

JP Mangalindan 2011-08-08


    ——大卫•德拉蒙德,谷歌(Google Blog)高级副总裁兼首席法务官【谷歌官方博客(Google Blog)】

    ·谷歌高级副总裁大卫•德拉蒙德在官方博客上痛批苹果、微软和黑莓手机生产商RIM,因为这几家公司组团收购了Novell和北电网络(Nortel)的专利,并要求谷歌向他们支付高额的专利使用费。“他们企图增加厂商销售安卓设备的难度。他们不是通过打造新功能、新设备来与我们竞争,而是通过法律诉讼来与我们竞争。除非我们行动起来,否则消费者可能面临安卓设备成本上涨的情形——等他们下次再买手机的时候,可选的安卓设备也越来越少。” 【科技博客Ars Technica、谷歌官方博客(Google Blog)】

    ·网络安全公司McAfee最近发布一份报告,自称查清了一个网络黑客组织——它很可能是个“国家级黑客”,代表政府进行网络攻击行为。该组织应对70多个组织机构的被黑负责。这些黑客行为导致一些致府机密、电子邮件档案和法律合同被盗。这一系列行动后被贯以“暗鼠行动”(Operation Shady rat)之名。【《名利场》(Vanity Fair)】

    "Patents were meant to encourage innovation, but lately they are being used as a weapon to stop it." -- David Drummond, Google Senior VP and Chief Legal Officer (Google Blog)

    * David Drummond, Google Senior VP, aired his grievances against companies like Apple, Microsoft, and RIM, which are buying up patents from Novell and Nortel and reportedly asking Google to pay high licensing fees. "They want to make it harder for manufacturers to sell Android devices. Instead of competing by building new features or devices, they are fighting through litigation. Unless we act, consumers could face rising costs for Android devices -- and fewer choices for their next phone." (Ars Technica and the Official Google Blog)

    * Cybersecurity company McAfee issued a report identifying a single perpetrator -- possibly a "state actor," one party acting on behalf of a government -- as being responsible for cyberattacks on more than 70 organizations that resulted in the theft of government secrets, email archives and legal contracts. The series of attacks have since been dubbed "Operation Shady rat." (Vanity Fair)

    ·在Facebook工作6年后,Facebook的营销总监、马克•扎克伯格的姐姐兰迪•扎克伯格即将离开公司,创办一家名叫RtoZ Media的公司,这家媒体公司旨在增强企业的社交化。兰迪•扎克伯格最近由于她创办的实时新闻节目Facebook Live而获得了艾美奖提名。(互联网资讯网站All Things D)



    ·最近有研究称使用微软Internet Explorer浏览器的用户与使用其它浏览器的用户相比,往往智商较低。BBC新闻对此进行了辟谣,证明这是一则假消息。【BBC新闻(BBC News)】


    * Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook's marketing director and Mark Zuckerberg's sister, is leaving the social network after six years to start RtoZ Media, a media firm geared towards making companies more social. Zuckerberg was recently nominated for an Emmy for her news show "Facebook Live." (All Things D)

    * Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky introduced new verification features to the apartment-swapping startup to further encourage trust and security. In addition to the recently-introduced "Airbnb Guarantee" which will offer up to $50,000 in home coverage, Airbnb will also integrate profile verification features like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook integration, as well as request profile photos and phone numbers. (Airbnb blog)

    * Google + now has 25 million users, and it's gaining another million users each and every day.

    * Remember that recent study indicating that Internet Explorer users have lower IQs than other browser users? Bogus. (BBC News)
