艾德赛尔Citation敞篷车 它是艾德赛尔系列中的佼佼者。不过它的散热格栅形如马的项圈,因此深受诟病,评论人士们称这款轿车看起来就像“一台奥尔兹(Oldsmobile)牌汽车嘴里叼着一颗柠檬”。不过这款车的尾部采取了反尾鳍的尾灯设计,尾灯一直贯穿了整个后备箱盖,相比之下,就连原本难看的散热格栅也变得美观起来。 再说说车的内部。这款轿车采用了按键式的档位控制,档位被整合进了方向盘轮彀里——这又是一个没有人肯去模仿的设计,因为驾驶员老是分不清哪个是档位,哪个是喇叭。Citation轿车的品味之差可谓空前绝后。福特推出1959年版之后不久便果断地终结了艾德赛尔这个品牌。 |
Edsel Citation convertible The top-of-the-line Edsel, it bore the notorious "horse-collar" grille that critics said resembled "an Oldsmobile sucking on a lemon." Actually, the grille looked tasteful compared to the anti-tailfin taillights that stretched all the way across the trunk lid. Inside, the push-button transmission control was located inside the steering-wheel hub -- another rarely imitated design feature because drivers confused it with the horn. The Citation is the landmark of bad taste. Ford put Edsel out of its misery shortly after the start of the 1959 model year |