

JP Mangalindan 2011-07-13


    ——埃里克•施密特,谷歌执行主席【科技博客TechCrunch (TechCrunch)】

    上面这番话是施密特在今年的太阳谷峰会上讲出来的,这番话似乎暗示了我们现在正处在一轮新的科技泡沫中,不过风投家马克•安德里森却并不这么认为。在同一次访问中,安德里森还炮轰了电影《社交网络》(The Social Network)的编剧阿伦•索金。“阿伦•索金完全不能理解马克•扎克伯克或Facebook的真正心理。在索金构思的世界里,只有社会地位、性和嗑药才是最重要的事。”【《纽约时报》 (The New York Times)】

    "On the general question of bubble, in the first place you don't know it's a bubble until the bubble ends, by definition. The rule I set for myself 10 years ago was that if the press calls it a bubble then I'd pay attention."

    -- Eric Schmidt, Google executive chairman (TechCrunch)

    Though Schmidt's recent comments (see above) at this year's Sun Valley conference hints we've got another tech bubble on our hands, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen argues otherwise. Also in the same interview, Andreessen takes a shot at The Social Network's director. "Aaron Sorkin was completely unable to understand the actual psychology of Mark [Zuckerberg] or of Facebook. He can't conceive of a world where social status or getting laid or, for that matter, doing drugs, is not the most important thing." (The New York Times)


    Google+的创意来自Facebook的一位开发员。Facebook有一个“Circles”功能,意为“圈子”,它可以使加入了某些自定义群组的用户在群组内实现内容的分享。“它同时综合了情感因素和兴趣因素。人们可以把他们认为有用、有趣的内容分享给接受内容的人。比如说我的其他朋友可能很反感我向他们推荐跟网球有关的内容,不过如果我有了一个‘网球爱好者’圈子,我会很乐于把所有讨论网球的内容都推荐给圈子里的好友。这样一来,人们就可以在不同的圈子里分享自己感兴趣、但以前又不便分享的内容。”【在线广告服务公司Momentus Media (Momentus Media)】

    想了解在线音乐服务Spotify攻占美国市场的计划吗?不妨访问一下科技网站All Things D,该网站搞到了一些有趣的信息,包括有人预测这家音乐流媒体服务公司在全美范围内运营一年之后,其美国用户人数将达到5,000万人。【科技网站All Things D (All Things D)】

    阿里杰斯资本(Allegis Capital)的合伙人基恩•路易斯•卡西撰文对惠普公司(HP)的收购交易以及惠普整合WebOS平台的企图做出了精彩的评论分析。WebOS就是惠普TouchPad平板电脑所搭载的操作系统。【科技、媒体资讯网站Monday Note (Monday Note)】

    据英国《卫报》(The Guardian)记者罗伯特•克罗姆报道,传统的图书并未穷途末路,只是在转型。【《卫报》(The Guardian)】



    It's been out less than a month, but Google + could already have upwards of 4.5 million users. That's what serial entrepreneur Paul Allen -- not to be mistaken with the Microsoft co-founder of the same name -- concluded after some preliminary numbers crunching. He'll publish his complete findings later today. (Google)

    Google + thoughts from a Facebook developer. On the subject of the fledgling social network's "Circles" feature, which lets you share content with customizable groups of people: "A very interesting combination of 'emotional glue' and 'interest glue.' People will share content they feel is relevant and interesting to the recipients. If I have a 'Tennis Lovers' Circle, I'd be happy to share and discuss all the tennis content that would normally bore my general friend group. This should enable people to share niche content they would have previously stayed quiet about." (Momentus Media)

    Want a peek at Spotify's plans for U.S. domination? Head over to All Things D, which got its hands on some interesting info, including projections that the music streaming service will reach 50 million American users after just one year of stateside operations. (All Things D)

    Allegis Capital partner Jean-Louis Gassée's critical (and excellent) analysis of HP's acquisition and attempted integration of the WebOS platform, the operating system powering the company's TouchPad tablet. (Monday Note)

    According to The Guardian's Robert Crum, the traditional book isn't dead, it's just shape-shifting. (The Guardian)

    Storytelling and social networks: Why Twitter beats Google +. (ReadWriteWeb)
