

JP Mangalindan 2011-05-13


    * Fortune.com网站全新改版。如果你是新闻通讯订阅用户,还未看过改版后的网站,那么赶紧一睹为快吧!

    * 多方消息称微软(Microsoft)正与流行的视频通话服务提供商Skype进行谈判,准备以大约85亿美元收购后者。不过All Things D表示,此项收购交易实际已经是板上钉钉。据报道,总部位于华盛顿州雷蒙德市的科技巨头微软将于10号上午晚些时候宣布收购消息。最新更新:我的同事丹•普里马克已确认交易成功。预计官方消息马上就会宣布。[All Things D和《财富》(Fortune)]

    * 与此同时,微软Windows Phone 7团队将于5月24日在纽约市预览微软移动操作系统的最新版本——“芒果”(Mango)。(ZDNET)

    * 宏碁(Acer)前首席执行官蒋凡可•兰奇讲述自己为何被迫离开这家计算机硬件制造商。(All Things D)

    * 谷歌(Google)计划于10号晚些时候在谷歌I/O大会上公布其云音乐服务,尽管该服务还未得到主要音乐厂商和发行商的许可。如果真这样的话,谷歌和亚马逊(Amazon)几乎如出一辙,后者早在今年初就启动了一项类似服务,不过现在仍未取得音乐厂商们的许可。(VentureBeat)

    * 谷歌I/O大会还有什么值得期待的?请参阅phandroid.com网站。(Phandroid)

    * YouTube与环球(Universal)、索尼影视(Sony Pictures)和华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)等好莱坞制片商达成合作协议,后者将为YouTube提供大约3000部完整版电影。这样一来,YouTube的可租赁电影总数一举超过6000部。绝大部分新电影的起始价为3.99美元,而老电影的起始价则为2.99美元。(TechCrunch)

    * YouTube联合创始人查德•赫尔利和陈士骏收购实时商业平台Tap11.com,距离他们此前收购雅虎(Yahoo)旗下的Delicious还不到两周时间。两人表示,Tap 11将并入两人目前仍显神秘的新创公司AVOS中。(AVOS)

    * 科技作者罗伯特•斯科博讲述自己最近采访23家新创企业的收获,其中包括iPad如何给一些企业带来启发。(Scobleizer)


    * Fortune.com revealed its brand spanking new Web site. If you're a newsletter subscriber and haven't seen the changes for yourself, head on over!

    * Multiple reports abound that Microsoft is negotiating to buy popular video calling service Skype for some $8.5 billion, but according to All Things D, the deal is actually already in the bag. The Redmond, Washington-based tech giant will reportedly make the announcement later this morning. UPDATE: Colleague Dan Primack has confirmed the deal. Expect the official announcement shortly. (All Things D and Fortune)

    * Meanwhile, the Windows Phone 7 team will preview the latest build of Microsoft's mobile operating system, dubbed "Mango," on May 24 in New York City. (ZDNET)

    * Former Acer CEO Gianfranco Lanci on why he was ousted from the computer hardware maker. (All Things D)

    * Google intends to unveil its cloud music service late today at its I/O conference without the approval of major music labels and publishers. If so, the move echoes Amazon, which launched a similar music service -- also sans industry approval -- earlier this year. (VentureBeat)

    * What else to expect at Google I/O... (Phandroid)

    * YouTube teamed up with Hollywood studios like Universal, Sony Pictures, and Warner Brothers to offer around 3,000 full-length feature films on the video-streaming site, bringing the total number of rentable movie titles to 6,000-plus. Most new releases will start at $3.99, while older titles will go for $2.99. (TechCrunch)

    * YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen acquired Tap11.com, a real-time business platform, just two weeks or so after the two bought Delicious from Yahoo. According to the two, Tap11 will be integrated with their still-enigmatic startup, AVOS. (AVOS)

    * Tech author Robert Scoble on what he learned from recent interviews with 23 startups, including how the iPad is inspiring some ventures. (Scobleizer)

