这所蒙氏学校名为“Ad Astra”(拉丁语意为“奔向星辰”),这是对埃隆·马斯克的星际旅行计划的致敬。学校位于巴斯特罗普县,距离奥斯汀约40分钟车程,马斯克多家公司在那里开展业务。根据《财富》杂志审阅的一份由马斯克资助的非营利组织的文件,这所独立学校未来可能招收多达54名小学高年级和低年级学生,拥有专职教师团队,其核心使命是“致力于提供最高水平的STEM教育”。
首批就读于巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的学生年龄将在3至6岁之间,主要参加探索性活动,以及涂色、创作拼贴画和学习地图与地球仪等任务。
这所学校在申请初期经历了一些问题和检查延误,但得州儿童保育中心监管机构得州卫生及公共服务委员会(Texas Health and Human Services Commission)表示,在本月早些时候通过检查后,“Ad Astra”学校于11月14日获得了初步州级许可,现在属于持牌托儿项目。根据该机构的信息,“Ad Astra”幼儿园可招收近20名儿童。然而,根据学校提交给州政府的申请文件(《财富》杂志通过《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)请求获得),预计首批入学人数可能仅有16人。
这所位于巴斯特罗普的“Ad Astra”学校,是埃隆·马斯克进军教育领域的第二次重大尝试。前一所“Ad Astra”学校创立于约十年前,当时马斯克与他儿子四年级的老师讨论过要为自己的孩子及太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)员工的子女设立一所学校。马斯克在2021年接受采访时表示,这所学校于2014年开办,但在他的孩子毕业后,“Ad Astra”及其教职团队于2020年转型成为一所仅开展远程授课的独立学校,名为“Astra Nova”。根据经营“Ad Astra”学校的非营利实体的文件显示,该非营利实体将活动房屋、家具、员工和知识产权出售给了太空探索技术公司。2018年,一所名为“Discovery”的新学校在太空探索技术公司总部园区内开始运营,由一家名为Xplor Education的公司负责管理,该公司还在夏威夷运营一所蒙氏学校。
埃隆·马斯克此次的教育计划更为宏大。根据非营利组织X基金会(X Foundation)的申报文件,马斯克基金会(Musk Foundation)通过X基金会预留了近1亿美元,用于建设小学和中学,若进展顺利,未来还将开设大学。 “Ad Astra”学校是全球首富马斯克众多业务和项目中的最新一环。马斯克近期被当选总统唐纳德·特朗普任命为新设立的政府效率部门的负责人。
根据幼儿园的州政府申请文件,“Ad Astra”幼儿园将由Xplor Education的首席执行官格雷格·马里克负责运营。截至今年夏天,学校已聘用三名教职员工。学校的教学方法围绕探索展开,孩子们将学习如何扣纽扣、涂色与绘画、拼贴、构建词汇,以及研究地球仪和地图等。文件显示,户外还设有一个篮球场,孩子们可以骑三轮车和玩球。课程设置分为“工作”和“玩耍”时间,内容包括学习扫地、向他人道歉,以及如何“解决冲突”。“Ad Astra”学校的许可申请文件显示,这一教育理念受到心理学家兼教育家阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒和鲁道夫·德雷克斯的研究启发,旨在“教导青少年成为负责、尊重他人和机智的社区成员”。作为一所蒙氏教育学校,这所幼儿园还会强调自我学习、实践经验和协作游戏。目前尚不确定马斯克最小的6个孩子是否会入学。这6个孩子年龄均在5岁以下,据《华尔街日报》报道,他们都住在马斯克位于奥斯汀附近的一套住宅内。
“Ad Astra”学校的实际运作方式,可能与位于夏威夷拉奈岛的Hala Kahiki蒙氏学校类似,这两所学校均由Xplor Education运营。“Ad Astra”学校入学申请中的部分问题几乎与Hala Kahiki学校完全一致。此外,“Ad Astra”学校的许可申请文件中,似乎至少有一处将该学校错误地称为“Hala Kahiki学校”,称学生将与当地长者和专业人士合作以“了解岛屿社区”。
目前尚不清楚就读巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的学费是多少。据Hala Kahiki蒙氏学校的官网显示,该校的学费为每月968美元。
根据X基金会关于巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的文件显示,小学高年级和低年级的初期计划招生人数为54人,但未来将“根据当地社区需求和确保优质教育及整体体验的时间表逐步扩大规模”。此外,文件还提到学校可能包括远程学习者,但文件中有一处将“巴斯特罗普”(Bastrop)错误拼写为“Bastop”。
尽管申请材料中并未出现埃隆·马斯克的名字,但作为特斯拉和太空探索技术公司的首席执行官,他的影子在这个新学校项目中无处不在。由马斯克基金会资助的X基金会是学校所在地物业的拥有者,并在申请文件中详细描述了项目规划。“Ad Astra”的初步州级申请由马斯克的财务顾问兼长期亲信贾里德·伯查尔提交。此外,Xplor Education已为新学校发布招聘信息,并在其官网上设立了“即将推出”页面介绍“Ad Astra”学校。Xplor Education负责运营位于加州霍桑太空探索技术公司总部附近的“Discovery幼儿园”。
这所蒙氏学校名为“Ad Astra”(拉丁语意为“奔向星辰”),这是对埃隆·马斯克的星际旅行计划的致敬。学校位于巴斯特罗普县,距离奥斯汀约40分钟车程,马斯克多家公司在那里开展业务。根据《财富》杂志审阅的一份由马斯克资助的非营利组织的文件,这所独立学校未来可能招收多达54名小学高年级和低年级学生,拥有专职教师团队,其核心使命是“致力于提供最高水平的STEM教育”。
首批就读于巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的学生年龄将在3至6岁之间,主要参加探索性活动,以及涂色、创作拼贴画和学习地图与地球仪等任务。
这所学校在申请初期经历了一些问题和检查延误,但得州儿童保育中心监管机构得州卫生及公共服务委员会(Texas Health and Human Services Commission)表示,在本月早些时候通过检查后,“Ad Astra”学校于11月14日获得了初步州级许可,现在属于持牌托儿项目。根据该机构的信息,“Ad Astra”幼儿园可招收近20名儿童。然而,根据学校提交给州政府的申请文件(《财富》杂志通过《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)请求获得),预计首批入学人数可能仅有16人。
这所位于巴斯特罗普的“Ad Astra”学校,是埃隆·马斯克进军教育领域的第二次重大尝试。前一所“Ad Astra”学校创立于约十年前,当时马斯克与他儿子四年级的老师讨论过要为自己的孩子及太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)员工的子女设立一所学校。马斯克在2021年接受采访时表示,这所学校于2014年开办,但在他的孩子毕业后,“Ad Astra”及其教职团队于2020年转型成为一所仅开展远程授课的独立学校,名为“Astra Nova”。根据经营“Ad Astra”学校的非营利实体的文件显示,该非营利实体将活动房屋、家具、员工和知识产权出售给了太空探索技术公司。2018年,一所名为“Discovery”的新学校在太空探索技术公司总部园区内开始运营,由一家名为Xplor Education的公司负责管理,该公司还在夏威夷运营一所蒙氏学校。
埃隆·马斯克此次的教育计划更为宏大。根据非营利组织X基金会(X Foundation)的申报文件,马斯克基金会(Musk Foundation)通过X基金会预留了近1亿美元,用于建设小学和中学,若进展顺利,未来还将开设大学。 “Ad Astra”学校是全球首富马斯克众多业务和项目中的最新一环。马斯克近期被当选总统唐纳德·特朗普任命为新设立的政府效率部门的负责人。
根据幼儿园的州政府申请文件,“Ad Astra”幼儿园将由Xplor Education的首席执行官格雷格·马里克负责运营。截至今年夏天,学校已聘用三名教职员工。学校的教学方法围绕探索展开,孩子们将学习如何扣纽扣、涂色与绘画、拼贴、构建词汇,以及研究地球仪和地图等。文件显示,户外还设有一个篮球场,孩子们可以骑三轮车和玩球。课程设置分为“工作”和“玩耍”时间,内容包括学习扫地、向他人道歉,以及如何“解决冲突”。“Ad Astra”学校的许可申请文件显示,这一教育理念受到心理学家兼教育家阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒和鲁道夫·德雷克斯的研究启发,旨在“教导青少年成为负责、尊重他人和机智的社区成员”。作为一所蒙氏教育学校,这所幼儿园还会强调自我学习、实践经验和协作游戏。目前尚不确定马斯克最小的6个孩子是否会入学。这6个孩子年龄均在5岁以下,据《华尔街日报》报道,他们都住在马斯克位于奥斯汀附近的一套住宅内。
“Ad Astra”学校的实际运作方式,可能与位于夏威夷拉奈岛的Hala Kahiki蒙氏学校类似,这两所学校均由Xplor Education运营。“Ad Astra”学校入学申请中的部分问题几乎与Hala Kahiki学校完全一致。此外,“Ad Astra”学校的许可申请文件中,似乎至少有一处将该学校错误地称为“Hala Kahiki学校”,称学生将与当地长者和专业人士合作以“了解岛屿社区”。
目前尚不清楚就读巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的学费是多少。据Hala Kahiki蒙氏学校的官网显示,该校的学费为每月968美元。
根据X基金会关于巴斯特罗普“Ad Astra”学校的文件显示,小学高年级和低年级的初期计划招生人数为54人,但未来将“根据当地社区需求和确保优质教育及整体体验的时间表逐步扩大规模”。此外,文件还提到学校可能包括远程学习者,但文件中有一处将“巴斯特罗普”(Bastrop)错误拼写为“Bastop”。
尽管申请材料中并未出现埃隆·马斯克的名字,但作为特斯拉和太空探索技术公司的首席执行官,他的影子在这个新学校项目中无处不在。由马斯克基金会资助的X基金会是学校所在地物业的拥有者,并在申请文件中详细描述了项目规划。“Ad Astra”的初步州级申请由马斯克的财务顾问兼长期亲信贾里德·伯查尔提交。此外,Xplor Education已为新学校发布招聘信息,并在其官网上设立了“即将推出”页面介绍“Ad Astra”学校。Xplor Education负责运营位于加州霍桑太空探索技术公司总部附近的“Discovery幼儿园”。
Elon Musk’s pre-kindergarten Montessori school in Texas can now open its doors.
The school, which has been in the works since last year, received its initial permit from the Texas childcare regulator on Thursday, according to the agency, paving the way for Elon Musk to start building out ambitious, STEM-focused education plans that could eventually entail multiple independent K-12 schools and even a college within the state.
The Montessori school—dubbed “Ad Astra” (Latin for “to the stars”) in a nod to Musk’s plans for interplanetary travel—is located about 40 minutes from Austin, in Bastrop county, where several Musk companies have operations. The independent school in Bastrop may eventually enroll up to 54 students in upper and lower elementary grades, with a dedicated faculty and an overarching mission to provide a learning facility “dedicated to STEM education at the highest levels,” according to documents of a Musk-funded non-profit reviewed by Fortune.
The first Ad Astra pupils in Bastrop will be between three and six years old and attend a pre-Kindegarten school that focuses on exploration and on tasks like coloring, collage-making, and studying maps and globes.
The school had experienced some initial application snafus and inspection delays, but after passing an inspection earlier this month, Ad Astra obtained its initial state permit on Nov. 14 and is now considered a licensed childcare program, according to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which regulates childcare centers in the state. The Ad Astra preschool can enroll nearly two dozen children, according to the agency, though it appears to only be expecting 16 initially, according to application documents the school submitted to the state that were obtained by Fortune via a Freedom of Information Act Request.
The Bastrop Ad Astra is Musk’s second major attempt to push into education. An earlier “Ad Astra” school was conceived roughly a decade ago when Musk approached his son’s then-fourth-grade teacher about starting a school for his own kids and those of SpaceX employees. The school opened in 2014 but after Musk’s children graduated, Ad Astra and its faculty spun out into an independent remote-only school called “Astra Nova” in 2020, according to an interview the cofounder gave in 2021. The non-profit entity that ran Ad Astra sold the mobile home, furniture, workforce and intellectual property to SpaceX, according to non-profit filings. In 2018, a new school called “Discovery” started operating on the SpaceX campus, which is run by a company called Xplor Education that simultaneously operates a Montessori school in Hawaii.
This time around, Musk’s school plans seem more grand. The Musk Foundation set aside nearly $100 million via a non-profit called the X Foundation that will build the initial primary and secondary school, and eventually open a university, should all go well, according to the non-profit’s filings. Ad Astra is the latest branch in a sprawling assortment of businesses and projects connected to Musk, the world’s richest person, who was recently appointed by president elect Donald Trump to oversee a new department of government efficiency.
Work and Play
For now, Musk is starting small—in a white farmhouse with a long porch off a busy farm-to-market road in Bastrop County, Tex.—one street over from where some of Musk’s company facilities reside and where the new headquarters of X (the social media site formerly known as Twitter that Musk acquired for $44 billion in 2022) will be constructed.
The Ad Astra pre-K school will be run by the CEO of Xplor Education, Greg Marick, according to preschool’s state application, and three other faculty members have been hired, as of this summer. And its approach to learning will revolve around exploration, with toddlers learning how to button things, color and draw, collage, construct words, and study globes and maps. Outside, there is a basketball court, and toddlers will be able to play with tricycles and balls, according to the documents. The curriculum itself—which entails periods for “work” and “play” and has children learning to sweep, apologize to others, and learn how to “solve a conflict”—is inspired by the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs, two psychologists and educators, to “teach young people to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of our community,” according to Ad Astra’s permit application. As a Montessori school, the school will likely also emphasize self-directed learning, hands-on experiences, and collaborative play. It’s unclear whether any of Musk’s six youngest children—who are under the age of five and who reportedly live in a Musk compound in nearby-Austin, according to the Wall Street Journal—will be attending.
In practice, it’s likely that Ad Astra may look rather similar to Hala Kahiki Montessori School of Lāna‘i, the Hawaii school that is also operated by Xplor Education. Some of Ad Astra’s enrollment application questions are near-identical to that of Hala Kahiki, and Ad Astra’s permit application seems to erroneously refer to the school as Hala Kahiki in at least one instance, when it says that students will work with local elders and professionals to “learn about the island community.”
It’s unclear how much parents will pay for their children to attend the Bastrop Ad Astra school. The tuition at the Hala Kahiki Montessori School is $968 per month, according to the school’s website.
In the X Foundation documents that describe the Ad Astra school in Bastrop, the plan calls for the lower and upper elementary school to expand beyond an initial 54-student capacity “based on the needs of the local community and on a timeline that provides for quality education and overall experience.” The school could also include distance learners according to the document, which in one instance misspelled Bastrop as Bastop.
Musk’s name is nowhere on the application materials themselves, though the Tesla and SpaceX CEO’s fingerprints are all over the new school project. The X Foundation, which is funded by the Musk Foundation, owns the property the school sits on, and describes plans for the project in filings. Ad Astra’s initial state application was submitted by Jared Birchall, Musk’s financial advisor and longtime confidant. And Xplor Education, which is behind the “Discovery Preschool” near SpaceX’s campus in Hawthorne, Calif., has listed job postings for the new Bastrop school and has a “coming soon” page for Ad Astra on its website.
Musk and Birchall did not respond to a request for comment. When reached by Fortune, Marick said he was not authorized to speak with reporters and declined to comment.