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ACE总裁兼首席执行官格蕾丝·弗里克斯告诉《财富》杂志,她实在太低调,总部在佐治亚州克利夫兰的Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs(ACE)员工收到斯科特1000万美元捐赠通知后,还以为是垃圾邮件或钓鱼邮件。


弗里克斯告诉《亚特兰大宪法报》(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution),最新这笔捐赠“完全出乎意料”。“我以为她打电话来是要针对之前的捐赠写博客或报道,可能想找我谈谈,也可能找受益客户谈谈。”

亿万富翁斯科特是亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯前妻,2019年两人离婚后,她一直在陆续处置离婚后获得的巨额财富。据《福布斯》(Forbes)报道,截至3月,斯科特已向2300多个非营利组织捐赠了高达173亿美元,身家仍高达340亿美元。以前她经常在博客和名为Yield Giving的在线数据库中公开捐赠情况。现在往往是受捐助方公开。





8月慈善组织Philanthropy Together首席执行官萨拉·洛梅林在《财富》杂志发表的专栏文章中写道:“2020年以来,麦肯齐·斯科特向全球2300多家非营利组织捐赠了惊人的170亿美元,每笔都在百万以上,而且没有限制条件,她非常重视社会变革前沿领导者的知识、关系和专业度。真的很棒。”斯科特经常向关注公平正义、教育、健康、经济安全和平等机会的组织捐款,过去一年她的几笔大额捐款都更偏向住房领域。


尽管斯科特的捐赠肯定对受益人有影响,但其他专家认为,她保持神秘且不与接受者联系, 这些捐赠可能无法产生持久的、深远的影响。

“不存在长期关系,”印第安纳大学(Indiana University)礼来公益慈善学院教授帕玛拉·维普金告诉美联社(AP),她主要研究无限制条件捐赠对非营利组织的影响。“所谓基于信任的慈善是指提供的支持不止支票,斯科特做事不是这种风格。”






ACE总裁兼首席执行官格蕾丝·弗里克斯告诉《财富》杂志,她实在太低调,总部在佐治亚州克利夫兰的Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs(ACE)员工收到斯科特1000万美元捐赠通知后,还以为是垃圾邮件或钓鱼邮件。


弗里克斯告诉《亚特兰大宪法报》(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution),最新这笔捐赠“完全出乎意料”。“我以为她打电话来是要针对之前的捐赠写博客或报道,可能想找我谈谈,也可能找受益客户谈谈。”

亿万富翁斯科特是亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯前妻,2019年两人离婚后,她一直在陆续处置离婚后获得的巨额财富。据《福布斯》(Forbes)报道,截至3月,斯科特已向2300多个非营利组织捐赠了高达173亿美元,身家仍高达340亿美元。以前她经常在博客和名为Yield Giving的在线数据库中公开捐赠情况。现在往往是受捐助方公开。





8月慈善组织Philanthropy Together首席执行官萨拉·洛梅林在《财富》杂志发表的专栏文章中写道:“2020年以来,麦肯齐·斯科特向全球2300多家非营利组织捐赠了惊人的170亿美元,每笔都在百万以上,而且没有限制条件,她非常重视社会变革前沿领导者的知识、关系和专业度。真的很棒。”斯科特经常向关注公平正义、教育、健康、经济安全和平等机会的组织捐款,过去一年她的几笔大额捐款都更偏向住房领域。


尽管斯科特的捐赠肯定对受益人有影响,但其他专家认为,她保持神秘且不与接受者联系, 这些捐赠可能无法产生持久的、深远的影响。

“不存在长期关系,”印第安纳大学(Indiana University)礼来公益慈善学院教授帕玛拉·维普金告诉美联社(AP),她主要研究无限制条件捐赠对非营利组织的影响。“所谓基于信任的慈善是指提供的支持不止支票,斯科特做事不是这种风格。”





Considering her vast wealth and name recognition, MacKenzie Scott is a fairly quiet philanthropist. She’s not showy or flashy when she makes donations—and her latest gift is no exception.

She’s so low-key, in fact, that an employee of Cleveland, Ga.-based Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE) thought their notification of a $10 million gift from Scott was a spam or phishing email, Grace Fricks, president and CEO of ACE, told Fortune.

This was the largest gift ACE, a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution, had ever received. Launched in 2000, the nonprofit offers loans and advisory services to new businesses in Georgia, focusing on helping women, people of color, and people with low to moderate incomes. Scott had previously donated $5 million to the organization in 2020.

The latest gift came “completely out of the blue,” Fricks told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I thought, you know, she’s probably calling because they’re going to be doing a blog or a story on the impact of MacKenzie Scott’s previous awards, and she either wants to talk to me or wants to talk to one of our clients who benefited.”

Scott, billionaire ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has made it her mission since her 2019 divorce to offload much of the fortune she gained from the demise of their marriage. As of March, Scott had donated a whopping $17.3 billion to more than 2,300 nonprofit organizations but is still worth an estimated $34 billion, according to Forbes. She used to publicize the gifts made in online blog posts and an online database called Yield Giving. But now, gifts are only typically publicized by the recipient.

Scott’s gift to ACE came just in time as the nonprofit is in year two of a five-year strategic growth plan to provide 1,500 underserved small business owners with $300 million in loans. The unrestricted gift will help ACE achieve those “ambitious goals,” Fricks said, along with 100,000 hours of business consulting services.

“It is one thing to dream about what ACE could achieve if we had the resources,” Fricks said in a statement to Fortune. “It’s entirely a different mindset when you start with having the resources so you can envision and implement a better reality for your mission.”

Scott’s quiet giving

Scott’s vast fortune and tendency to give fascinates philanthropists and regular people alike.

“MacKenzie Scott has mobilized a staggering $17 billion to 2,300+ nonprofits globally since 2020, largely through unrestricted seven-figure donations rooted in the growing calls to center on the knowledge, relationships, and expertise of leaders on the frontlines of social change,” Sara Lomelin, CEO of Philanthropy Together, wrote in an op-ed published by Fortune in August. “Brava.” Scott typically donates to organizations focused on equity and justice, education, health and economic security and opportunity—although a couple of her major gifts made in the past year focused on housing.

But what’s mysterious about Scott is she’s not nearly as flashy as other major philanthropists. She’s a billionaire dozens of times over, yet doesn’t put herself in the limelight. In fact, Scott is infamously difficult—if not impossible—to contact. Indeed, attempts by Fortune to reach Scott to comment on this recent gift were unsuccessful.

Although Scott’s gifts undoubtedly have an impact on beneficiaries, other experts argue her lack of transparency and contact with recipients doesn’t make much long-term impact.

“There’s no long-term relationship,” Pamala Wiepking, a professor at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, who has studied the impact of unrestricted giving on nonprofits, told the AP. “What they are saying with trust-based philanthropy is to offer support beyond a check, and that’s typically not what she is doing.”

Still, the sheer volume of giving by Scott is impressive. In March, she announced she was giving $640 million to 361 small nonprofits that responded to an open call for applications. Of those, 279 nonprofits received $2 million, and the remaining 82 were given $1 million. That makes ACE’s donation seem even more sizable.

“We give people a chance when others won’t,” Fricks said. “I believe Ms. Scott believes her gift will increase our impact and attract others to join with us.”



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