苹果公司(Apple)销售ipad似乎不费吹灰之力。看起来,它所要做的不过是举行记者招待会,购买引人注目的广告,并确保有足够的存货以满足高得惊人的需求。难怪很多公司都试图推出自己的平板电脑来挑战苹果。 上周一,微软(Microsoft)也公布了一款名为Surface的平板电脑。但历史表明微软此举风险很大。大多试图叫板苹果iPad的公司都遭到惨败,或是收效甚微。据市场调研公司IDC称,苹果占一季度平板电脑市场总发货量的63.1%,远超排名第二的三星(Samsung),后者仅占总发货量的8.6%,而排名第三的亚马逊(Amazon)占3.9%。 微软希望其平板电脑Surface与iPad的巨大差异,能使Surface成为一位劲敌。Surface带有一个支架,能使其竖立在桌子上,此外,在其保护套中还内置有一副键盘。Surface的确切价格和发布日期目前还不得而知。 当然,微软首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默在洛杉矶登台展示这款新平板时,对其赞许有加。至于说待消费者拿到这款产品时是否会同意鲍尔默的看法,那又是另当别论了。让我们具体看看其它叫板iPad的公司的战绩: Research in Motion 随着旗舰手机黑莓(BlackBerry)的衰落,RIM在去年孤注一掷地推出了平板电脑Playbook。Playbook原本认为将在企业级IT市场大有作为,因为RIM曾在该市场占据大量份额。不过,局势迅速明了,企业IT部门更亲睐iPad。去年12月,RIM对Playbook存货进行了高达5亿美元的账面减记,而本月早些时候,RIM又宣布不再生产价格最便宜的入门版Playbook。 惠普(Hewlett-Packard) 去年,惠普向市场推出了平板电脑,不过这很快成为硅谷历史上最大的决策失误。TouchPad平板上市仅一个半月后,惠普时任首席执行官李艾科就宣布公司将停止制造平板电脑。消费者对TouchPad兴趣缺缺,虽然该产品搭载的WebOS操作系统颇具创新性,但同样缺点多多。李艾科曾一度将TouchPad称为iPad最有力的挑战者,但时不待人,他不久之后就丢掉了工作。继任者梅格•惠特曼力图重塑惠普,她计划在今年秋天推出一款搭载微软Windows 8操作系统的全新平板电脑。 亚马逊 亚马逊于的Kindle Fire平板电脑在去年首次登场,该产品有许多对其有利的因素。最值得一提的是其出身——世界最大的在线零售网站亚马逊,而且为了兜售电子书,亚马逊赔本销售Kindle Fire。亚马逊巧妙的营销手法可谓锦上添花。例如,购买了Kindle Fire的高级会员能免费通过亚马逊同步电影。 |
Apple makes selling iPads look easy. All it takes, it seems, is holding a press conference, buying splashy ads and ensuring there are enough devices in stock to meet the incredible demand. No wonder that a long list of companies have tried challenge Apple by creating their own tablets. The latest to do so is Microsoft (MSFT), which unveiled its tablet, called Surface, on Monday. But history shows that Microsoft is taking a big risk. Most companies that have tried to take on Apple's (AAPL) iPad have failed spectacularly or made only limited inroads. Apple accounted for 63.1% of all tablets shipped in the first quarter, according to IDC, a market research firm. The closest competitor, Samsung, came in at a distant 8.6% followed by Amazon (AMZN) at 3.9%. Microsoft is hoping that its tablet is differentiated enough from the iPad to make it a credible competitor. The Surface comes with a stand to hold it upright on a table and a keyboard integrated into its carrying case. The tablet's exact price and release date were not disclosed. Of course, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, gave an effusive endorsement of his new tablet when he showed it off onstage in Los Angeles. Whether consumers will agree when they get their hands on it is another matter. Here's a recap of how some of iPad's other challengers have fared: Research in Motion (RIM) With sales of its flagship BlackBerry phones shrinking, RIM bet big on the PlayBook tablet last year. The device was supposed to be well-received by corporate IT departments, where RIM had sizeable contacts. It quickly became clear, however, that those IT departments preferred iPads. RIM took a nearly $500 million write down in December for unsold inventory and then, earlier this month, discontinued the cheapest version of the tablet. Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) H.P.'s push into tablets last year turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in Silicon Valley history. Just a month and a half after introducing the TouchPad tablet, H.P.'s chief executive at the time, Leo Apotheker, said he would stop production. Consumers showed little interest in the device, which ran on the innovative but flawed WebOS operating system. Apotheker, who had once called the TouchPad a serious challenger to the iPad, would soon lose his job. Meg Whitman, his replacement, intends to redeem H.P. with a new tablet this fall that uses Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system. Amazon Amazon's Kindle Fire, which premiered last year, has a number of things going for it. Most notable is its parentage -- Amazon is the biggest online retailer -- and the decision to price tablet as a loss leader for selling e-books. Amazon's knack for marketing is helping its cause. Prime members who buy a Kindle Fire can stream movies through Amazon for free, for example. |