·“我只希望这波浪潮不会像2000年那样戛然而止。想挣钱的愿望确实能促进创新,但如果人们太贪心,这种愿望也会掏空大家的家底。”——Myspace联合创始人汤姆•安德森(社交网络Google+) ·女足世界杯刷新Twitter记录:
·近日,Quora公司的首席设计师吕贝卡•考克斯的同事杰西•亨佩尔描述了她作为一个女性,在科技公司工作的情形到底如何。【《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)】
译者:清远 |
*"I'm just hoping this doesn't end like 2000 again. The desire to make a buck does help fuel innovation, but it can also wipe out people's nesteggs if they get too greedy." -- MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson (Google+) *This year's Women's World Cup tournament set a new Twitter record -- 7,196 Tweets per second -- higher even than the news of Osama bin Laden's death last May. (TechCrunch)
*Facebook doesn't take kindly to Google+ ads on its social network. Web developer Michael Lee Johnson found out the hard way after putting up an ad on Facebook looking for Google+. Needless to say, Zuck's camp had it pulled. Should he have been surprised? More importantly (and somewhat tangential), would Facebook lie? (TechCrunch and Fortune)
*Quora lead designer Rebekah Cox, recently profiled by colleague Jessi Hempel, on what it's like to be a woman working in tech. (Huffington Post)
*How music streaming darling Spotify got one tech writer thinking about (and appreciating) Napster again. (Appolicious)
*Given how ubiquitous music-savvy smartphones are, it's probably not too surprising iPod sales are expected to decline 7.2% next quarter. (Fortune) |