

Rachel King 2020-11-16



图片来源:Courtesy of Hardie Grant Books, Voracious and Chronicle Books

《意外的韦斯•安德森》(Accidentally Wes Anderson),作者:沃利•科瓦尔(Wally Koval)

作者是广受欢迎的@AccidentallyWesAnderson Instagram账号所有者(粉丝量100万,而且还在增长),阅读《意外的韦斯•安德森》(Voracious/Little, Brown出版社)就像坐在咖啡桌旁欣赏韦斯•安德森电影的独特美学。书中囊括了粉丝提供的世界各地200多个地方的美图,让读者享受虚拟旅行,等到封锁结束走出门时争取多去一些新地方。

《特别的飞越比佛利之书:关于电视史上最臭名昭著地点的最经典100集》(A Very Special 90210 Book: 100 Absolutely Essential Episodes from TV’s Most Notorious Zip Code),作者:塔拉•阿里亚诺(Tara Ariano)、莎拉•邦廷(Sarah Bunting)

一想到这个节目,脑海中很正常就会想起《飞越比佛利》开头的吉他即兴演奏。也很难相信(或接受)这部有史以来最具影响力的青少年肥皂剧(不接受争辩)到2020年已经问世30周年。但如果疫情期间想重温享受这部剧,看完293集可能要花相当长的时间。如果不想看完10季(后面几季肯定可以跳过不看),娱乐作家和播客主持人塔拉•阿里亚诺和莎拉•D.•邦廷在《特别的飞越比佛利之书》(Abrams出版社)当中回顾了最经典的100集,涵盖了从西贝佛利高中到加州大学再到Peach Pit和After Dark夜总会的精华剧集。

《吧台背面:全世界最具标志性酒店的50款鸡尾酒配方》(Behind the Bar: 50 Cocktail Recipes From the World’s Most Iconic Hotels),作者:阿丽亚•阿卡姆(Alia Akkam)

《吧台背面:全世界最具标志性酒店的50款鸡尾酒配方》(Hardie Grant出版社)由长期住在布达佩斯的纽约人策划,致敬了全球各处豪华又交通便利的酒店酒吧,既有适合贵妇口味之处,也有当代经典。旅游和奢侈品作家阿莉亚•阿卡姆向读者介绍了50家酒吧的历史和与众不同的个性,还包括50款招牌鸡尾酒完整配方,在家就可以自制。书中还穿插酒店品味师的轶事,介绍了优秀的菜单和设计。

《唐人街风景:唐人街最时髦老年人的时尚和智慧》(Chinatown Pretty: Fashion and Wisdom from Chinatown’s Most Stylish Seniors),作者:安德里亚•罗(Andria Lo)、瓦莱丽•卢(Valerie Luu)


《歌者多莉•帕顿,歌词中的生活》(Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics),作者:多莉•帕顿(Dolly Parton)、罗伯特•K.•欧曼(Robert K. Oermann)

《歌者多莉•帕顿,歌词中的生活》(Chronicle Books出版社)既是视觉回忆录,也是带注释的歌曲集。对作曲家、音乐家和乡村音乐传奇多莉来说,是坦诚又亲密地回顾她伟大的职业生涯。研究纳什维尔音乐遗产的非官方历史学家罗伯特•K.•欧曼为本书进一步添加了背景。精装之作介绍了多莉最喜爱的175首歌曲,探索她非凡的人生和事业。

《偶像:塑造当代文化的50位女英雄》(Icons: 50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture),作者:莫妮卡•阿哈诺努(Monica Ahanonu)、米凯拉•希金(Micaela Heekin)


《不过,她还是穿了》(Nevertheless, She Wore It ),作者:安•沈(Ann Shen)

以女性身份表达自我是一种政治行为。女性的服装和身体经常受到父权结构的审查,时尚往往被视为轻浮。但时尚和女性穿着可传达无声的信息和象征意义,有时比言语更有效和更有力。《不过,她还是穿了》(Chronicle Books出版社)一书中,从比基尼到裤装,插画家安•沈分享了对50种最具代表性的风格以及身穿时装改变世界的女性的深入研究。书中介绍了各种激进的造型,从松身低腰连身裙到非洲风,从麦当娜的圆锥形胸罩到露丝•巴德•金斯伯格的装饰领,不仅挑战身处时代,也展示了时尚作为政治和文化工具推动变革的力量。

《敞开的书》(Open Book),作者:杰西卡•辛普森(Jessica Simpson)


《东非故事:肯尼亚、乌干达和坦桑尼亚民间故事》(Tales of East Africa: Folktales From Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania),作者:嘉米拉•奥库博(Jamilla Okubo)


《全美女子职业棒球联盟里不可思议的女性》(The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League),作者:安妮卡•奥洛克(Anika Orrock)

本书很适合1992年大制作电影《红粉联盟》(很快亚马逊Prime上就会有新改编版)的粉丝,《全美女子职业棒球联盟里不可思议的女性》(Chronicle Books出版社)详细介绍了女子职业棒球联盟的历史,讲述了第一批在联盟里打球的女性故事。插画家兼作家安妮卡•奥洛克收集了种种有意思又很有力的小插曲(当时女性被迫克服很多性别障碍,所以有些还让人有些不自在),都是球员讲述的故事,主要关于何时开始参与比赛,还有很难找的球员统计数据、创下历史的好球,还有上头条的新闻,在奥洛克充满活力的风格下娓娓道来。(财富中文网)




《意外的韦斯•安德森》(Accidentally Wes Anderson),作者:沃利•科瓦尔(Wally Koval)

作者是广受欢迎的@AccidentallyWesAnderson Instagram账号所有者(粉丝量100万,而且还在增长),阅读《意外的韦斯•安德森》(Voracious/Little, Brown出版社)就像坐在咖啡桌旁欣赏韦斯•安德森电影的独特美学。书中囊括了粉丝提供的世界各地200多个地方的美图,让读者享受虚拟旅行,等到封锁结束走出门时争取多去一些新地方。

《特别的飞越比佛利之书:关于电视史上最臭名昭著地点的最经典100集》(A Very Special 90210 Book: 100 Absolutely Essential Episodes from TV’s Most Notorious Zip Code),作者:塔拉•阿里亚诺(Tara Ariano)、莎拉•邦廷(Sarah Bunting)

一想到这个节目,脑海中很正常就会想起《飞越比佛利》开头的吉他即兴演奏。也很难相信(或接受)这部有史以来最具影响力的青少年肥皂剧(不接受争辩)到2020年已经问世30周年。但如果疫情期间想重温享受这部剧,看完293集可能要花相当长的时间。如果不想看完10季(后面几季肯定可以跳过不看),娱乐作家和播客主持人塔拉•阿里亚诺和莎拉•D.•邦廷在《特别的飞越比佛利之书》(Abrams出版社)当中回顾了最经典的100集,涵盖了从西贝佛利高中到加州大学再到Peach Pit和After Dark夜总会的精华剧集。

《吧台背面:全世界最具标志性酒店的50款鸡尾酒配方》(Behind the Bar: 50 Cocktail Recipes From the World’s Most Iconic Hotels),作者:阿丽亚•阿卡姆(Alia Akkam)

《吧台背面:全世界最具标志性酒店的50款鸡尾酒配方》(Hardie Grant出版社)由长期住在布达佩斯的纽约人策划,致敬了全球各处豪华又交通便利的酒店酒吧,既有适合贵妇口味之处,也有当代经典。旅游和奢侈品作家阿莉亚•阿卡姆向读者介绍了50家酒吧的历史和与众不同的个性,还包括50款招牌鸡尾酒完整配方,在家就可以自制。书中还穿插酒店品味师的轶事,介绍了优秀的菜单和设计。

《唐人街风景:唐人街最时髦老年人的时尚和智慧》(Chinatown Pretty: Fashion and Wisdom from Chinatown’s Most Stylish Seniors),作者:安德里亚•罗(Andria Lo)、瓦莱丽•卢(Valerie Luu)


《歌者多莉•帕顿,歌词中的生活》(Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics),作者:多莉•帕顿(Dolly Parton)、罗伯特•K.•欧曼(Robert K. Oermann)

《歌者多莉•帕顿,歌词中的生活》(Chronicle Books出版社)既是视觉回忆录,也是带注释的歌曲集。对作曲家、音乐家和乡村音乐传奇多莉来说,是坦诚又亲密地回顾她伟大的职业生涯。研究纳什维尔音乐遗产的非官方历史学家罗伯特•K.•欧曼为本书进一步添加了背景。精装之作介绍了多莉最喜爱的175首歌曲,探索她非凡的人生和事业。

《偶像:塑造当代文化的50位女英雄》(Icons: 50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture),作者:莫妮卡•阿哈诺努(Monica Ahanonu)、米凯拉•希金(Micaela Heekin)


《不过,她还是穿了》(Nevertheless, She Wore It ),作者:安•沈(Ann Shen)

以女性身份表达自我是一种政治行为。女性的服装和身体经常受到父权结构的审查,时尚往往被视为轻浮。但时尚和女性穿着可传达无声的信息和象征意义,有时比言语更有效和更有力。《不过,她还是穿了》(Chronicle Books出版社)一书中,从比基尼到裤装,插画家安•沈分享了对50种最具代表性的风格以及身穿时装改变世界的女性的深入研究。书中介绍了各种激进的造型,从松身低腰连身裙到非洲风,从麦当娜的圆锥形胸罩到露丝•巴德•金斯伯格的装饰领,不仅挑战身处时代,也展示了时尚作为政治和文化工具推动变革的力量。

《敞开的书》(Open Book),作者:杰西卡•辛普森(Jessica Simpson)


《东非故事:肯尼亚、乌干达和坦桑尼亚民间故事》(Tales of East Africa: Folktales From Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania),作者:嘉米拉•奥库博(Jamilla Okubo)


《全美女子职业棒球联盟里不可思议的女性》(The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League),作者:安妮卡•奥洛克(Anika Orrock)

本书很适合1992年大制作电影《红粉联盟》(很快亚马逊Prime上就会有新改编版)的粉丝,《全美女子职业棒球联盟里不可思议的女性》(Chronicle Books出版社)详细介绍了女子职业棒球联盟的历史,讲述了第一批在联盟里打球的女性故事。插画家兼作家安妮卡•奥洛克收集了种种有意思又很有力的小插曲(当时女性被迫克服很多性别障碍,所以有些还让人有些不自在),都是球员讲述的故事,主要关于何时开始参与比赛,还有很难找的球员统计数据、创下历史的好球,还有上头条的新闻,在奥洛克充满活力的风格下娓娓道来。(财富中文网)


Not everyone has time to shop around (not to mention most people have no desire to shop in stores at all right now) and look for the newest items on the market that could appeal to the loved ones and colleagues on their gift-giving lists. (Or for themselves, because let’s be honest, we look at holiday gift guides and deals for ourselves just as much as for others.)

Here’s a list of new releases this year that could delight readers of all ages on your gift list this season.

Accidentally Wes Anderson by Wally Koval

From the creator of the popular @AccidentallyWesAnderson Instagram account (with 1 million followers and counting), Accidentally Wes Anderson(Voracious/Little, Brown) brings that particular whimsical aesthetic so synonymous with Wes Anderson films to your coffee table. The book is filled with images submitted from followers all over the world from more than 200 locations, encouraging the reader to indulge in a bit of virtual wanderlust and add some new places to the travel bucket list when borders reopen.

A Very Special 90210 Book: 100 Absolutely Essential Episodes from TV’s Most Notorious Zip Code by Tara Ariano and Sarah Bunting

It’s hard not to automatically hear in your head the guitar riff from the opening credits of Beverly Hills, 90210 when thinking about this show. It’s also hard to believe (or accept) that 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the debut of the most influential teen soap of all time (I will hear no arguments). But if you’re looking for yet another show to rewatch and binge during the pandemic, 293 episodes of 90210 could pass some considerable time. If you don’t want to sit through 10 seasons (you could definitely skip a few of the later ones), entertainment writers and podcast hosts Tara Ariano and Sarah D. Bunting recap the 100 most crucial episodes in A Very Special 90210 Book(Abrams), covering all the must-see drama from West Beverly High School to California University to the Peach Pit After Dark.

Behind the Bar: 50 Cocktail Recipes From the World’s Most Iconic Hotels by Alia Akkam

Curated by a longtime New Yorker now living in Budapest, Behind the Bar: 50 Cocktail Recipes From the World’s Most Iconic Hotels (Hardie Grant) is an ode to luxurious, transporting hotel bars around the world—grandes dames and contemporary classics alike. Travel and luxury writer Alia Akkam introduces readers to the histories and distinctive personalities of 50 bars with 50 signature cocktails, complete with recipes so that you can make one at home. It is also interspersed with anecdotes from hospitality tastemakers and illuminates standout menus and design.

Chinatown Pretty: Fashion and Wisdom from Chinatown’s Most Stylish Seniors by Andria Lo and Valerie Luu

What is Chinatown Pretty? As examined in this gorgeous photo book from photographer Andria Lo and writer Valerie Luu, it’s a signature style worn by pòh pohs (grandmothers) and gùng gungs (grandfathers) in Chinatowns everywhere. A mix of modern and vintage, high and low, handmade and store bought, it’s all brought together into one unexpected and effortless look. Lo and Luu say they became fascinated with the style, and for the past five years, they have been photographing and interviewing trendsetting seniors in six Chinatowns across North America—New York City, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Vancouver—asking each subject (more than 100 over the course of the book) to participate in a street-style photoshoot and to tell their personal story—sometimes funny, sometimes bittersweet, and always unexpected—behind their eye-catching outfits.

Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics by Dolly Parton and Robert K. Oermann

Both a visual memoir and annotated songbook, Dolly Parton, Songteller(Chronicle Books) is a candid, intimate look at Dolly’s enduring career as a songwriter, musician, and country legend—a career further contextualized by the unofficial historian of Nashville’s musical heritage, Robert K. Oermann. This deluxe volume will explore her remarkable life and career through 175 of her best-loved songs.

Icons: 50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture by Monica Ahanonu and Micaela Heekin

From singers to writers, activists to artists, politicians to filmmakers, Icons: 50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture (Abrams) is a visual celebration of modern women. Illustrated by Monica Ahanonu, each portrait is accompanied by a short biography about what makes each woman a force to be reckoned with. Among the women featured in the book include Michelle Obama, Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Yayoi Kusama, and Diana Ross, whose portrait is on the book’s cover.

Nevertheless, She Wore It by Ann Shen

Expressing yourself as a woman is a political act. Women’s clothing and bodies have too often been subject to scrutiny by a patriarchal structure, and fashion is often dismissed as frivolity. But fashion and what a woman wears can be used to convey silent messages and symbolism, sometimes far more effectively and powerfully than words. From the bikini to the pantsuit, illustrator Ann Shen shares her striking study of 50 of the most iconic styles and the women who changed the world while wearing them in Nevertheless, She Wore It (Chronicle Books). These radical looks—from the flapper dress to the Afro, Madonna’s cone bra to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dissent collar—defied their time and demonstrated the power of fashion as a political and cultural tool for making change.

Open Book by Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson’s memoir was published in February, which might seem like a lifetime ago. But the tea stayed hot for months and provided a lot of entertainment, comfort, and perhaps unexpected wisdom. (The audiobook version, narrated by Simpson, is even more effective and enjoyable to listen to on long walks.) Beyond some never-before-revealed gossip involving past celebrity boyfriends and her competition on the audition circuits, Simpson’s reflections prove she deserves a lot more credit than any of us have given her. Sure, this was written with a ghostwriter, but Simpson’s journey to becoming a pop singer and a multimillionaire (mostly thanks to her very successful eponymous apparel line) involved overcoming a great deal of adversity, anxiety, and pressure from the adults around her growing up—not least of which included a gross amount of oversexualization even when she was just a preteen. Nevertheless, Jessica Simpson persisted.

Tales of East Africa: Folktales From Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania by Jamilla Okubo

This collection of 22 traditional tales from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania transports readers to an enthralling world. Translated and transcribed by folklorists and anthropologists in the early 20th century, these stories evoke the distinctive beauty and humor of East African folklore. Readers will encounter mischievous hares, plucky heroes and heroines, and fearsome monsters. Each tale is paired with a bold and vibrant illustration by artist Jamilla Okubo. And a special gift edition includes an embossed, textured case and a ribbon marker.

The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League by Anika Orrock

For fans of the magnificent 1992 film A League of Their Own (which is soon getting a new adaptation on Amazon Prime), The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (Chronicle Books) details the history of the league and tells the stories of the first women to play professional baseball in a league of their own. Illustrator and author Anika Orrock collects a variety of charming and powerful (and sometimes cringe-inducing, given the gender barrier these women were forced to overcome) vignettes told by the players themselves about their time participating in America’s pastime, along with hard-to-find player statistics, historical beats, and headlines, fully illustrated in Orrock’s vibrant style.
