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首席执行官董明伦(DOUG MCMILLON)正在打造全新的盈利业务,以应对亚马逊(AMAZON)的攻势。





沃尔玛在周二宣布这笔交易的新闻稿中表示:“此次合并有望进一步加速沃尔玛在美国的媒体业务的发展步伐,即沃尔玛广告业务Walmart Connect,并将Vizio的广告解决方案业务与沃尔玛的覆盖范围和能力结合起来。”




一位高管表示,沃尔玛广告业务以及山姆会员店(Sam's Club)和"沃尔玛+"(Walmart+)会员配送业务的利润应占到本财年公司整体营收的20%左右。

沃尔玛首席财务官约翰·大卫·雷尼(John David Rainey)周二在与分析师的财报电话会议上表示:“这些利润流使我们能够为核心业务投资提供资金。”

但亚马逊也有其他盈利业务,能够为投资其他领域提供额外现金。其中最大的业务是亚马逊云计算服务(Amazon Web Services,以下简称AWS),该业务在2023年创造了900亿美元的收入。亚马逊2023年的整体营收接近370亿美元,其中AWS占三分之二。

当然,沃尔玛没有自己的云计算服务来对抗AWS。但10年前就任沃尔玛首席执行官的董明伦一直在密切关注亚马逊在其核心电子商务业务之外建立的大规模新盈利业务线。因此,他敦促领导层为沃尔玛开发新的收入来源。一位内部人士在我最近出版的一本关于亚马逊与沃尔玛竞争的书《胜者为王》(Winner Sells All)中告诉我,在公司内部,董明伦把这些新想法称为“在我们睡觉时赚钱”的手段。

名为Walmart Connect的广告业务就是其中之一。沃尔玛还创建了一项名为Walmart Luminate的数据业务,负责收集沃尔玛顾客购物习惯的信息,并向供应商出售访问权。沃尔玛还为第三方零售商推出了当日送达服务Walmart GoLocal。三年前推出的沃尔玛会员计划“沃尔玛+”是这家传统零售商的又一次尝试,旨在筹集更多现金,保持低价,并增加新服务,让沃尔玛顾客购物更便捷。

此外还有沃尔玛健康(Walmart Health),这是该零售商一直在打造的连锁医疗诊所,以此作为医疗保健的超级中心。沃尔玛健康部门的前负责人马库斯·奥斯本(Marcus Osborne)在《胜者为王》一书中告诉我,董明伦之所以对建立大型健康部门感兴趣,至少部分原因是它可以提供现金流,帮助沃尔玛抵御亚马逊对其关键杂货业务的蚕食。







沃尔玛在周二宣布这笔交易的新闻稿中表示:“此次合并有望进一步加速沃尔玛在美国的媒体业务的发展步伐,即沃尔玛广告业务Walmart Connect,并将Vizio的广告解决方案业务与沃尔玛的覆盖范围和能力结合起来。”




一位高管表示,沃尔玛广告业务以及山姆会员店(Sam's Club)和"沃尔玛+"(Walmart+)会员配送业务的利润应占到本财年公司整体营收的20%左右。

沃尔玛首席财务官约翰·大卫·雷尼(John David Rainey)周二在与分析师的财报电话会议上表示:“这些利润流使我们能够为核心业务投资提供资金。”

但亚马逊也有其他盈利业务,能够为投资其他领域提供额外现金。其中最大的业务是亚马逊云计算服务(Amazon Web Services,以下简称AWS),该业务在2023年创造了900亿美元的收入。亚马逊2023年的整体营收接近370亿美元,其中AWS占三分之二。

当然,沃尔玛没有自己的云计算服务来对抗AWS。但10年前就任沃尔玛首席执行官的董明伦一直在密切关注亚马逊在其核心电子商务业务之外建立的大规模新盈利业务线。因此,他敦促领导层为沃尔玛开发新的收入来源。一位内部人士在我最近出版的一本关于亚马逊与沃尔玛竞争的书《胜者为王》(Winner Sells All)中告诉我,在公司内部,董明伦把这些新想法称为“在我们睡觉时赚钱”的手段。

名为Walmart Connect的广告业务就是其中之一。沃尔玛还创建了一项名为Walmart Luminate的数据业务,负责收集沃尔玛顾客购物习惯的信息,并向供应商出售访问权。沃尔玛还为第三方零售商推出了当日送达服务Walmart GoLocal。三年前推出的沃尔玛会员计划“沃尔玛+”是这家传统零售商的又一次尝试,旨在筹集更多现金,保持低价,并增加新服务,让沃尔玛顾客购物更便捷。

此外还有沃尔玛健康(Walmart Health),这是该零售商一直在打造的连锁医疗诊所,以此作为医疗保健的超级中心。沃尔玛健康部门的前负责人马库斯·奥斯本(Marcus Osborne)在《胜者为王》一书中告诉我,董明伦之所以对建立大型健康部门感兴趣,至少部分原因是它可以提供现金流,帮助沃尔玛抵御亚马逊对其关键杂货业务的蚕食。





Walmart plans to acquire TV maker Vizio for $2.3 billion, in a deal that has little to do with the business of selling TVs. That’s perhaps a weird thing to say about the purchase of a TV maker that has long been a top TV seller at Walmart.

But Walmart’s real interest in the electronics company is its operating system and advertising business, and how it will let Walmart give brands more ways to advertise to consumers, and more data about their interests. If you own a Vizio TV, your eyeballs and viewing habits are what Walmart and their biggest advertisers want.

“The combination would be expected to further accelerate Walmart’s media business in the U.S., Walmart Connect, bringing together Vizio’s advertising solutions business with Walmart’s reach and capabilities,” is how Walmart described it in a press release announcing the deal on Tuesday.

Today, Walmart sells ads on its website and app—some that resemble traditional online ads and others in product search results that carry a “sponsored” label—as well as on the screens of TVs in its stores, and on self-checkout kiosks.

Why does Walmart care about building a big ad business? Because it has the potential to be much more profitable than Walmart’s core retail business. And Walmart needs that extra cash to continue to invest in retail capabilities like delivery and automation to compete with, or beat, rivals like Amazon. Yes, in the retail industry, a lot of big moves outside of Amazon are in some way still influenced by Amazon.

Walmart’s ad revenue grew 28% in its 2024 fiscal year, which runs through January, to $3.4 billion. Meanwhile, Amazon’s advertising business grew 24% year over year in the 2023 calendar year, but it’s 13 times as big with nearly $47 billion in revenue. Walmart also wants to become a bigger player in streaming TV advertising specifically, where Amazon has been making bold moves.

Profits from Walmart’s ad business as well as its Sam’s Club and Walmart+ delivery memberships should account for about 20% of the company’s overall operating income during the current fiscal year, an executive said.

“These profit streams allow us to fund investments in our core business,” Walmart CFO John David Rainey said on an earnings call with analysts on Tuesday.

But Amazon also has other profitable businesses that provide extra cash to invest elsewhere. The biggest is Amazon Web Services, which generated $90 billion in revenue in 2023. AWS accounted for two-thirds of Amazon’s overall operating income of nearly $37 billion in 2023.

Walmart, of course, doesn’t have its own cloud computing service to counter AWS. But Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, who became chief executive 10 years ago, has been paying close attention to Amazon’s buildout of these new massive profitable business lines outside of its core e-commerce operation. And as a result, he’s urged his leaders to develop new revenue streams for Walmart. Internally, McMillon has talked about these new ideas as ways of “making money while we sleep,” a company insider told me for my recent book, Winner Sells All, about the Amazon-Walmart rivalry.

The ad business, called Walmart Connect, is one. Walmart has also created a data business called Walmart Luminate that scoops up information about Walmart customer shopping habits and sells access to the retailer’s suppliers. Walmart has also introduced same-day delivery service for third-party retailers, Walmart GoLocal. The Walmart membership program Walmart+, which launched three years ago, is another attempt by the legacy retailer to generate more cash to invest in keeping prices low, and adding new services to make shopping more convenient for Walmart customers.

Then there’s Walmart Health, a chain of medical clinics that the retailer has been building to serve as sort of supercenters for medical care. A former Walmart Health leader, Marcus Osborne, told me in my book, Winner Sells All, that McMillon was interested in building a large health division at least partly because of the cash flow it could provide to help Walmart defend against Amazon’s encroachment on the crucial grocery segment of its business.

“I’m not naturally a risk taker,” McMillon said in the book. “I don’t gamble. I don’t jump off bridges with a bungee cord.”

“But this company,” he added, “to be here in the next generation, has to take risks.”

Walmart’s acquisition of Vizio is just the latest one.



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