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电影《壮志凌云:独行侠》(Top Gun: Maverick)的制作公司可能会攀上派拉蒙的“高峰”,将这家公司收入囊中。

拉里·埃利森的儿子大卫·埃利森旗下的天空之舞传媒公司(Skydance Media),收购派拉蒙全球(Paramount Global)重要股份的交易,进入了后期谈判阶段。这笔交易的具体性质尚未确定,包括天空之舞以及红鸟资本(RedBird Capital Partners)和KKR等私募股权投资人是否会获得多数股份等。但在天空之舞与派拉蒙四月初达成了进行排他性谈判的协议后,双方的谈判进展迅速。


后起之秀天空之舞收购被普遍认为不景气的派拉蒙全球,将是一次重大胜利。天空之舞将获得派拉蒙的传奇影片库,包括《教父》(The Godfather)和《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)等,整个CBS品牌和有重要价值的新闻媒体,尼克儿童频道(Nickelodeon)和喜剧中心(Comedy Central)等多家有线电视频道,以及拥有6,700万订阅用户的流媒体服务Paramount+等。完成这笔交易将宣告全球第九大富豪拉里·埃利森的儿子,真正在好莱坞站稳脚跟。拉里仍将为该交易提供必要的资金。



目前交易的大致方案是,天空之舞将收购莎莉·雷德斯通的控股公司全美娱乐公司(National Amusements),后者持有派拉蒙全球约77%的有表决权股份,但总持股比例不超过10%。据彭博社报道,天空之舞和雷德斯通原则上已经达成协议。在该笔交易中,天空之舞及其合伙人将支付超过20亿美元收购全美娱乐公司,这实际上等于掌控了派拉蒙。他们还在就收购一定数量的普通股进行协商。据CNBC报道,天空之舞及其合作伙伴将共同持有派拉蒙约45%至略超过50%的股份。



埃利森和派拉蒙有持久的合作关系。这位富豪之子年轻时刚刚进军好莱坞,就投资制作了《星际迷航》(Star Trek)和《碟中谍》(Mission: Impossible)等多部派拉蒙影片。后来,他于2010年创建了自己的制作公司天空之舞。该公司制作了多部大片,包括《壮志凌云:独行侠》和《碟中谍:致命清算(上)》(Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One)等。


天空之舞的业务不断壮大,涉足了动画、视频游戏和VR内容等。该公司还吸引到一些业内最优秀的人才。公司动画部门的负责人约翰·拉塞特,对于硅谷进军好莱坞并不陌生。他与史蒂夫·乔布斯共同创办了皮克斯(Pixar)。克鲁斯参与了天空之舞的多个项目,他在2015年接受《GQ》采访时对埃利森赞不绝口。公司视频游戏部门获得了漫威(Marvel)和《星球大战》(Star Wars)等重要IP的许可。





电影《壮志凌云:独行侠》(Top Gun: Maverick)的制作公司可能会攀上派拉蒙的“高峰”,将这家公司收入囊中。

拉里·埃利森的儿子大卫·埃利森旗下的天空之舞传媒公司(Skydance Media),收购派拉蒙全球(Paramount Global)重要股份的交易,进入了后期谈判阶段。这笔交易的具体性质尚未确定,包括天空之舞以及红鸟资本(RedBird Capital Partners)和KKR等私募股权投资人是否会获得多数股份等。但在天空之舞与派拉蒙四月初达成了进行排他性谈判的协议后,双方的谈判进展迅速。


后起之秀天空之舞收购被普遍认为不景气的派拉蒙全球,将是一次重大胜利。天空之舞将获得派拉蒙的传奇影片库,包括《教父》(The Godfather)和《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)等,整个CBS品牌和有重要价值的新闻媒体,尼克儿童频道(Nickelodeon)和喜剧中心(Comedy Central)等多家有线电视频道,以及拥有6,700万订阅用户的流媒体服务Paramount+等。完成这笔交易将宣告全球第九大富豪拉里·埃利森的儿子,真正在好莱坞站稳脚跟。拉里仍将为该交易提供必要的资金。



目前交易的大致方案是,天空之舞将收购莎莉·雷德斯通的控股公司全美娱乐公司(National Amusements),后者持有派拉蒙全球约77%的有表决权股份,但总持股比例不超过10%。据彭博社报道,天空之舞和雷德斯通原则上已经达成协议。在该笔交易中,天空之舞及其合伙人将支付超过20亿美元收购全美娱乐公司,这实际上等于掌控了派拉蒙。他们还在就收购一定数量的普通股进行协商。据CNBC报道,天空之舞及其合作伙伴将共同持有派拉蒙约45%至略超过50%的股份。



埃利森和派拉蒙有持久的合作关系。这位富豪之子年轻时刚刚进军好莱坞,就投资制作了《星际迷航》(Star Trek)和《碟中谍》(Mission: Impossible)等多部派拉蒙影片。后来,他于2010年创建了自己的制作公司天空之舞。该公司制作了多部大片,包括《壮志凌云:独行侠》和《碟中谍:致命清算(上)》(Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One)等。


天空之舞的业务不断壮大,涉足了动画、视频游戏和VR内容等。该公司还吸引到一些业内最优秀的人才。公司动画部门的负责人约翰·拉塞特,对于硅谷进军好莱坞并不陌生。他与史蒂夫·乔布斯共同创办了皮克斯(Pixar)。克鲁斯参与了天空之舞的多个项目,他在2015年接受《GQ》采访时对埃利森赞不绝口。公司视频游戏部门获得了漫威(Marvel)和《星球大战》(Star Wars)等重要IP的许可。






The production company behind Top Gun: Maverick might fly to the top of Paramount’s mountain of content.

Skydance Media, the production studio owned by Larry Ellison’s son David, is in advanced negotiations to take a significant stake in Paramount Global. The exact nature of the deal has not yet been defined, including whether or not Skydance and its private equity backers RedBird Capital Partners and KKR will take a majority stake. But talks between the two sides are moving quickly, following Skydance and Paramount entering an agreement to engage in exclusive talks last week.

If the deal were to go through, it would cement David Ellison’s rise as a Hollywood power player.

For an upstart like Skydance, buying Paramount Global, ordinarily considered an ailing company, would represent a coup. Skydance would own Paramount’s storied library, which counts properties like The Godfather and Titanic, the entire CBS brand and its valuable news outlet, several cable channels like Nickelodeon and Comedy Central, and a streaming service with 67 million subscribers in Paramount+ among its assets. Closing the deal would announce that the wealthy son of the ninth-richest man in the world—who would still be providing some of the capital needed to fund the deal—has perhaps well and truly made it in Hollywood.

Ellison first showed up in the movie business as a fresh-faced 23-year-old whom many studios and executives thought they could fleece for some cash. Instead he took his family money and put it to work building a successful company that’s created a long-lasting relationship with Tom Cruise, produced dozens of movies, and recently branched out into video games. Now Ellison is poised to strike a deal for one of the dying embers of Hollywood’s Golden Age in Paramount Global.

Paramount and KKR declined to comment. RedBird and Skydance did not respond to a request for comment.

The current outline of the deal would be structured so that the Skydance contingent would acquire Shari Redstone’s holding company, National Amusements, which controls about 77% of the voting shares of Paramount Global, but notably less than 10% of the total equity. Skydance and Redstone already have an agreement in principle, according to Bloomberg. The deal would see Skydance and its partners pay over $2 billion for National Amusements, effectively giving them control of Paramount. They are also in talks to buy a certain number of common shares. The combined number of shares would give Skydance and its partners control of about 45% to just over 50% of Paramount, according to CNBC.

By Thursday it appeared negotiations between the two groups were picking up speed. Executives from Paramount and Skydance are scheduled to meet sometime next week, according to a CNBC report Thursday, while the investment firm RedBird, a specialist in the media sector, will begin due diligence at Paramount.

Skydance would then merge with Paramount Global. If that were to happen the new company would be run by Ellison with a senior role for former NBCUniversal CEO and current RedBird executive Jeff Shell.

Ellison and Paramount have a long-standing relationship. When the young scion was just breaking into Hollywood he financed and produced several Paramount pictures, including Star Trek and Mission: Impossible movies. Eventually he branched out on his own, founding Skydance in 2010. Since then the company has produced several major hits including Top Gun: Maverick and Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One.

In the early days it was hard to shed the rich-kid aura, Ellison said. “There was a period of time where people just looked at us as money, and we knew that,” he told the New York Times in 2021. “But there has been a shift. Our content, the ideas, the execution, has become more important than our capital.”

Since then Skydance has expanded to include animations, video games, and VR content. It’s also started to attract some of the best talent in the business. The animation division is headed by John Lasseter, a man who is already familiar with Silicon Valley’s encroachments into Hollywood, having started Pixar alongside Steve Jobs. Cruise, who has worked with Skydance on multiple projects, sang Ellison’s praises effusively in a 2015 GQ profile. Skydance’s video game division has secured licenses for major IP franchises like Marvel and Star Wars.

If Skydance were to succeed in taking over Paramount Global, it wouldn’t just represent a personal triumph for Ellison, but a corporate one for an independent movie studio that entered a deal with a legacy media company as a buyer, not a seller. More often than not in the history of the entertainment business, successful independent companies have eventually been subsumed by the behemoths that dominated the industry. One need not look any further than Pixar, where Lasseter made his name, bought by Disney for $7.4 billion in 2006. Skydance could also have been lapped up by a tech company in the same way Amazon bought MGM for $8.5 billion in 2021.

Whether or not a Skydance deal represents the best option for Paramount shareholders remains to be determined in full. Paramount had an independent committee comprising eight of its 11 board members that was tasked with finding the best possible deal for the company. On Thursday, three people on that committee, along with another board member, left their directorships. In the meantime, several shareholders are up in arms about the deal, setting up a potential boardroom showdown. If the deal falls apart Redstone and the Paramount board might have to settle for another deal, which at the moment seems to be a $26 billion all-cash offer from private equity firm Apollo.



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