随着发达国家的儿童数量越来越少,许多商界大佬都在思考人口危机问题。去年夏天,特斯拉(Tesla)和SpaceX的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在X.com上的一篇文章中称,出生率下降是“迄今为止人类文明面临的最大威胁”,并称这一趋势正在造成“人口不足危机”,将产生深远影响。就在上周,贝莱德集团(BlackRock)首席执行官拉里·芬克(Larry Fink)在致股东的年度信中警告称,随着全球许多国家人口老龄化,以及员工持续提前退休,一场“退休危机”正在酝酿,可能会给社会保障网络带来压力。
在一份题为《美国的长寿问题:趋势和投资机会》的新报告中,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的经济学家和分析师团队表示,到2060年,美国65岁以上人口所占比例将达到24%。
这并不是什么好消息,因为根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)在2017年疫情爆发前的研究,人口老龄化往往会拖累经济增长,降低工人生产率,并加重政府预算负担。国际清算银行(Bank of International Settlements)的经济学家甚至在更早的2015年就预见到了人口老龄化的负面影响——他们提出了一种先进而非正统的理论,阐述了人口老龄化将如何影响通胀(使通胀达到自上世纪70年代以来的最高水平,正如2022年发生的情况)。
医疗保险和服务巨头联合健康集团(UnitedHealth Group)在2023年的《财富》世界500强中排名第十,市值超过4500亿美元。它之所以成为摩根士丹利的首选,主要有以下几个原因。
向家庭护理的转变将使联合健康集团受益,该集团是拥有初级保健、临终关怀、姑息治疗和家庭护理服务的提供商和行业推动者,旗下包括Optum、LHC Group、Landmark、Summit Home Care和NaviHealth。
Welltower和American Healthcare REIT
American Healthcare REIT是一家市值17亿美元的房地产公司,主要投资于门诊设施、专业护理设施和其他类型的老年住宅,是分析师的“首选小盘股”,能够充分利用美国人口老龄化趋势。该研究团队指出,许多州几乎不可能建造美国医疗保健房地产投资信托基金经营的那种老年住宅和门诊医疗设施,有些州要求供应商获得需求证明才能购买、拓展或改变任何家庭保健、临终关怀或老年公寓业务。
由于人口结构的不利因素和老年住宅不足,摩根士丹利预计American Healthcare REIT和Welltower在2025年和2026年将有10%的资金来自运营增长,这是衡量房地产投资信托基金盈利能力的一个指标,而一般房地产投资信托基金的这一比例仅为2%至4%。
该投资银行给予Welltower等同于买入的“增持”评级,目标价为102美元。该投资银行最近也给予American Healthcare REIT“增持”评级,目标价为17美元。(财富中文网)
随着发达国家的儿童数量越来越少,许多商界大佬都在思考人口危机问题。去年夏天,特斯拉(Tesla)和SpaceX的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在X.com上的一篇文章中称,出生率下降是“迄今为止人类文明面临的最大威胁”,并称这一趋势正在造成“人口不足危机”,将产生深远影响。就在上周,贝莱德集团(BlackRock)首席执行官拉里·芬克(Larry Fink)在致股东的年度信中警告称,随着全球许多国家人口老龄化,以及员工持续提前退休,一场“退休危机”正在酝酿,可能会给社会保障网络带来压力。
在一份题为《美国的长寿问题:趋势和投资机会》的新报告中,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的经济学家和分析师团队表示,到2060年,美国65岁以上人口所占比例将达到24%。
这并不是什么好消息,因为根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)在2017年疫情爆发前的研究,人口老龄化往往会拖累经济增长,降低工人生产率,并加重政府预算负担。国际清算银行(Bank of International Settlements)的经济学家甚至在更早的2015年就预见到了人口老龄化的负面影响——他们提出了一种先进而非正统的理论,阐述了人口老龄化将如何影响通胀(使通胀达到自上世纪70年代以来的最高水平,正如2022年发生的情况)。
医疗保险和服务巨头联合健康集团(UnitedHealth Group)在2023年的《财富》世界500强中排名第十,市值超过4500亿美元。它之所以成为摩根士丹利的首选,主要有以下几个原因。
向家庭护理的转变将使联合健康集团受益,该集团是拥有初级保健、临终关怀、姑息治疗和家庭护理服务的提供商和行业推动者,旗下包括Optum、LHC Group、Landmark、Summit Home Care和NaviHealth。
Welltower和American Healthcare REIT
American Healthcare REIT是一家市值17亿美元的房地产公司,主要投资于门诊设施、专业护理设施和其他类型的老年住宅,是分析师的“首选小盘股”,能够充分利用美国人口老龄化趋势。该研究团队指出,许多州几乎不可能建造美国医疗保健房地产投资信托基金经营的那种老年住宅和门诊医疗设施,有些州要求供应商获得需求证明才能购买、拓展或改变任何家庭保健、临终关怀或老年公寓业务。
由于人口结构的不利因素和老年住宅不足,摩根士丹利预计American Healthcare REIT和Welltower在2025年和2026年将有10%的资金来自运营增长,这是衡量房地产投资信托基金盈利能力的一个指标,而一般房地产投资信托基金的这一比例仅为2%至4%。
该投资银行给予Welltower等同于买入的“增持”评级,目标价为102美元。该投资银行最近也给予American Healthcare REIT“增持”评级,目标价为17美元。(财富中文网)
The demographic crisis. It’s on the minds of many of the business world’s heavy hitters as the realization sets in that the developed world is not having enough children. Last summer, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk called declining birth rates “the biggest danger civilization faces by far” in a post on X.com, arguing that the dynamic is creating an “underpopulation crisis” that will have far-reaching consequences. And just this week, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink warned in his annual letter to shareholders that with populations aging in many nations worldwide, and workers retiring at younger ages, a “retirement crisis” is brewing that could stress social safety nets.
To their point, Americans are getting older, fast. In 1970, less than 10% of the U.S. population was over the age of 65. This year, that figure is sitting at roughly 18%, meaning a record percentage of Americans have hit retirement age. What’s more, says one of Wall Street’s top investment banks, it’s just going to get worse.
In a new report titled “Longevity in the U.S.: Trends and Investment Opportunities,” a team of Morgan Stanley economists and analysts said they believe the share of Americans older than 65 will hit 24% by 2060.
That’s not great news, considering aging populations tend to weigh on economic growth, decrease worker productivity, and burden government budgets, according to IMF research from well before the pandemic, in 2017. Economists for the Bank of International Settlements saw the negative impact of aging populations coming even earlier, in 2015—offering an advanced and unorthodox theory of how it would affect inflation (sending it higher than at any time since the 1970s, exactly what happened in 2022).
But there are opportunities in everything, even an aging world, as Morgan Stanley found. The bank’s analysts noted that as the U.S. population ages, the spending decisions of Americans over the age of 65—whose average net worth has soared in recent years—will become increasingly important. They added that investors who pay attention to these seniors’ spending habits may be able to secure a profit by buying a few key stocks.
As one would expect, the 65-plus demographic spends far less on transportation, apparel, and education services than other generations, but far more on health care and housing. Morgan Stanley’s analysts argued that senior housing and at-home health care companies should benefit from these spending trends as seniors make up a larger and larger portion of the population.
UnitedHealth Group
UnitedHealth Group, the health insurance and services behemoth which took the No. 10 spot on the Fortune Global 500 in 2023 and boasts a market cap of over $450 billion, is a top pick for Morgan Stanley for a few key reasons.
First, the U.S.’s aging population is “driving record demand for health care services,” but instead of helping hospitals like some might imagine, insurance companies and at-home or managed care providers are the ones really benefiting.
Morgan Stanley noted that hospitals saw a 9.5% increase in expenses in 2021, and only managed to collect roughly 27% of the $2.6 trillion they billed for services. On top of that, higher costs at hospitals have driven many consumers to outpatient facilities and at-home care.
The home care market has grown at an annualized rate of 2.8% over the past five years to $132 billion in 2023, and Morgan Stanley expects that growth rate to jump to 2.9% through 2031. “Care delivery is increasingly moving from traditional brick-and-mortar hospital settings to at-home care with innovative care delivery companies leading the way,” the investment bank’s analysts wrote.
This shift to at-home care should benefit UnitedHealth Group, which owns primary, hospice, palliative, and at-home care providers and enablers including Optum, LHC Group, Landmark, Summit Home Care, and NaviHealth.
“Industry leaders like UNH and Humana (not covered) have built horizontally integrated home health offerings,” Morgan Stanley’s team noted. “In our coverage, UnitedHealth Group (UNH) looks best positioned to capitalize, targeting home health care as a growth driver and making major investments across the space.”
The investment bank has a buy-equivalent “overweight” rating and a $618 price target on shares of UnitedHeath Group.
Welltower and American Healthcare REIT
The other way to play the U.S.’s aging population is through health care REITs that own and/or manage the health care facilities that many seniors will need to visit during their twilight years. Morgan Stanley expects the number of residents in independent living, assisted living, and skilled-nursing housing to rise from roughly 1.7 million today to 2.1 million by 2030. And with inventory growth for every type of senior housing at “multiyear lows,” demand for senior housing should exceed supply.
“We favor senior housing exposure given limited supply and demographic tailwinds are driving solid growth in occupancy and rents,” the investment bank’s analysts explained.
To their point, senior housing occupancy rates recovered dramatically from their first quarter 2021 lows of around 80% to 87% in the fall of last year. And senior housing rent growth was sitting at 5% in the third quarter of 2023, compared with just 0.5% in the first quarter of 2021. This should help boost health care REITs’ revenue.
The Morgan Stanley team went on to describe Welltower, a roughly $53 billion REIT that invests in senior housing, post-acute care, and outpatient medical facilities, as their “preferred large-cap play” in the senior housing space. They noted that the company has 87.5% of its properties within a five-mile radius of a hospital. As more hospitals face financial headwinds and increase their prices, that could benefit Welltower’s senior housing portfolio.
American Healthcare REIT, a $1.7 billion market-cap real estate company that invests in outpatient facilities, skilled-nursing facilities, and other types of senior housing, is the analysts’ “preferred small-cap” play to take advantage of the U.S.’s aging population. The group noted that many states have made it nearly impossible to construct the type of senior housing and outpatient medical facilities that American Healthcare REIT operates, with some requiring providers to get a Certificate of Need (CON) to buy, expand, or alter any home health, hospice, or senior living operations.
As a result of demographic headwinds and a lack of senior housing supply, Morgan Stanley expects 10% funds from operation growth—a metric used to measure REITs’ profitability—in 2025 and 2026 from both American Healthcare REIT and Welltower, compared with just 2% to 4% for REITs in general.
The investment bank has a buy-equivalent “overweight” rating and a $102 price target on shares of Welltower. American Healthcare REIT was also recently tagged with an “overweight” rating and a $17 price target.