埃隆·马斯克:我的建议是你们立即开始组建家庭,人们过于担心生孩子的问题,难以维持生计等等。现在正是生育的好时机。生孩子吧,你不会后悔的,一切都会迎刃而解。” pic.twitter.com/DZCK2XqCzM
——美国(@america) 2024年10月20日
然而,对于马斯克和投资人马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)等硅谷“多生育主义者”提出的多生孩子将有助于解决人类问题的说法,专家们予以反驳。今年8月,加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)科学与技术研究助理教授艾米丽·克兰切尔·莫森特(Emily Klancher Merchant)和华盛顿大学(University of Washington)人口与生态研究中心研究员温·布朗(Win Brown)将该群体倡导多生孩子的主张比作“庞氏骗局”,在这种骗局中,下一代要承担上一代的负担。他们还表示,解决社会和经济问题的更好办法是进行监管和再分配。
尽管马斯克坚持认为人们应该多生孩子,但他还是支持了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。尽管在特朗普任命的三名最高法院法官于2022年帮助推翻罗伊诉韦德案后,一些州的体外受精服务受到威胁或暂停。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,自从最高法院推翻了宪法赋予女性的堕胎权利后,美国死亡的婴儿人数比预期多了数百人。特朗普本月早些时候表示,他和共和党都支持体外受精(这是一种受精方法,用于帮助那些无法自然受孕的夫妇实现生育愿望)。(财富中文网)
埃隆·马斯克:我的建议是你们立即开始组建家庭,人们过于担心生孩子的问题,难以维持生计等等。现在正是生育的好时机。生孩子吧,你不会后悔的,一切都会迎刃而解。” pic.twitter.com/DZCK2XqCzM
——美国(@america) 2024年10月20日
然而,对于马斯克和投资人马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)等硅谷“多生育主义者”提出的多生孩子将有助于解决人类问题的说法,专家们予以反驳。今年8月,加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)科学与技术研究助理教授艾米丽·克兰切尔·莫森特(Emily Klancher Merchant)和华盛顿大学(University of Washington)人口与生态研究中心研究员温·布朗(Win Brown)将该群体倡导多生孩子的主张比作“庞氏骗局”,在这种骗局中,下一代要承担上一代的负担。他们还表示,解决社会和经济问题的更好办法是进行监管和再分配。
尽管马斯克坚持认为人们应该多生孩子,但他还是支持了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。尽管在特朗普任命的三名最高法院法官于2022年帮助推翻罗伊诉韦德案后,一些州的体外受精服务受到威胁或暂停。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,自从最高法院推翻了宪法赋予女性的堕胎权利后,美国死亡的婴儿人数比预期多了数百人。特朗普本月早些时候表示,他和共和党都支持体外受精(这是一种受精方法,用于帮助那些无法自然受孕的夫妇实现生育愿望)。(财富中文网)
Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, said people should have more kids without stressing too much over the costs associated with rearing children.
When asked for his advice on younger people looking to start a family, the Tesla CEO, who is currently worth an estimated $241 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, said to “start immediately.”
“I think people worry too much about having kids, and it’s sometimes difficult to make ends meet and whatnot,” said Musk during a pro-Trump rally in Harrisburg, Pa., on Saturday. “But honestly, there’s really no time like the present. Just have kids. You won’t be sorry. It’ll work out.”
ELON MUSK: “My advice regarding starting a family is start immediately… people worry too much about having kids.. it's difficult to make ends meet & whatnot.. but there's really no time like the present. Just have kids, you won't be sorry. It'll work out”pic.twitter.com/DZCK2XqCzM
— America (@america) October 20, 2024
In 2015, the USDA estimated that raising a child in the U.S. through the age of 17 would cost a family about $233,610. What’s more, skyrocketing inflation during the past few years has especially weighed on parents, and three out of four parents say raising a child is “far more expensive than expected,” according to a LendingTree study from April.
The share of parents who said they are doing well financially also dropped to 73% in 2023 from 75% in 2021, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Musk, who confirmed the birth of his 12th child in June, has for years been obsessed with the threat of population decline. In a February post on X, he encouraged people to have three or more kids to “help humanity grow,” and for years has touted the theories of “pronatalists” that in some cases link lower birth rates to the ultimate collapse of Western civilization.
“A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces by far,” he tweeted in 2022.
Yet experts have pushed back on claims by Musk and other Silicon Valley pronatalists like investor Marc Andreessen that having more kids will help solve humanity’s problems. In August, two such experts, Emily Klancher Merchant, an assistant professor of science and technology studies at UC Davis, and Win Brown, a research affiliate at the University of Washington’s Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, compared the pronatalist push to have more kids to a “Ponzi scheme” in which new generations carry the weight of the older generations. They also said regulation and redistribution would be a better way of solving social and economic problems.
Musk, despite his insistence on people having more kids, has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump, even though access to IVF has been threatened or paused in some states after three Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022. Since the Supreme Court overturned a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion, hundreds more babies have died than expected in the U.S., CNN reported. Trump said earlier this month that he and the Republican Party are in favor of IVF, the fertilization method used by women who may otherwise be unable to conceive a child.