鲍勃·K·隆(Bob K. Luong)的律师周二提交了一份动议,要求撤销先前的中止令,以便提交针对超微电脑及其首席执行官梁见后的修订后的举报投诉书,并可能在联邦法院提起诉讼。隆指控该公司在实际向客户交付产品之前,以不当方式确认了数百万美元的收入,并故意向客户发送缺少零件的设备,以使其财务状况看起来比实际情况要好。隆还指控该公司首席执行官的妻子、超微电脑联合创始人刘秋珠(Sara Liu Liang)及其兄弟埃德蒙·刘(Edmond Liu)与商业合作伙伴肯微科技(Compuware)的首席执行官谈判,以延迟付款并调整销售条款,同时仍允许提前确认收入。(肯微科技的首席执行官是梁见后的弟弟梁见达(Bill Liang)。肯微科技是超微电脑在台湾、中国和澳大利亚的分销商,超微电脑将电源设计和制造外包给肯微科技。)
隆的律师谭雅·戈尔曼(Tanya Gomerman)表示,公司解雇他的主要原因在于他拒绝配合对一名下属的调查,而隆本人则要求首席财务官在面谈时在场。戈尔曼进一步指出:“公司试图将鲍勃描绘成一个我行我素、表现不佳的管理者,但实际上,他拒绝完成那些他认为违法的工作。”
戈尔曼说:“在经历了一连串的风波之后,隆感到自己因试图发声并采取正确行动而成为众矢之的。”自2012年以来,隆一直在该公司工作,他所持有的股票在2018年大幅缩水,原因是超微电脑受到美国证券交易委员会对其收入确认方法的调查,因此被纳斯达克摘牌。在与美国证券交易委员会达成和解并支付了1750万美元罚款后,该公司于2020年重新上市。当时,该公司与首席财务官霍华德·秀岛(Howard Hideshima)分道扬镳,后者被监管机构指控存在不当会计行为。在重新上市后的几年里,其股价上涨了300%,并与人工智能巨头英伟达(Nvidia)建立了业务联系。
隆提出的动议对超微电脑而言无疑是雪上加霜。数月以来,公司一直在努力应对会计不当行为的指控。由于未能按时提交年度报告和季度财务报表,超微电脑第二次濒临退市边缘,并已收到纳斯达克的警告通知。8月份,兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)发布的一份做空报告对超微电脑造成了进一步的打击,指控其存在会计不当行为等一系列问题。超微电脑的前会计师事务所安永(Ernst & Young)在审计过程中退出,并声明无法依靠管理团队或董事会的独立审计委员会。随后,超微电脑聘请了立信会计师事务所(BDO)作为新的审计机构。
周一,超微电脑宣布,由一名专门负责调查的董事组成的董事会特别委员会已完成审查,并认定安永的退出及其审计结论并不能得到委员会调查结果的支持。特别委员会的唯一成员苏西·乔尔达诺(Susie Giordano)于2024年8月加入董事会,她拥有长达25年为高管团队提供咨询服务的经验,此前曾担任英特尔公司(Intel)的临时总法律顾问。按照超微电脑董事的惯例,乔尔达诺有资格获得价值25.5万美元的股权。
超微电脑表示,乔尔达诺与美国科律律师事务所(Cooley LLP)及其50名律师以及Secretariat Advisors公司的法务会计团队进行合作。调查团队审查了来自89名个人的900万份文件,并对现任及前任员工、管理层、顾问及董事会成员进行了68次证人面谈,此外还与前审计机构安永和德勤(Deloitte)进行了会面。然而,委员会发现在确保防范措施到位方面存在“疏漏”,包括与公司前首席财务官签订的咨询协议,后者在2017年审计委员会调查后辞职。据超微电脑称,这项咨询工作现已终止。
鲍勃·K·隆(Bob K. Luong)的律师周二提交了一份动议,要求撤销先前的中止令,以便提交针对超微电脑及其首席执行官梁见后的修订后的举报投诉书,并可能在联邦法院提起诉讼。隆指控该公司在实际向客户交付产品之前,以不当方式确认了数百万美元的收入,并故意向客户发送缺少零件的设备,以使其财务状况看起来比实际情况要好。隆还指控该公司首席执行官的妻子、超微电脑联合创始人刘秋珠(Sara Liu Liang)及其兄弟埃德蒙·刘(Edmond Liu)与商业合作伙伴肯微科技(Compuware)的首席执行官谈判,以延迟付款并调整销售条款,同时仍允许提前确认收入。(肯微科技的首席执行官是梁见后的弟弟梁见达(Bill Liang)。肯微科技是超微电脑在台湾、中国和澳大利亚的分销商,超微电脑将电源设计和制造外包给肯微科技。)
隆的律师谭雅·戈尔曼(Tanya Gomerman)表示,公司解雇他的主要原因在于他拒绝配合对一名下属的调查,而隆本人则要求首席财务官在面谈时在场。戈尔曼进一步指出:“公司试图将鲍勃描绘成一个我行我素、表现不佳的管理者,但实际上,他拒绝完成那些他认为违法的工作。”
戈尔曼说:“在经历了一连串的风波之后,隆感到自己因试图发声并采取正确行动而成为众矢之的。”自2012年以来,隆一直在该公司工作,他所持有的股票在2018年大幅缩水,原因是超微电脑受到美国证券交易委员会对其收入确认方法的调查,因此被纳斯达克摘牌。在与美国证券交易委员会达成和解并支付了1750万美元罚款后,该公司于2020年重新上市。当时,该公司与首席财务官霍华德·秀岛(Howard Hideshima)分道扬镳,后者被监管机构指控存在不当会计行为。在重新上市后的几年里,其股价上涨了300%,并与人工智能巨头英伟达(Nvidia)建立了业务联系。
隆提出的动议对超微电脑而言无疑是雪上加霜。数月以来,公司一直在努力应对会计不当行为的指控。由于未能按时提交年度报告和季度财务报表,超微电脑第二次濒临退市边缘,并已收到纳斯达克的警告通知。8月份,兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)发布的一份做空报告对超微电脑造成了进一步的打击,指控其存在会计不当行为等一系列问题。超微电脑的前会计师事务所安永(Ernst & Young)在审计过程中退出,并声明无法依靠管理团队或董事会的独立审计委员会。随后,超微电脑聘请了立信会计师事务所(BDO)作为新的审计机构。
周一,超微电脑宣布,由一名专门负责调查的董事组成的董事会特别委员会已完成审查,并认定安永的退出及其审计结论并不能得到委员会调查结果的支持。特别委员会的唯一成员苏西·乔尔达诺(Susie Giordano)于2024年8月加入董事会,她拥有长达25年为高管团队提供咨询服务的经验,此前曾担任英特尔公司(Intel)的临时总法律顾问。按照超微电脑董事的惯例,乔尔达诺有资格获得价值25.5万美元的股权。
超微电脑表示,乔尔达诺与美国科律律师事务所(Cooley LLP)及其50名律师以及Secretariat Advisors公司的法务会计团队进行合作。调查团队审查了来自89名个人的900万份文件,并对现任及前任员工、管理层、顾问及董事会成员进行了68次证人面谈,此外还与前审计机构安永和德勤(Deloitte)进行了会面。然而,委员会发现在确保防范措施到位方面存在“疏漏”,包括与公司前首席财务官签订的咨询协议,后者在2017年审计委员会调查后辞职。据超微电脑称,这项咨询工作现已终止。
Super Micro Computer chairman and CEO Charles Liang in 2024.
A former Super Micro Computer strategy director is pressing ahead with allegations the hardware manufacturer retaliated and ultimately fired him for reporting what he believed to be accounting improprieties and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) violations.
Lawyers for Bob K. Luong filed a motion on Tuesday to lift a previous stay so an amended whistleblower complaint against Super Micro and its CEO, Charles Liang, can be filed and potentially proceed in federal court. Luong is alleging the company improperly recognized millions in revenue before actually delivering goods to customers and purposely shipped equipment with missing parts to make its financials appear in better shape than they were. Luong also alleged the CEO’s wife and Super Micro cofounder, Sara Liu Liang, along with her brother Edmond Liu, negotiated with the CEO of a business partner, Compuware, to delay payments and adjust terms of sale—while still allowing for early recognition of revenue. (The CEO of Compuware is Charles Liang’s brother, Bill Liang. Compuware is a distributor for Super Micro in Taiwan, China, and Australia, and Super Micro outsources power design and manufacturing to Compuware.)
In his lawsuit, Luong said he tried repeatedly for years to get the company to investigate its accounting practices as well as certain employees before he finally filed an internal complaint in March 2022. Luong claimed he was brushed off and placed on unpaid leave before eventually being fired in April 2023.
Super Micro has denied Luong’s allegations and declined to comment. According to court documents, Super Micro alleged human resources got a complaint that Luong had engaged in abusive bullying of two of his direct reports in July 2022. The company alleged Luong refused to participate in its investigation of him, which is why he was put on administrative leave. Super Micro claimed its investigation found “sufficient evidence” to make findings about Luong’s treatment of other employees, including yelling, cursing, and rude behavior. Super Micro wrote in a court filing that Luong was also routinely absent from work and skipped meetings.
An attorney for Luong, Tanya Gomerman, said the company essentially fired him for not cooperating in an investigation into a subordinate, but what Luong had requested was for the chief financial officer to be present when he was interviewed. “They described Bob as being essentially a my-way-or-the-highway, bad manager type of person who wouldn’t agree to do things—but those were things he believed were illegal,” said Gomerman.
After Luong filed his whistleblower complaint, instead of interviewing him for alleged improper accounting practices, the company interviewed him for the human resources complaint, she said.
“This was after a lot of turmoil where he felt like he was being targeted when he wanted to speak up and do the right thing,” said Gomerman. Luong had worked at the company since 2012, and owned stock that had tanked when Super Micro was previously delisted by Nasdaq in 2018 owing to an SEC investigation into its revenue recognition practices. It was relisted in 2020 after settling with the SEC and paying a $17.5 million fine. At the time, the company parted ways with its CFO, Howard Hideshima, who was alleged by regulators to have engaged in improper accounting. In the years since being listed again, it has seen a 3,000% run-up in its stock price and does business with AI high-flier Nvidia.
But Luong’s motion is the latest blow to Super Micro, which has been battling accusations of improper accounting for months. It was on the brink of being delisted a second time and got a warning notice from Nasdaq after it failed to file an annual report or quarterly financial statement. A short-seller report from Hindenburg Research hit the company in August, alleging accounting improprieties among a litany of other issues. The company’s former accounting firm, Ernst & Young, resigned in the middle of an audit and announced that it couldn’t rely on the management team or the board’s independent audit committee. Super Micro later hired BDO as its new auditor.
On Monday, Super Micro announced that a special board committee, made up of a single director who joined specifically to lead the probe, had completed its review and determined that EY’s resignation and its conclusions “were not supported” by the committee’s final findings. The sole special committee member, Susie Giordano, joined the board in August 2024 and has 25 years of experience advising executive management teams and previously served as interim general counsel at Intel. As is customary for Super Micro directors, Giordano is entitled to an equity grant valued at $255,000.
According to Super Micro, Giordano worked with law firm Cooley LLP and 50 of its attorneys as well as a forensic accounting team from Secretariat Advisors. The investigators analyzed 9 million documents from 89 people and conducted 68 witness interviews of current and former employees, management, advisors, and board members—in addition to meeting with EY and another former auditor, Deloitte. However, the committee found “lapses” in ensuring guardrails were in place, including entering into a consulting agreement with the company’s former CFO, who resigned following a 2017 audit committee investigation. That consulting gig is now terminated, according to Super Micro.
The tech firm is hiring a new CFO, chief accounting officer, and chief compliance officer. Super Micro will also appoint a general counsel and will “expand the number of in-house attorneys to a level commensurate for a company of Super Micro’s size and complexity, particularly in light of its recent rapid growth and future growth ambitions.”
EY and Giordano did not respond to requests for comment.