• 亚马逊(Amazon)的EC2云服务崩溃;现在,对于一些使用该服务的公司和服务而言,问题依然存在。受到波及的公司包括: Foursquare、Quora、HootSuite、SCVNGR以及Reddit。其中,Reddit由于亚马逊“降级”,目前其相关服务仍处于“紧急只读模式”。该公司的工程师们亦在竭尽全力,以彻底解决此问题。(All Things D) • 有关设备追踪的争议依旧存在。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)了解到,苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)采取的策略是,凡搭载其操作系统的智能手机会定期将用户位置信息回传至这两家公司,以供其使用这些信息构建相关数据库。一位安全分析师介绍说,搭载安卓(Android)操作系统的宏达电(HTC)手机,每隔几秒钟,就会收集手机位置、唯一手机识别码以及临近Wi-Fi网络信息等数据,并且每小时内会数次向谷歌发送这些信息。(《华尔街日报》) • 苹果在开发一项基于云的音乐存储服务。iTunes用户可以利用该服务,将歌曲存储到一台远程服务器上,然后即可在能够接入互联网的任意地点访问这些歌曲。路透社(Reuters)报道说,目前,该服务的开发工作已经完成,并且上市时间将早于谷歌的相应服务,但消息中并未提及具体发布时间。(《路透社》) • AMD今年首季利润超出分析师预期,达到5.1亿美元,与去年同期收入相比,几乎翻了一番。[彭博社(Bloomberg)] • 是否记得,我们曾说过,三星公司(Samsung)早晚会对苹果最近提出的专利诉讼以牙还牙?我们说的没错——三星在韩国、日本以及德国针对公司专利提起了诉讼。(9 to 5 Mac) • 微软公司(Microsoft)任命弗兰克•霍兰德为主管广告销售业务的公司副总裁。(CNET) • 此外,谷歌全球销售规划和技术副总裁玛戈•吉奥吉亚迪斯加盟Groupon,担任首席运营官。[《芝加哥商业》(Chicago Business)] • 移动游戏初创公司OpenFeint被日本移动游戏公司 GREE以1.04亿美元的价格收至麾下。(Spark PR)
译者:大海 |
• Amazon's EC2 cloud service crashed and continues to be problematic for some companies and services that rely on it. Affected businesses included Foursquare, Quora, HootSuite, SCVNGR, and Reddit, the last of which is still in "emergency read-only mode" due to what it's calling a"degradation" with Amazon. Company engineers are still working to completely fix the problem. (All Things D) • The device tracking controversy continues. The Wall Street Journal has learned that Apple and Google's smartphones regularly send user locations back to the companies as part of their strategy to build databases that take advantage of such info. According to one security analyst, an HTC Android phone collected data like location, a unique phone identifier, and info about nearby Wi-Fi networks, every few seconds and transmitted it over to Google several times each hour. (Wall Street Journal) • Reuters reports that Apple's cloud-based music storage, which will let iTunes customers store songs on a remote server and access them anywhere they have an Internet connection, is already done and will launch ahead of Google's offering, though no word on when that might be. (Reuters) • AMD's first quarter profits beat analyst estimates, coming in at $510 million, nearly double its earnings the same time last year. (Bloomberg) • Remember when we said that Samsung would respond to Apple's recent patent lawsuit in kind? Well, it did -- with a lawsuit of its own over company patents filed in South Korea, Japan, and Germany. (9 to 5 Mac) • Microsoft named Frank Holland its new corporate vice president of Microsoft's advertising sales business. (CNET) • Meanwhile, Groupon hired Margo Geogiadis, Google's VP of global sales planning and technology, to serve as COO. (Chicago Business) • Mobile gaming start-up OpenFeint was bought by Japanese mobile gaming company GREE for $104 million. (Spark PR) |