高清DVD:酒好也怕巷子深 东芝(Toshiba)于2006年发布高清DVD(HD DVD)技术标准,意在取代现有的标准DVD格式。一张标准的DVD每面仅能存储4.7GB数据,而一张高清DVD的存储量是前者的3倍以上。不过蓝光技术的市场推广更有成效,而且PlayStation 3游戏机也内置了蓝光驱动器,蓝光技术最终扭转了竞争局面。到2007年,蓝光光盘销售量超过了高清DVD。2008年,东芝宣布放弃高清 DVD技术。 |
HD DVD Launched in 2006, Toshiba's high-definition density DVD was intended as the successor to the standard DVD disc format. While a standard DVD commonly packs 4.7 GB of information on each side, an HD DVD could store more than triple that. But Blu ray's more effective marketing campaign, and the inclusion of a Blu ray drive on the Playstation 3 console, helped turn the tide in the competition's favor. By 2007, Blu ray discs were outselling HD DVDs, and in 2008, Toshiba killed the format. |