

Jessi Hempel 2012-01-18

(摄影:Cody Pickens



    目前,大约有4亿台设备连接到互联网上,其中大部分是手机和电脑。到2020年,约500亿台涵盖汽车到家电的各色设备将彼此联通。届时,各公司将需要像帕蒂尔这样的数据科学家团队,整理从互联网库存指标到客户发布的Twitter消息等各种数据。这个角色非常重要,以至于风投基金Greylock Partners已经聘请帕蒂尔担任“常驻数据科学家”,帮助投资对象发掘自身的数据,从中找出有用的模式和统计数字,帮助它们提高效率,提升决策水平,超越竞争对手。



    A decade from now the smart techies who decided to become app developers may wish they had taken an applied-mathematics class or two. The coming deluge of data (more on that in a moment) will create demand for a new kind of computer scientist -- a gig that's one part mathematician, one part product-development guru, and one part detective.

    D.J. Patil is a pioneer in the field of data science, a new discipline that aims to organize and make sense of all the data generated by machines. It's a challenge that will grow exponentially over the next decade.

    Today there are some 400 million devices connected to the Internet, mostly phones and computers. By 2020 some 50 billion devices, from cars to appliances, will be talking to one another. And companies will need teams of data scientists like Patil to sort through everything from internal inventory metrics to customer tweets. The role is so important that Greylock Partners has hired Patil to serve as a "data scientist in residence" to help its portfolio companies mine their data for patterns or stats that will make them more efficient or smarter than their competitors.

    Patil understands the business value of data science -- he was LinkedIn's (LNKD) chief scientist for three years -- but he brings a mathematician's logic to the job. His mantra? "If you can't measure it, you can't fix it."


觉得你的智能手机很智能吗?预计到2020年,移动设备将拥有数十TB的存储空间和10亿赫兹级主频的处理器(解读:这些手机将像今天机房里的超级计算机一样强大)。结果呢?就是让消费者可以在等公交车的时候进行复杂的计算。这一趋势必将考验无线网络。想象一下通过手机发送高清医疗图像的情形吧?而有了这么大的内存,移动办公者可以保存或使用相当于整个国会图书馆的文件,不再从云中提取。这才叫智能啊!                 ——Michal Lev-Ram
