9.宾利欧陆GTC敞篷车 底价:205,600美元 这款敞篷车在2005年9月首次登台亮相。不过在其标志性的垂直网状格栅背后,这款GTC敞篷车正在优雅地老去。(出于安全原因,现在的散热格栅基本上不再用黄铜制造,而是改用塑料)。 现在基本上已经用不着12汽缸的发动机了。不过这个自重2.75吨的机械杰作只需5.1秒便可以从静止状态加速到62英里/时,其最高时速高达每小时195英里。 这款宾利敞篷车皮实而不招摇,不过它们正淡出格林威治和棕榈滩,在其它某个角落静静地诉说自己曾经的荣耀。 |
9.Bentley Continental GTC convertible Base Price: $205,600First shown to the world in September 2005, the GTC convertible is aging gracefully behind its signature upright mesh grille (made of plastic these days instead of brass for safety reasons). You hardly need 12 cylinders any more, but it is nice to know they are available for this two-and-three-quarter ton mechanical marvel that is capable of reaching 62 miles per hour in 5.1 seconds and has a top speed of 195 miles per hour. Substantial without being ostentatious, the Bentley fades into the background in Greenwich and Palm Beach and makes a quiet statement everywhere else. |