

JP Mangalindan 2011-06-03

谷歌公司(Google)前任首席执行官艾里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)

    “当时我很清楚,自己应该有所作为。但不幸的是,我没做到。首席执行官应该勇于承担责任,但我把事情搞砸了。”—董事长艾里克•施密特谈谷歌的社交功能引发的风波 [数字化大会(All Things D)]

    * 谷歌公司(Google)前首席执行官、现任董事会主席艾里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)出席了周二晚上举行的D9数字化大会(All Things D's D9 conference)。其发言涉及很多话题,其中包括:谷歌为在其现有服务中融入社交因素而付诸的一系列努力;如今成长最为迅速的四家IT公司(施密特戏称为“四人帮”)——亚马逊(Amazon)、苹果(Apple)、Facebook、当然还有谷歌;此外,他甚至老话重提,对IT业老掉牙的争论:Mac系统与PC机孰优孰劣的问题进行了探讨。当论及系统安全时,他说:“应该用Mac系统,而不是PC机。”原因在于病毒不太可能攻击Mac用户。此外,他还建议,Mac机用户搭载谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),再加上Gmail的两步验证特性,那简直就是绝佳组合了。[《下一代网络》(The Next Web)]

    * 今年的苹果全球开发人员大会(Worldwide Developer's Conference ,WWDC)将于下周一举行。该公司计划届时进行一系列闪电发布:不仅推出iOS 5移动操作系统和狮王(Lion)台式机软件的升级版,还有引起市场广泛猜测的基于云计算技术的音乐服务iCloud。其中大部分内容由史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)本人亲自宣布。(This is my next)

    * 据非官方统计,Facebook 的全球用户数正在迫近7亿大关。[《社交面包师》(SocialBakers)]

    * 社交网络如何超越Facebook。(数字化大会)

    * VMware收购了社交通信平台Socialcast,价格不明。后者致力于将Outlook和SharePoint等特性有机融入企业的各项活动。

    "I clearly knew that I had to do something, and I failed to do it ... A CEO should take responsibility. I screwed up." -- Chairman Eric Schmidt on the company's struggle with social. (All Things D)

    * During his appearance at All Things D's D9 conference last night, former Google CEO and current chairman Eric Schmidt covered a number of topics including the company's attempts at integrating social elements into its services, the fastest-growing technology companies -- Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and of course, Google -- which he dubbed the "Gang of Four," and even that age-old technology argument: Macs versus PCs. When it comes to security, "you could use a Mac instead of a PC," he said, arguing that viruses are less likely to affect Mac users. He also recommended pairing that Mac with Google's Chrome Browser and Gmail's two-step authentication feature. (The Next Web)

    * Apple's planning a blitzkrieg of announcements at this year's Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) on Monday, including the proper unveiling of its iOS 5 mobile operating system and Lion desktop software update, as well as its much-speculated about iCloud cloud-based music service, most of which will likely be discussed by Steve Jobs himself. (This is my next)

    * The unofficial tally of global Facebook users is approaching 700 million. (SocialBakers)

    * How the social Web can go beyond Facebook... (All Things D)

    * VMware acquired social communications platform Socialcast, which mashes up corporate activity streams with features like Outlook and SharePoint integration, for an undisclosed amount. (TechCrunch)

    * 本周三,Zynga公司以12种语言推出其最新畅销游戏产品《帝国与同盟》(Empires & Allies)。在该款作战游戏中,用户可以建立岛国帝国,招募盟友,通过战争、重建、以及谈判等方式达到割据和征服的目的。(Zynga)

    * 揭秘日益壮大且利润丰厚的虚拟货币世界。[《广告周刊》(AdWeek)]

    * 最好从耳朵里拿掉那些蓝牙耳机。据世界卫生组织(WHO)消息,手机辐射确实有可能引致癌症。有鉴于此,该机构已经将使用手机与铅、汽车尾气和氯仿,列为同一类 “致癌危险”物。[《美国有线电视新闻网》(CNN)]


    * Zynga's latest probable blockbuster, Empires & Allies, launches today in 12 languages. The combat strategy game encourages users to build up its island-nation empire, recruit friends, and divide and conquer through battles, building, and bargaining. (Zynga)

    * Inside the growing -- and very lucrative -- world of virtual currency. (AdWeek)

    * Better whip out those bluetooth headsets... According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cell phone radiation really may cause cancer. As a result, the agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. (CNN)

