在监管机构的要求下,丰田进行了内部调查,发现在与皇冠(Crown)、卡罗拉(Corolla)和雅力士Cross(Yaris Cross)等车型有关的五起案件中,丰田未按照认证要求进行安全测试。在涉及雷克萨斯RX(Lexus RX)的一起案件中,该公司提交了伪造的数据以满足安全标准,并以伪造数据申请认证。
丰田表示,根据调查结果将暂停生产卡罗拉Fielder、Corolla FielderAxio 和雅力士Cross这三款车型。丰田去年的全球总销量为1,100多万辆。
丰田的竞争对手本田(Honda)、马自达(Mazda)和铃木(Suzuki)也承认在安全认证测试中伪造了相关数据,日本车企一周来遭遇重挫。据CNBC报道,日本第二大汽车厂商马自达暂停生产Roadster RF和马自达2,公司股价上周下跌超过7%,市值缩水5亿美元。
在监管机构的要求下,丰田进行了内部调查,发现在与皇冠(Crown)、卡罗拉(Corolla)和雅力士Cross(Yaris Cross)等车型有关的五起案件中,丰田未按照认证要求进行安全测试。在涉及雷克萨斯RX(Lexus RX)的一起案件中,该公司提交了伪造的数据以满足安全标准,并以伪造数据申请认证。
丰田表示,根据调查结果将暂停生产卡罗拉Fielder、Corolla FielderAxio 和雅力士Cross这三款车型。丰田去年的全球总销量为1,100多万辆。
丰田的竞争对手本田(Honda)、马自达(Mazda)和铃木(Suzuki)也承认在安全认证测试中伪造了相关数据,日本车企一周来遭遇重挫。据CNBC报道,日本第二大汽车厂商马自达暂停生产Roadster RF和马自达2,公司股价上周下跌超过7%,市值缩水5亿美元。
Toyota, the world’s largest automaker, saw its market value plummet last week after Japan’s Transport Ministry found it had falsified and mishandled data for safety certification tests.
The scandal took a $15.6 billion bite out of the company’s market cap as its shares fell by more than 5.4% last week, CNBC reported. Toyota’s Nasdaq-listed shares were up about 1% as of Monday afternoon.
Through an internal investigation prompted by a regulator mandate, Toyota found it had not performed safety tests as certification required in five cases related to vehicles including the Crown, Corolla, and the Yaris Cross. In one case involving the Lexus RX, the company had submitted falsified data to meet safety standards and submitted it for certification.
Although the company maintained the vehicles affected by the scandal were safe to drive, Toyota’s chairman Akio Toyoda apologized in a press conference last week.
“As the person responsible for the Toyota Group, I would like to extend my sincere apologies to our customers, car enthusiasts, and all stakeholders for this issue,” he said.
Toyota said it would suspend production of three models—the Corolla Fielder, Corolla Axio, and Yaris Cross—based on the findings from its investigation. The company sold more than 11 million total vehicles worldwide last year.
Toyota rivals Honda, Mazda, and Suzuki also admitted to falsifying data related to safety certification tests in what amounted to a week of setbacks for Japanese automakers. Mazda, which is Japan’s second-largest automaker, suspended production of the Roadster RF and Mazda 2, while company shares sank more than 7% last week, resulting in a $500 million hit to its market cap, CNBC reported.
The safety scandal involving several Japanese automakers risks damaging the stellar reputation that companies such as Toyota and Nissan have cultivated, especially in North America, the companies’ biggest market.
Japan’s transport ministry earlier this year ordered 90 car manufacturers to reexamine how they test their vehicles after a Toyota affiliate was found to have falsified data related to safety for decades.