

Jennifer Alsever 2012-09-14


    美国北卡罗莱那州罗利市的沿海联邦信用合作社(Coastal Federal Credit Union)里似乎少了些什么。走进这家银行旗下15家分行中的任何一家,你找不到一位坐在柜台后面的银行出纳员。事实上它的分行里根本就没有出纳柜台,而是由一排类似自动取款机(ATM)的机器在“恭候顾客”,“鼓励”顾客登录,通过视频会议方式与身处数英里之外办公室里的银行出纳员对话并完成交易。欢迎光临,这可能成为未来银行的服务模式。

    如今,成本上涨,同时消费者越来越需要移动交易方式。面对这种情况,各大零售银行目前在分行服务方面正纷纷采用“个人取款机”(personal teller machines)——这种设备类似于视频会议加上集中化出纳服务。除了ATM的典型功能之外,这些虚拟出纳员还可以完成开支票、开设、关闭账户甚至处理贷款等事情。





    Something's missing at the Coastal Federal Credit Union in Raleigh, N.C. Walk into any of the bank's 15 branches and you'll find not a single bank teller behind the counter. In fact, there's no teller counter at all. Instead, a line of ATM-style machines greets visitors, encouraging them to log in and chat via video-conferencing with bank tellers located in an office located miles away. Welcome to what may become the future of banking.

    Facing increased costs and demand from consumers for more mobile transactions, retail banks are now turning to "personal teller machines," akin to video-conferencing with centralized tellers, for branch service. These virtual tellers can do things like write checks, open and close accounts, even handle loans in addition to the typical ATM functions.

    "Video banking is still nascent but there will be lots of change in retail banking over the next five years, and personal teller machines will be a big part of the emerging landscape," says Bob Meara, a banking analyst at the Boston research and consulting firm Celent. In fact, nearly two-thirds of credit unions and one-third of banks surveyed by Celent this summer say they already use or plan to use personal teller machines, self-service terminals or kiosks within the next year.

    Credit the decline in consumer lending, the drop in credit card spending and new regulation that limits fees banks can charge on overdrafts and debit card transactions. And as fewer people write checks and more people prefer online banking and ATM transactions, banks get fewer face-to-face opportunities to cross-sell new services to customers. "Recent years have not been kind to retail banking," says Meara.

    Coastal Federal, a credit union with $2.1 billion in assets, began moving to the video teller machines in 2008 with hopes of better managing its teller downtime and over-staffed branches. The credit union now relies on 64 machines created by uGenius, a startup in Salt Lake City, while its 44 bank tellers sit inside a call center-like setting at the credit union's Raleigh headquarters handling customer transactions via computer screens.

    The move seems to have paid off. The credit union not only reduced the physical size of its branches but cut teller costs by 40% while increasing teller hours 45%. Customers can now do their banking with tellers seven days a week 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
