

骆杰峰(Jeff John Roberts) 2020-07-24

苏斯博士在桌前作画。图片来源:James L. Amos—Corbis/Getty Images


一家名为Dapper Labs的公司认为自己找到了答案,该公司在7月21日宣布了其最新系列的数字收藏内容,以苏斯博士贴纸的形式推出。从明年开始,孩子们和其他爱好者将有机会买到数字贴纸套餐,涵盖《戴帽子的猫》(The Cat in the Hat)、《圣诞怪杰》(The Grinch)以及苏斯其他知名作品中的角色。

Dapper Labs的首席执行官罗哈姆·加勒格兹罗称,届时人们就可以把苏斯的作品存放于在线贴纸书中了,比方说下面的图片,同时也能够销售或交易这些贴纸。

这些贴纸在推出时得到了Dr. Seuss Enterprises的支持。

不过其特别之处在于,它不仅仅只是数字像素那么简单,Dapper Labs将使用区块链的技术,在每个贴签中植入独特的数字标识。作为比特币的支撑技术,区块链在交易记录中具有不可篡改的特性。

实际上,这意味着一个家庭将购买和开启一整套数字卡片,并将每张卡视为正版限量收藏品。Dr. Seuss Enterprises还没有宣布每个套餐的价格,但目标是让所有人都有机会获得这些卡片。不过在某些情况下,也有稀有版卡片销售,说不定来一张带着金色帽子的猫。

“它将改变人们对数字文化的认知以及互动方式。” 加勒格兹罗在接受《财富》杂志采访时说。

在2017年底比特币狂热期间,数字收藏品首次引发了人们的关注。当时,Dapper Labs推出了“Crypto Kitties”,它是一个短命的时尚事物。在市场兴趣(以及猫市场)消失之前,少数独一无二的数字猫标出了10多万美元的价格。


然而加勒格兹罗认为,由于Dapper Labs最近与包括全美篮球协会(NBA)和终极格斗冠军赛(UFC)在内的体育联盟达成了协议,数字收藏品市场已经做好了全面出击的准备。(财富中文网)



一家名为Dapper Labs的公司认为自己找到了答案,该公司在7月21日宣布了其最新系列的数字收藏内容,以苏斯博士贴纸的形式推出。从明年开始,孩子们和其他爱好者将有机会买到数字贴纸套餐,涵盖《戴帽子的猫》(The Cat in the Hat)、《圣诞怪杰》(The Grinch)以及苏斯其他知名作品中的角色。

Dapper Labs的首席执行官罗哈姆·加勒格兹罗称,届时人们就可以把苏斯的作品存放于在线贴纸书中了,比方说下面的图片,同时也能够销售或交易这些贴纸。

不过其特别之处在于,它不仅仅只是数字像素那么简单,Dapper Labs将使用区块链的技术,在每个贴签中植入独特的数字标识。作为比特币的支撑技术,区块链在交易记录中具有不可篡改的特性。

实际上,这意味着一个家庭将购买和开启一整套数字卡片,并将每张卡视为正版限量收藏品。Dr. Seuss Enterprises还没有宣布每个套餐的价格,但目标是让所有人都有机会获得这些卡片。不过在某些情况下,也有稀有版卡片销售,说不定来一张带着金色帽子的猫。

“它将改变人们对数字文化的认知以及互动方式。” 加勒格兹罗在接受《财富》杂志采访时说。

在2017年底比特币狂热期间,数字收藏品首次引发了人们的关注。当时,Dapper Labs推出了“Crypto Kitties”,它是一个短命的时尚事物。在市场兴趣(以及猫市场)消失之前,少数独一无二的数字猫标出了10多万美元的价格。


然而加勒格兹罗认为,由于Dapper Labs最近与包括全美篮球协会(NBA)和终极格斗冠军赛(UFC)在内的体育联盟达成了协议,数字收藏品市场已经做好了全面出击的准备。(财富中文网)


For generations, kids collected stickers, comic books, and baseball cards. But for many of those raised in a digital world, such pastimes seem quaint or obsolete—raising the question of how you collect in the age of the Internet, where everything is easily copied.

A company called Dapper Labs believes it has the answer and, on July 21, it announced its latest stable of digital collectibles in the form of Dr. Seuss decals. Starting next year, kids and others will be able to buy digital packs of stickers featuring characters from The Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, and other famous works by Seuss.

According to Dapper Labs CEO Roham Gharegozlou, families will be able to store the Seuss offerings—like those pictured below—in an online sticker book, and also sell or trade them.

What makes the decals distinct—and not just pixels on the Internet—is that Dapper Labs will use technology called blockchain to assign a unique digital identity to each one. Blockchain, which is the technology that underpins Bitcoin, creates a tamper-proof record of transactions.

For practical purposes, this means a family will buy and unwrap a digital pack of cards, and treat each card as an authentic and limited collectible. Dr. Seuss Enterprises has yet to announce a price for each pack, but the goal is to make the cards accessible to everyone. In some cases, though, there will be rarities for sale—perhaps a Cat in a gold hat.

"This will change of how people think and interact with digital culture," Gharegozlou said in an interview with Fortune.

Digital collectibles first gained attention during the Bitcoin craze of late 2017 when Dapper Labs launched "Crypto Kitties"—a short-lived fad that saw a handful of unique digital cats sell for over $100,000 before interest (and the cat market) dried up.

Meanwhile, other digital collectible startups—including a venture backed by the Winklevoss twins called Nifty—have made a foray into the fine art market, but such initiatives remain highly niche.

Gharegozlou believes, however, that the digital collectible market is poised to take off, in part because of recent initiatives between Dapper Labs and sports leagues including the NBA and UFC.
