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Amanda Gerut



OpenAI首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼将重新加入该公司的董事会。图片来源:CHRIS RATCLIFFE—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES








在OpenAI走出高层权力之争所引起的混乱局面的同时,人工智能领域迎来了一个令人激动的新篇章,人工智能的普及率和估值都大幅提高。OpenAI创立于2015年,最初是一家非营利组织,拥有和控制着营利性实体OpenAI GP有限责任公司(OpenAI GP LLC)。


OpenAI在3月8日还公布了三位新董事会成员,她们分别是:比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)的前首席执行官苏·德斯蒙德-赫尔曼、索尼公司(Sony Corporation)的前总裁兼总法律顾问尼科尔·塞利格曼,以及Instacart的首席执行官兼董事长费姬·西莫。在奥尔特曼离开董事会之后,董事会因为缺少女性而备受诟病。此次新董事的任命可以被视为对先前批评的反击。当奥尔特曼和布洛克曼重新加入董事会时,塔莎·麦考利、海伦·托纳和公司联合创始人伊利亚·苏茨克弗三位董事会成员离开了董事会。苏茨克弗仍然在公司任职。

66岁的德斯蒙德-赫尔曼同时任职于辉瑞(Pfizer)董事会,之前曾经担任Facebook和宝洁(Procter & Gamble)的董事。重量级人物塞利格曼在加入索尼之前,曾经担任Williams & Connolly律师事务所的诉讼业务合伙人,担任过美国前总统比尔·克林顿和希拉里·克林顿的顾问。塞利格曼担任太空探索公司Intuitive Machines的提名与公司治理委员会主席,还是基因疗法开发商Meira GTx Holdings和派拉蒙全球 [Paramount Global,原维亚康姆(Viacom)]的董事会成员。法国人西莫之前曾经担任Facebook应用程序的副总裁兼负责人。她目前还在Shopify担任董事。(财富中文网)










在OpenAI走出高层权力之争所引起的混乱局面的同时,人工智能领域迎来了一个令人激动的新篇章,人工智能的普及率和估值都大幅提高。OpenAI创立于2015年,最初是一家非营利组织,拥有和控制着营利性实体OpenAI GP有限责任公司(OpenAI GP LLC)。


OpenAI在3月8日还公布了三位新董事会成员,她们分别是:比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)的前首席执行官苏·德斯蒙德-赫尔曼、索尼公司(Sony Corporation)的前总裁兼总法律顾问尼科尔·塞利格曼,以及Instacart的首席执行官兼董事长费姬·西莫。在奥尔特曼离开董事会之后,董事会因为缺少女性而备受诟病。此次新董事的任命可以被视为对先前批评的反击。当奥尔特曼和布洛克曼重新加入董事会时,塔莎·麦考利、海伦·托纳和公司联合创始人伊利亚·苏茨克弗三位董事会成员离开了董事会。苏茨克弗仍然在公司任职。

66岁的德斯蒙德-赫尔曼同时任职于辉瑞(Pfizer)董事会,之前曾经担任Facebook和宝洁(Procter & Gamble)的董事。重量级人物塞利格曼在加入索尼之前,曾经担任Williams & Connolly律师事务所的诉讼业务合伙人,担任过美国前总统比尔·克林顿和希拉里·克林顿的顾问。塞利格曼担任太空探索公司Intuitive Machines的提名与公司治理委员会主席,还是基因疗法开发商Meira GTx Holdings和派拉蒙全球 [Paramount Global,原维亚康姆(Viacom)]的董事会成员。法国人西莫之前曾经担任Facebook应用程序的副总裁兼负责人。她目前还在Shopify担任董事。(财富中文网)



The OpenAI board is attempting to close the door on a tumultuous chapter that saw its revered CEO Sam Altman fired, exalted and then reinstated as CEO in a chaotic four-day span. In a summary made public on March 8, law firm WilmerHale concluded that the board didn’t realize that firing the CEO would “destabilize” the company and that it acted without allowing Altman to address the board’s concerns about a “loss of trust” between directors and management. The review determined that the board had “broad discretion” to fire Altman but that “his conduct did not mandate removal.”

The company published the summary of WilmerHale’s findings in a blog post on March 8, but did not go further than absolving the board for firing Altman, while also finding that the board should not have fired Altman. The published review also lays to rest speculation that Altman was up to something nefarious that led the board to act rapidly to depose him. According to the summary, Altman’s firing “did not arise out of concerns regarding product safety or security, the pace of development, OpenAI’s finances, or its statements to investors, customers, or business partners.” It stopped short of explaining what the “loss of trust” stemmed from or how it escalated to Altman’s termination from the company.

The board has since recruited new members—all women—and it appears the company is hoping to move on with a clean slate and a refreshed board.

“We have unanimously concluded that Sam and Greg are the right leaders for OpenAI,” said Bret Taylor, chair of the OpenAI board, referring to Altman and Greg Brockman, who quit in protest after the board dumped Altman during a virtual meeting on Nov. 17, 2023. Brockman returned at the same time as Altman last year and both will now officially rejoin the board, the company said today.

The independent investigation into the board’s firing of Altman and the removal of the duo from the board included “dozens of interviews” with prior members of the OpenAI board, executives and advisors, the company said in a blog post. Lawyers examined 30,000 documents and evaluated the board’s actions. “Many OpenAI employees, as well as current and former Board members,” cooperated with the review process, the company said.

“WilmerHale found there was a breakdown in trust between the prior Board and Mr. Altman that precipitated the events of November 17,” states the summary of WilmerHale’s findings.

Altman’s firing kicked off reverberations throughout the tech industry where Altman had been the face of generative AI. OpenAI also maintains close ties to Microsoft, which has invested $13 billion into the company. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella openly backed Altman after his ouster. At the time, the OpenAI board only stated that it “no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.” It followed a prior review that found Altman had lacked candor with the board, the company said. After the board dispatched Altman, board chair Brockman, who wasn’t aware of what the rest of the board was up to, quit and posted it on X. Hundreds of employees followed up with an open letter to the board seeking their rehiring. Though the latter kept his job as chief scientist and publicly expressed regret for his role in ousting Altman.

Moving on from the disturbing power struggle at the top coincides with an exciting chapter in which AI has seen a meteoric rise in popularity and in valuation. Open AI was founded as a nonprofit in 2015, which owns and controls the for-profit entity OpenAI GP LLC.

“We recognize the magnitude of our role in stewarding transformative technologies for the global good,” said Taylor in the company statement.

The company also announced three new board members on March 8: Sue Desmond-Hellman, former CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Nicole Seligman, former president and General Counsel at Sony Corporation; and, Fidji Simo, CEO and chair of Instacart. The appointments could be viewed as a counter to previous criticism that the board had a lack of female representation after Altman departed. When he and Brockman rejoined, three board members—Tasha McCauley, Helen Toner and co-founder, Ilya Sutskever—left the board. Sutskever remains with the company.

Desmond-Hellman, 66, also serves on the Pfizer board and previously served as a director on the boards of Facebook and Procter & Gamble. Heavy hitter Seligman, prior to Sony, was a partner in the litigation practice at law firm Williams & Connolly where she advised President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Seligman chairs the nominating and corporate governance committee at space exploration company Intuitive Machines and serves on the boards of gene therapy developer Meira GTx Holdings and Paramount Global, formerly known as Viacom. Simo is French and previously served as vice president and head of the Facebook app. She’s also a director on the board at Shopify.



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