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威哥维(Wegovy)是一种可用于减肥的注射类处方药,对肥胖症患者大有助益。图片来源:MICHAEL SILUK/UCG/UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP VIA GETTY IMAGES

两年前,治疗糖尿病和肥胖症的GLP-1药物一经问世,患者们便争相购买。包括司美格鲁肽注射液诺和泰(Ozempic)、威哥维、Mounjaro(Tirzepatide,替西帕肽)和Zepbound(Tirzepatide,替西帕肽)在内的GLP-1药物如此受欢迎,以至于没过多久就出现了供不应求的局面。根据KFF Health Tracking最近进行的一项调查,现在有多达八分之一的成年人服用过GLP-1。

对GLP-1药物的需求丝毫没有放缓的迹象,因此,假冒GLP-1药物越来越多,以至于世界卫生组织(WHO)上周发出警告,提醒人们注意假冒药品。在发出警告的同时,制药商礼来(Eli Lily)和诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)还对几家实体提起诉讼,要求停止销售假药。

马萨诸塞州Integrated Gastroenterology Consultants的苏普里亚·拉奥(Supriya Rao)博士说:“由于需求如此之高,以至于这些药物一上市,药店就开始断货。因此,医疗疗养中心和调配药房开始为患者填补这一空白。”

调配药房使用基本成分调配药物,而不是配发像司美格鲁肽注射液诺和泰和威哥维这样的知名品牌药物。医疗疗养中心、许多在线渠道和调配药房不受美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)监管,因此患者从这些渠道获得的药物没有任何保障。Omada Health首席医疗官卡罗琳·雅西克(Carolyn Jasik)博士解释说:“复方药物本质上是现有药物的‘复制品’,但由于这些复方药物未经美国食品药品监督管理局批准,因此不具备与已批准药物相同的安全性、质量和有效性保证。”








尽管市场上的廉价替代品可能很诱人,或是仅为了获得GLP-1药物,但专家建议避免购买替代品。First Databank Inc.临床药剂师、药学博士西蒙娜·多夫(Simona Dorf)说:“消费者应从国家许可的药店或美国食品药品监督管理局注册的外包机构购买药物,以最大限度地降低买到假冒产品的风险。必须核实持证医疗保健提供者的处方,避免使用未经核实的在线渠道或社交媒体网红推荐的药物。”










两年前,治疗糖尿病和肥胖症的GLP-1药物一经问世,患者们便争相购买。包括司美格鲁肽注射液诺和泰(Ozempic)、威哥维、Mounjaro(Tirzepatide,替西帕肽)和Zepbound(Tirzepatide,替西帕肽)在内的GLP-1药物如此受欢迎,以至于没过多久就出现了供不应求的局面。根据KFF Health Tracking最近进行的一项调查,现在有多达八分之一的成年人服用过GLP-1。

对GLP-1药物的需求丝毫没有放缓的迹象,因此,假冒GLP-1药物越来越多,以至于世界卫生组织(WHO)上周发出警告,提醒人们注意假冒药品。在发出警告的同时,制药商礼来(Eli Lily)和诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)还对几家实体提起诉讼,要求停止销售假药。

马萨诸塞州Integrated Gastroenterology Consultants的苏普里亚·拉奥(Supriya Rao)博士说:“由于需求如此之高,以至于这些药物一上市,药店就开始断货。因此,医疗疗养中心和调配药房开始为患者填补这一空白。”

调配药房使用基本成分调配药物,而不是配发像司美格鲁肽注射液诺和泰和威哥维这样的知名品牌药物。医疗疗养中心、许多在线渠道和调配药房不受美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)监管,因此患者从这些渠道获得的药物没有任何保障。Omada Health首席医疗官卡罗琳·雅西克(Carolyn Jasik)博士解释说:“复方药物本质上是现有药物的‘复制品’,但由于这些复方药物未经美国食品药品监督管理局批准,因此不具备与已批准药物相同的安全性、质量和有效性保证。”








尽管市场上的廉价替代品可能很诱人,或是仅为了获得GLP-1药物,但专家建议避免购买替代品。First Databank Inc.临床药剂师、药学博士西蒙娜·多夫(Simona Dorf)说:“消费者应从国家许可的药店或美国食品药品监督管理局注册的外包机构购买药物,以最大限度地降低买到假冒产品的风险。必须核实持证医疗保健提供者的处方,避免使用未经核实的在线渠道或社交媒体网红推荐的药物。”










When GLP-1 drugs for diabetes and weight loss, exploded onto the scene two years ago, patients scrambled to get their hands on them. GLP-1s, which include Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound, are so popular that it didn’t take long for them to wind up in short supply. According to one recent survey conducted by KFF Health Tracking, as many as one in eight adults has now used a GLP-1.

The demand shows no signs of slowing down, and as a result, counterfeit GLP-1 drugs are becoming an increasingly bigger piece of the landscape—so big in fact, that the World Health Organization (WHO) last week issued a warning to people to be wary of the fake versions. Alongside the warning, drug makers Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk have filed lawsuits against several entities to stop selling the counterfeits.

“As soon as these drugs hit the market, the demand was so high that pharmacies began running out of them,” says Dr. Supriya Rao of Integrated Gastroenterology Consultants in Mass. “So med spas and compounding pharmacies began filling that gap for patients.”

A compounding pharmacy creates medicines using base ingredients, rather than dispensing the name-brand medications like Ozempic and Wegovy. Med spas, many online sources, and compounding pharmacies do not fall under the umbrella of FDA regulation, so there are no safeguards on what a patient might receive from one of these sources. “Compounded medications are essentially ‘copies’ of available medications, but they do not have the same safety, quality, and effectiveness assurances as approved drugs since these compounded versions lack FDA approval,” explains Dr. Carolyn Jasik, chief medical officer for Omada Health.

Likewise, counterfeit drugs—like what you might find at a med spa or from an online source—are unregulated. “Counterfeit drugs, no matter what, are dangerous and can lead to serious health consequences,” says Jasik. “These medications can contain toxic doses, the wrong ingredients, or no active ingredients at all. In short, you’re paying for a drug that can either harm you or is doing nothing at all.”

Some of the risks you might face with an unregulated form of GLP-1 include nausea and diarrhea, irregular blood sugar levels, and infections at the sight of injection, among others.

Often, patients are drawn to these alternative sources not just because supply of the originals is short, but also because they can be prohibitively expensive.

“Semaglutide medications are valuable and effective, but we are currently caught in a moment where the supply chain and cost can make these drugs inaccessible to much of the broader public,” says Jasik. “It’s important to note that this is a large part of what drives the development of counterfeit drugs in the first place. As a medical provider, I’m sad that this lifesaving medication is so difficult to access and that it’s come to counterfeit drugs that take advantage of people’s desires and medical needs.”

The take-home message: buyer beware.

How to avoid fake Ozempic, Wegovy and other GLP-1s

Buy from state-licensed pharmacies only

As tempting as it might be to go for the cheaper alternatives on the market—or simply just to get your hands on a GLP-1 drug—the experts recommend steering clear. “Consumers should purchase medications from state-licensed pharmacies or FDA-registered outsourcing facilities to minimize the risk of counterfeit products,” says Simona Dorf, PharmD, and clinical pharmacist at First Databank Inc. “It’s essential to verify prescriptions from licensed healthcare providers and avoid drugs recommended by unverified online sources or social media influencers.”

Do your own research when purchasing any medication online

The FDA’s BeSafeRx website is a good source of credible information to educate yourself before hitting “buy.” The site warns against websites that pose as online pharmacies, and recommends consumers only buy prescription medicines from a state-licensed online pharmacy, plus offers a location tool to find one. Additionally, it recommends talking with your doctor about any meds you purchase online.

Check the packaging and labels

A sure sign that you’re dealing with a fake is misspellings on the label, or poor print quality. Give each label a good going over to make sure of its authenticity. Along with those red flags, others include a missing or added word to the drug’s name. You can also do a check on the serial numbers and lot numbers by checking the FDA’s website.

Avoid compounding pharmacies

Rao also reminds consumers that any medication you put in your body has the potential for side effects. Those risks only grow if you’re not purchasing them from trusted sources. “Compounding pharmacies can be a slippery slope,” she says. “Depending on who is sourcing the medication, who knows what you’re getting from one day to the next. Injecting a drug from an unknown source is risky.”

There are also important steps to take with regard to weight-loss, whether you are using a GLP-1 medication or not, said Jasik. These include consistent self-monitoring, like weigh ins; maintaining a balanced diet; exercises to help build lean body mass; and lifestyle programming to create a structured approach.

Whether you choose to use a weight-loss medication or not, safety should be front and center to your approach. And if the medication is part of that, even more so. “It is crucial to cross-check such information with healthcare providers,” said Dorf. “Awareness of the risks associated with counterfeit GLP-1 drugs and taking proactive measures can significantly protect consumers. As demand for these medications continues to grow, vigilance from both consumers and regulatory bodies is essential to ensure safety and efficacy in treating diabetes and obesity.”



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