1958版雪佛兰英帕拉 雪佛兰英帕拉是美国有史以来最畅销的一款车型。通用汽车公司的设计师们于1958年制造出了这一杰作。它拥有经典的比例,犀利的腰线一直贯穿到车尾的鸥翼形尾灯。英帕拉采取了三尾灯设计,比标准的1957版贝尔艾尔轿跑(Bel Air)要多出一个。英帕拉符合当时美国人以大为美的心态,而且富有表现力,正好完美地体现了二战后美国中产阶级的报负和渴望。英帕拉V6版的起价为2,586美元,V8版为2,693美元。 |
1958 Chevrolet Impala For the debut year of what would become the best-selling car in America, GM's designers produced a masterpiece with classic proportions and sweeping lines culminating in gull-wing tail lamps with three circular lenses -- one more than the standard Bel Air. Oversized and expressive, the Impala seemed to perfectly symbolize middle-class aspirations in the years after World War II. With a V-6, the coupe started at $2,586 while $2,693 bought a V-8. A four-door Impala wouldn't appear for another year. |