suite of software, although Lubin said that it is addressing the underlying problems.

3. Polygon: $450 million

Polygon is a Layer-2 blockchain platform built on top of Ethereum, with the goal of helping scale the ecosystem for applications ranging from gaming to DeFi. In February, the company announced a $450 million financing led by Sequoia Capital, with Tiger Global and SoftBank also participating. At the time, Polygon's proprietary token, MATIC, had a market cap of $13 billion, although that has since dropped below $7 billion.

4. Circle: $400 million

Circle is the issuer of USDC, the second-largest stablecoin behind Tether. In April, it announced a $400 million funding round with investments from traditional finance players including BlackRock and Fidelity. The company also planned to go public through a SPAC merger at a valuation of $9 billion, but the deal fell through in December amid uncertainty over SEC approval.

5. FTX US: $400 million

FTX US, the stateside branch of the FTX exchange, raised a $400 million Series A round in January at a valuation of $8 billion. If you’re reading this, you probably don’t have to be reminded that this was a poor investment for the participating funds, including Paradigm, Temasek, Multicoin Capital, and Softbank.

6. FTX: $400 million

Not to miss out on the fun, the offshores FTX exchange also raised $400 million in January 2022—this one a Series C with the same group of backers valuing the company at $32 billion. The funding round came only a few months after FTX’s notorious “meme round,” when it raised $420,690,000 on Oct. 2021 from 69 investors. (Hopefully the joke does not need to be spelled out.) Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly received $300 million of that after he sold his personal stake.

7. Animoca Brands: $358.8 million

With the crypto market still soaring, the Hong Kong-based software and venture firm raised a $358.8 million Series A round in January led by Liberty City Ventures at a valuation of $5 billion. The company’s focus is on GameFi—which has become a euphemism for “play-to-earn" games—a sector that has fallen out of vogue with the controversy surrounding Axie Infinity.

8. NEAR Protocol: $350 million

NEAR is a blockchain that positions itself as a competitor to Ethereum, offering a platform for developers building decentralized applications. After launching in October 2020, it raised a significant amount of funding, including a $350 million round in April 2022 led by Tiger Global, three months after raising a $150 million round in January. After its cryptocurrency peaked at a market cap over $12.5 billion in April, it has since fallen to close to $1 billion.

9. Amber Group: $300 million

Amber Group, a crypto trading firm, raised the only round on this list that was during the fourth quarter—a $300 million Series C in December led by Fenbushi Capital US. The announcement did not come as good news. Instead, it likely served as a lifeline, with Bloomberg reporting that the Singapore-based firm had ditched a sponsorship deal with Chelsea FC and laid off 40% of its staff. Amber Group was also exposed to FTX.

10. Mysten Labs: $300 million

Coming in 10th place—this list's only third-quarter deal—is Mysten Labs closing a $300 million Series B in September that was led by FTX Ventures and valued the company at $2 billion. Mysten is the creator of Sui, a Layer-1 proof-of-stake blockchain led by a former Meta employee that has yet to launch.



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