惠普(HP)正在考虑拆分PC部门,“枪毙”其平板电脑和手机业务,以积极进行重组。 最大的悲剧可能要数革命性的WebOS操作系统。一年前,惠普以12亿美元将Palm收入囊中,同时也为自己带来了这款操作系统。虽然很多人诟病Palm和惠普的硬件,但鲜有针对WebOS本身的批评。据称,即便惠普在上周公布了爆炸性消息,但其高管仍向员工允诺,公司将继续支持WebOS。但没有硬件可供运行,而且惠普也战略性地放弃了移动设备,曾经大有希望的WebOS如今前途惨谈。让我们再来看看WebOS的突破性功能: |
HP is considering a spin-off of its PC unit and killing its tablet and phone models in an aggressive bid to retool itself. One the worst potential casualties is the innovative WebOS, the operating system HP inherited when it acquired Palm for $1.2 billion a year ago. Critics picking on Palm or HP hardware rarely found fault with the operating system itself. HP bosses reportedly told employees that the company was still standing behind WebOS, even after the bombshell announcements this week. But with no hardware to run on and a strategic shift away from portable devices, the future is cloudy for this once-promising platform. Here's a look at some of its breakthrough features. |