帕卡德-鹰 它是帕卡德(Packard)这个品牌在被撤消前的最后一年里生产的四种车型之一。这款车型的原型车是1957年斯图特贝克(Studebaker)公司出品的金鹰(Golden Hawk)轿车,二者的区别是1958版的帕卡德-鹰的车身前端使用了玻璃纤维材质,而且对后备箱盖也进行了改进。但这些变化并没有改善它的外观。 前保险杠上方的散热格栅好似一张又扁又宽的大嘴,宽度几乎和车身等宽,这张大嘴为这款轿车赢得了一个雅号——“鲶鱼”。尾鳍金属的金色处理也算别出心裁,后备箱盖上凸起的圆形备胎架则更显蹩脚。这款轿车仅卖出了588辆,帕卡德这个品牌就寿终正寝了。 |
Packard Hawk One of four Packards produced during its last year of production, the Hawk was a 1957 Studebaker Golden Hawk differentiated by a fiberglass front end and a modified deck lid. The changes did nothing to improve its appearance. A low and wide snout that opened just above the front bumper and stretched the width of the car earned it the nickname "catfish." The metallic gold finish on the tailfins was a unique touch, and the raised spare-tire hump on the trunk lid added another dimension of cheesiness. Just 588 were sold, and then Packard was gone. |