

Alex Taylor III 2011-07-06


    根据美国汽车信息网站Edmunds.com 的数据,2002年,共售出802,217辆可爱的多功能车,市场份额仅为4.8%,平均价格为22,219美元。在接下来的8年里,此类车型的数量从11款增至19款,销量亦达到了1,139,971辆;与此同时,由于总体市场规模大幅萎缩,该类车的市场份额翻了一番,达到了9.8%。2011年,城市型SUV继续保持迅猛的增长趋势。目前,其市场份额为10.2%,平均交易价格为25,481美元。


    在城市型SUV市场,汽车厂商亦针对各类客户提供多种车型,最低价格不到2万美元。随处可见的BMW X3搭载3升双涡轮增压引擎,并具备全套高级技术、安全、和豪华车特性,标价52,025美元。



    Compact sport utilities, the pint-sized crossover SUVs known as "cute utes," remain the hottest product segment in the car business, continuing an amazing ten-year run.

    In 2002, customers bought 802,217 cute utes, representing a market share of just 4.8%, according to Edmunds.com, for an average price of $22,219. Over the next eight years, the number of individual models jumped to 19 from 11, and sales reached 1,139,971 in a much smaller overall market; share doubled to 9.8%. The hot upward trend continues in 2011. The market share for compact sport utilities is now 10.2%, and the average transaction price is $25,481.

    The popularity of the utes stems from their smart packaging of popular SUV features, like command seating, all-wheel-drive, and lift gates, in a smaller size that is more economical.

    The formula has proved scalable for a wide variety of customers. Prices start below $20,000 and go up from there. The BXW X3 sitting in my driveway has a 3.0 liter twin-turbo engine, and a full portfolio of advanced technical, safety, and luxury features, and it carries a sticker price of $52,025.

    The compact SUV has come a long way from its humble beginning, as this historical gallery of nine of the most popular models shows, and continues to evolve.

Suzuki Sidekick – 1988

    正是凭借塞击(Sidekick),小小的铃木公司(Suzuki)成了SUV市场的先驱。塞击采用传统的SUV框架车身结构,这与稍后出现的单片式车身结构相比,不免有些原始。通用汽车公司(GM)亦将这款车冠以自身品牌雪佛兰追踪者(Chevrolet Tracker)进行销售,但市场效果不佳。1999年,铃木公司对塞击进行重新设计,并重新命名为维特拉(Grand Vitara)。但是,由于城市型SUV细分市场不断扩大,其销量持续下滑。据Edmunds网站数据,2010年,该车只售出了4,478辆。

丰田RAV4 ——1996年

    Tiny Suzuki pioneered the segment with the Sidekick. With a traditional SUV body-on-frame construction, it was primitive compared to later unibody versions to come. GM sold a rebadged version, known as the Chevrolet Tracker, but without notable success. In 1999, the Sidekick was redesigned and renamed Grand Vitara, but its sales have slipped as the segment has grown. Edmunds says only 4,478 found buyers in 2010.

Toyota RAV4 – 1996

    首款紧凑型跨界SUV——丰田RAV4于1996年开始在北美市场销售。RAV4意为“四轮驱动的休闲运动车”(Recreational Active Vehicle with 4-wheel drive)。对多数美国人而言,第一代RAV显得过于小巧,但是于2000年推出的第二代RAV迅即成为畅销车。该款车型尤其受到女性购买者的青睐(鄙人的妻女开的均是RAV)。第三代RAV比第二代长出30厘米,甫一问世,销量便翻了一番。2010年,RAV4总销量达到170,877辆,在城市型SUV市场名列第三。


    The RAV4, the first compact crossover SUV, began sales in North America in 1996. Its initials stand for "Recreational Active Vehicle with 4-wheel drive." The first generation RAV was too small for most Americans, but the second, which came out in 2000 kicked off a craze. It scored especially well with female buyers (both my wife and my daughter drive RAVs). With the launch of the third generation, a foot longer still than number two, sales doubled, and the RAV4 ranked third in 2010 segment sales with 170,877.

Honda CR-V – 1997



    Right on the heels of the RAV came the CR-V, which arrived in the U.S in February 1997. Larger and sportier than the original RAV, it was an immediate hit and quickly became one of Honda's core products. It has also been the segment leader since 2006, and in 2007, it passed the Ford Explorer to become the best-selling SUV of any size. Honda sold 203,714 CRVs in 2010.

Subaru Forester – 1998



    The Forester arrived in the U.S. in 1998 and has grown in popularity along with the overall Subaru brand. Sales in 2002 were 53,918; by 2010, they reached 85,080, making Forester sixth in the segment. More rugged than some competitors, it has high ground clearance, a large, space-efficient cargo area, and, like all Subarus, standard four wheel drive.

Ford Escape – 2000

    美国的三大汽车厂商在城市型SUV市场起步较晚,但福特始终奋起直追,以弥补时间上的劣势。去年,福特售出了179,844辆翼虎(Ford Escape),该车跃居城市型SUV市场的第二位。自2004年起,该车开始采用天然气/电力混合传动系统,成为首款混合动力SUV。去年,福特售出了11,182辆混合动力翼虎。今年晚些时候,福特会推出基于更为先进的焦点(Focus)平台的最新一代翼虎。


    Detroit woke up late to small SUVs, but Ford has been making up for lost time. The automaker sold 179,844 Escapes last year, making it second in the segment. A gas/electric hybrid powertrain has been available since 2004, the first for any SUV. Last year, Ford sold 11,182 hybrid Escapes. Later this year, the automaker replaces the current Escape model with one based on the more modern Focus platform.

Jeep Liberty – 2002



    The spiritual successor to the old Jeep Cherokee, the Liberty has a unique body structure designed for off-road use. A redesigned version appeared in 2007. Liberty sales have suffered as rival models, as well as some Jeeps, get better mileage. Sales peaked in 2002 at 171,212 and slid all the way to 49,564 in 2010.

Hyundai Tucson – 2004



    The rising tide of the Hyundai brand lifts all boats, including the Tucson. Sales reached 39,564 in 2010, its fifth year on the market. With high-mounted headlights, swept-back front fenders, and sculpted body panels, it is the segment's style leader, but it ranks only tenth this year in sales.

Nissan Rogue – 2007

    尽管从速度到市场,日产公司(Nissan)均毫无优势可言,但逍客(Rogue)表现着实不俗:2010年,其销量猛增至99,515辆;2011年,成为紧凑型SUV市场的第五大畅销车。逍客在全球均有销售,在欧洲被称作Qashqai,在日本又名为Dualis。而且,用户也不用担心会将之与美国汽车公司(American Motors)于1966年~1969年期间销售的漫步者美国逍客(Rambler American Rogue)混淆。


    Nissan doesn't win any points for speed to market either, but the Rogue has made an impressive showing, racing to 99,515 sales in 2010 and fifth place in the 2011 standings. Sold around the world, it is known as the Qashqai in Europe and the Dualis in Japan. Don't worry about confusing it with the Rambler American Rogue that American Motors sold from 1966 to 1969.

Volkswagen Tiguan – 2008



    European manufacturers, with their longer product cycles, have been slow to recognize the segment but are giving it more attention. VW is making a big U.S. sales push, but so far Tiguan is only a niche player with 20,946 sold last year. The name reputedly is a contraction of "tiger" for speed and power, and "iguana" for toughness. Who knew?
