

Hillel Italie, 美联社 2020-07-29

凭借影片《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)中的梅兰妮一角所为人熟知的女星奥莉薇•黛•哈佛兰于7月26日在巴黎去世,享年104岁。据纽约公关人员丽莎•戈德伯格称,奥莉薇走得很安详。生前,她曾两获奥斯卡奖,也曾致力于反抗好莱坞电影公司的霸王条款。

奥莉薇是好莱坞黄金时代最后一批顶级演员之一,也是《乱世佳人》中唯一在世的主演。六十年的演艺生涯中,她尝试过未婚妈妈、精神病人等各种迥异角色,也曾与埃罗尔•弗林在剧情片、西部片、历史剧中多次合作,尤以《侠盗罗宾汉》(The Adventures of Robin Hood)中的梅德•玛丽安一角最为著名。她乐于突破自己,却因为外形出众而戏路受限,被公司固化定型为了“傻白甜”。

奥莉薇•黛•哈佛兰,摄于2016年,巴黎。图片来源:THIBAULT CAMUS—AP FILE PHOTO

为摆脱公司的限制,奥莉薇起诉了华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)。但华纳于1943年表示,虽然双方合同已经到期,但奥莉薇先前因拒绝配合演出被雪藏了六个月,需要再为华纳工作六个月作为补偿。最终,加州上诉法院判定奥莉薇胜诉,并规定,未经过演员同意,任何电影公司都不得任意延长协议日期。

随后,奥莉薇迅速复出,并于1946年凭《风流种子》(To Each His Own)斩获奥斯卡,三年后,又以《女继承人》(The Heiress)第二次获奖。


据称,奥莉薇和琼长期不和,而在1941年奥斯卡奖的角逐中,姐妹两人的矛盾变得愈发尖锐——琼和奥莉薇分别凭借希区柯克指导的《深闺疑云》(Suspicion)、米切尔•莱森指导的《良宵苦短》(Hold Back the Dawn)提名最佳女主角。




在加州奥克兰的密尔斯学院就读时,舞台表演的经历激发了奥莉薇对演艺事业的向往。在准备学校《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)的表演时,她去好莱坞看了马克思•莱因哈特指导的同名戏剧的排练现场,并被意外选中,获得了扮演剧中赫米娅一角的机会。随后,她又被华纳兄弟选中,与米基•鲁尼共同出演了1935年的《仲夏夜之梦》电影版,又顺势和华纳签下了五年合约,和埃罗尔•弗林合作了《船长血》(Captain Blood)、《道奇城》(Dodge City)等一系列电影。







凭借影片《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)中的梅兰妮一角所为人熟知的女星奥莉薇•黛•哈佛兰于7月26日在巴黎去世,享年104岁。据纽约公关人员丽莎•戈德伯格称,奥莉薇走得很安详。生前,她曾两获奥斯卡奖,也曾致力于反抗好莱坞电影公司的霸王条款。

奥莉薇是好莱坞黄金时代最后一批顶级演员之一,也是《乱世佳人》中唯一在世的主演。六十年的演艺生涯中,她尝试过未婚妈妈、精神病人等各种迥异角色,也曾与埃罗尔•弗林在剧情片、西部片、历史剧中多次合作,尤以《侠盗罗宾汉》(The Adventures of Robin Hood)中的梅德•玛丽安一角最为著名。她乐于突破自己,却因为外形出众而戏路受限,被公司固化定型为了“傻白甜”。

为摆脱公司的限制,奥莉薇起诉了华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)。但华纳于1943年表示,虽然双方合同已经到期,但奥莉薇先前因拒绝配合演出被雪藏了六个月,需要再为华纳工作六个月作为补偿。最终,加州上诉法院判定奥莉薇胜诉,并规定,未经过演员同意,任何电影公司都不得任意延长协议日期。

随后,奥莉薇迅速复出,并于1946年凭《风流种子》(To Each His Own)斩获奥斯卡,三年后,又以《女继承人》(The Heiress)第二次获奖。


据称,奥莉薇和琼长期不和,而在1941年奥斯卡奖的角逐中,姐妹两人的矛盾变得愈发尖锐——琼和奥莉薇分别凭借希区柯克指导的《深闺疑云》(Suspicion)、米切尔•莱森指导的《良宵苦短》(Hold Back the Dawn)提名最佳女主角。




在加州奥克兰的密尔斯学院就读时,舞台表演的经历激发了奥莉薇对演艺事业的向往。在准备学校《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)的表演时,她去好莱坞看了马克思•莱因哈特指导的同名戏剧的排练现场,并被意外选中,获得了扮演剧中赫米娅一角的机会。随后,她又被华纳兄弟选中,与米基•鲁尼共同出演了1935年的《仲夏夜之梦》电影版,又顺势和华纳签下了五年合约,和埃罗尔•弗林合作了《船长血》(Captain Blood)、《道奇城》(Dodge City)等一系列电影。








Olivia de Havilland, the doe-eyed actress beloved to millions as the sainted Melanie Wilkes of “Gone With the Wind,” but also a two-time Oscar winner and an off-screen fighter who challenged and unchained Hollywood’s contract system, died July 26 at her home in Paris. She was 104. Havilland died peacefully of natural causes, said New York-based publicist Lisa Goldberg.

De Havilland was among the last of the top screen performers from the studio era, and the last surviving lead from “Gone With the Wind.” During a career that spanned six decades, de Havilland also took on roles ranging from an unwed mother to a psychiatric inmate. She was Errol Flynn’s co-star in a series of dramas, Westerns and period pieces, most memorably as Maid Marian in “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” But De Havilland also was a prototype for an actress too beautiful for her own good, typecast in sweet and romantic roles while desiring greater challenges.

Her frustration finally led her to sue Warner Bros. In 1943 when the studio tried to keep her under contract after it had expired, claiming she owed six more months because she had been suspended for refusing roles. De Havilland prevailed, with the California Court of Appeals ruling that no studio could extend an agreement without the performer’s consent.

De Havilland went on to earn her own Academy Award in 1946 for her performance in “To Each His Own.” A second Oscar came three years later for “The Heiress.”

She was also famous, not always for the better, as the sister of Fontaine, with whom she had a troubled relationship. In a 2016 interview, de Havilland referred to her late sister as a “dragon lady” and said her memories of Fontaine, who died in 2013, were “multi-faceted, varying from endearing to alienating.”

De Havilland allegedly never got along with Fontaine, a feud magnified by the 1941 Oscar race that placed her against her sister for best actress honors. Fontaine was nominated for the Hitchcock thriller “Suspicion” while de Havilland was cited for “Hold Back the Dawn."

Asked by a gossip columnist if they ever fought, de Havilland responded, “Of course, we fight. What two sisters don’t battle?”

Like a good Warner Bros. soap opera, their relationship was a juicy narrative of supposed slights and snubs, from de Havilland reportedly refusing to congratulate Fontaine for winning the Oscar to Fontaine making a cutting crack about de Havilland’s poor choice of agents and husbands.

De Havilland once observed that Melanie Wilkes’ happiness was sustained by a loving, secure family, a blessing that eluded the actress even in childhood. She was born in Tokyo on July 1, 1916, the daughter of a British patent attorney. Her parents separated when she was 3, and her mother brought her and her younger sister Joan to Saratoga, California.

De Havilland’s acting ambitions dated back to stage performing at Mills College in Oakland, California. While preparing for a school production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” she went to Hollywood to see Max Reinhardt’s rehearsals of the same comedy. She was asked to read for Hermia’s understudy, stayed with the production through her summer vacation and was given the role in the fall. Warner Bros. wanted stage actors for their lavish 1935 production and chose de Havilland to co-star with Mickey Rooney, who played Puck. She signed a five-year contract with the studio and went on to make “Captain Blood,” “Dodge City” and other films with Flynn.

“Oh, Errol had such magnetism! There was nobody who did what he did better than he did,” said de Havilland, whose bond with the dashing actor remained, she would insist, improbably platonic. She did date Howard Hughes and James Stewart and had an intense affair in the early ’40s with director John Huston.

Although she once filmed as many as three pictures a year, her career slowed in middle age. She made several movies for television, including “Roots” and “Charles and Diana.” In 2009, she narrated a documentary about Alzheimer’s, “I Remember Better When I Paint.”

Now, she is survived by her daughter, Gisele Galante Chulack, her son-in-law Andrew Chulack and her niece Deborah Dozier Potter. Goldberg said funeral arrangements are private and that memorial contributions should go to the American Cathedral in Paris.

Hillel Italie reported from New York. AP Paris correspondent John Leicester in Paris and former AP Writer Dolores Barclay in New York contributed to this report.
